((alright, what ever u guys want :) just tell me where to put Syth and Dike :D))
Sybithia awoke under a tall oak tree in the middle of the woods. She stretched and smiled, happy that she woke in a familiar enviorment. She stood up and brushed the leaves and dust from her skirts. She looked up and jumped onto a low tree branch, it didnt make a sound as she glided from tree to tree with ease, using the close forest trunks and teraign for support. She stopped on a long, think branch and relaxed at least 70 meters from the ground, listening to the hum of a nearby stream.
Dike opened his eyes still exhausted. The sunlight lit the room, telling him he had forgotton to close Syth's dark curtains. He shook his head, and blinked standing up from the bed. His muscles pulsed, as he stood up naked from the waist up. He looked down where the splint held his ribcage intact, before pulling on a light shirt and buttoning it up. He grabbed a pair of jeans and went out the door into the sunlit day.