5:59am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio chuckled hearily, he was growing very fond of this girl, "I have never had to, you're just one of the unfortunate ones i suppose." Ezio placed his hand on the girls shoulder and nodded before standing and walking out of the room, leaving the girl to her own devices.
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12:07pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 190
HS echucked a bit "You should add in suger next time. might help it some" she shrugged. looking at him. and smiled as he walked oput. Good thing she could see now. she looked around the room grinning to her self.
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
12:11pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio walked up the stairs with a mug of coffee and brought it into the girl's room, "Here, i haveto ask as I've had some issues with it of late, what do you think of me as a person?"
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12:14pm Mar 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 190
" you arte ok, a bit wierd for not owne a cow suit" she raised a eye brow "Or do you?" she giggled. her stumic growled loudly, "Hay you got any food" she asekd
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
12:24pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio rolled his eyes and threw the girl a few more bags of chips, "Of course I don't, that would be weird, hehe."
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12:26pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 190
she opeaned up her bag of chips and started munching happly on them "and why not? Great coverige in feilds, and stuff."
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
2:05am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 2,378
"This outfit gives great coverage everywhere, I can blend to look like a monk, I can hide in the shadows, or I can take on the pretence of a tailor, selling fine clothing."
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9:31pm Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 190
"But cows are cuter" she smiled looking at him, she was an odd duck as people would say.
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
7:19am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio ran his fingers through the girl's hair, "But this is more sensible."
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9:38am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 190
"sensible isnt all ways right" she laughed, joking with him some.
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
10:30am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio chuckled at the girl's statement, "In this business it is." Now get dressed your coming with me on a job, about time I teach you about stealth.
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12:21pm Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx looked around. she got up and turned to Ryan who thought she was asleep. she darted away still hungry. she padded at the side of the house and looked around for food. she layed down and fell asleep.
5:14pm Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 190
"steath?" she giggled, and looked at him waighting for him to leave the room
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
8:10pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx wiggled in her sleep, and dreamed of cookies, her favorite food. Ryan was carving a wolf out of wood. (( brain dead xD ))
1:24am Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Zozane, I'm sorry but I think this RP is over...))
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7:41pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( mehh 2.....hrmm... im bored O.O ))