Dike looked at her unsure, but then sat back down...
Sari glared...."Sybithia. Sybithia Silas." she growled, her fingers clenched.
Sybithia turned around to look at the girl..."Have we met?" she asked puzzled.
Sari was angry she looked at Sybithia "So did he dump your pretty face?" she sneered....
Sybithia thought the girl had no business..."Oh deary me...which one? I am the heartbreaker..." she smirked darkly...trying to anger the girl even more...
"Don't play with me Silas!" she yelled..."You know which one!" she roared even louder.
Sybithia rose an eyebrow... "I apologize, I dont seem to remember." she smiled wickedly starting in the direction of the beach.
Sari felt her anger rise..."Im talking about DIKE! ITS ME SARI!" she yelled even louder then before.
Sybithia froze...Sari? That crazed up chick who hates my guts and is obsessed with my best fr- i mean aquaintence. she growled to herself. "You seem to have misunderstanded... DIke and I were never together...we were...ummm friends." she said coldly... and ran to the beach...
"Im not done with you!" Sari called running after Syth...
"Well Im done with you!" Sybithia anwsered behind her.... she hit the beach and waited, knowing Sari wasnt far behind...she didnt notice Dike and Uatu