11:21am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio raised one eyebrow, "Clumbsy? that is no problem, I will get you out of that." Ezio wasn't completely sure where he was being lead, but he followed none the less, howevre he saw people ahead, so he raised his hood once again, worried the men had come here to wait for him.
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11:28am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 190
"its hard to get from clumbsy" she sniffed the air as they walking into town, her head bobed side to side as she walked. making her bell chime. "any ware you wish to go?" she asked
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
11:33am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
"Anywhere I can send a letter."As the two walked through the gates a man grabbed Ezio's shoulder "I thought you would find a way here som how, infedel, prepare to die." Ezio glanced down at the girl dressed as a cow, "RUN!" Ezio then drew his long sword and began fending off enemy attacks, he countered one and run him through, but there was a small army here waiting for him, at least fifty men, he would slay them all, there was no doubt about that, he then used his throwing knives to dispatch 15 of them quickly, then began countering.
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12:03pm Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 11:22am Feb 25 2010)
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Posts: 190
she was a bit confussed on what was going on, new people new smell, new voices. but she lisioned to Ezio, and turned and ran. befor feeling some one grab her shoulder and fling her down. �she felt a foot to her back, she new That was not a friend. she smiled made it easer for her. she spun around grab �her knive and inplanting it into the guys face and leting him drop. she smiled and walked back into town.�
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
12:31pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio had killed half of them, then he glanced back to make sure the girl had ran, she had, he then turned and smiled returning to the task at hand, these fools wheren't going to rest until he put them into an eternal sleep.
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12:35pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 190
as she enter the town, she stoped to see if she could find him. his feet were moving. she smiled slightly and fallowed him. Punching another guy on the way by.
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
12:42pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio was starting to get well and truly pis.sed off, he was sick of these men, there was one left now, he sheathed his sword and faced the remaining man, "You will not kill me oyu sorry excuse for a man." The man then lost his temper and did an unaimed attack towards Ezio's head, Ezio caught the mans arm, broke it and then wedge his left hidden blade in-between the man's eyes, feeling his body lose it's life, and then droppoing it.
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12:47pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 190
she showed up behind and poked him in the back of the head, "You finished here?" she said felling the dead guy drop, she smiled up at him. every one proble was freaking out, why she was glad her world was dark.
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
12:57pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio turned to the girl and waved his hand in front of her eyes, "Can you see girl?"
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12:59pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 190
she tilted her head and thought, " define see?" she frowned, then smiled agien.
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
1:02pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio got down on one knee and faced the girl, "I can give you your physical sight back, this will sting slightly but you will have perfect vision, please put your head back."
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1:05pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 190
I like my dark world, she hapily smiled. "you need to a aplace to crash?" she siad turning and walking away . humming a little more to her self. "if you wish you can come to my place"
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
1:07pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio followed the girl, "I sear, it is a lot easier with your sight, I could give you more than normal sight if you wish as well if you wish."
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1:10pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 190
"you get use to not seeing, That it works better, You smell, and hearing" she said counting some what out loud "10....19..." she turned into a small ally way with a side door. she smiled digging throw her pocket geting out a key and enteringg. "coution low ceiling"
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
1:17pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio picked the girl up, "Please let me do this, I hate seeing people with disabilities like this, I will not take away the sharpness of your other senses, it will highten them as well."
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1:20pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 190
"Disability?" she snorted and kicked Ezio, "put me down, I have done fine the last 5 years blind, ill make it"
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
1:24pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
zio put the girl down, "fine, but know this, you have seriously pis.sed me off today." Ezio then followed the girl into her house, he need some rest, also he need to clean his blood soaked clothes.
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1:30pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 190
"me why, how did i anger you?" she asked unlocking another door, 'your welcome to do what ever, Just take off your shoe's at the door and put them under the chair so i no tripp on them ok?" she said walking around into her kitchen. The place was pritty clean. a few things arounf the floor, and poster filled the old cracked wall's
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
1:34pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio then did as the girl asked, looking around, "The only thing you did that angered me was deny my help, but that is of no consequence, you can no longer learn to free run as I do, but I suppose you didn't need that."
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1:46pm Feb 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 190
"i will never see, I have exsepted that" she said puting water into a pan, and grabing some thing from the cabnet, shaking it before smiling and poring it into the boiling water. "what you like eating any ways"
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something