Sybithia shook her head..."well he invited me to a resturant where him and," she stopped herself not wanting to say Uatu's name in front of Orinu, she thought it might hurt him. ", this girl..." she continued, "were. but he didnt tell me she was there...and we were acting each other and he totally took her side! Over me! His best friend." she crossed her arms angrilly..."I know I sound selfish right now, but after I yelled at him for it he told me to 'stop being such a b!tch!" she continued angrilly. She was now pacing back and forth on the sand. "and the worst part is, I think he's right...i can be that..." she said sincerly. "I've been replaced." she stated before sitting in the sand and looking at the waves, hurt by the reality of her and Dike's fight. She looked up at Orinu..."Are you ok?" she asked sincerly, knowing Orinu was looking at Uatu and Dike...
Dike smiled at Uatu and rubbed her cheek.
Sari was angry and turned away. (fail on sari's part...)