OoC: Join? ;D I reckon we shouldn't have a plot; it'll be more random that way. Just state where everyone is starting and we'll go from there. You can make one if you want to, it's just an idea. xD And I'm putting my bio up straight away, I hope you don't mind. :3
Name: Poppy
Gender: Female
Age: 12 but has been a vampire for 2 years.
Power: She can zap people if she is touching them with any part of her arms. :3 (If you have read Breaking Dawn, think of Kate :D)
Species: Vampire (Not Twilight; I kind of have my own type of vampire at the moment. They are sort of like Twilight vampires, except they don't sparkle, they burn in the sun :p)
Personality: Poppy is bubbly, confident and intelligent. She sometimes gets shy but very rarely. She loves to dance and doesn't mind being alone, but it soon bothers her. (I would write more but I don't have time o-o)
History: Popy's vampire creator left her before she had finished the transformation, so she doesn't know who he is. She has lived on her own for the past few years, and hardly remembers her human life.

This is Elle Fanning, I just found the pic on Google :x
Other: Nope