9:52am Jul 16 2010
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(( Yus ))
1:23pm Jul 16 2010
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1:48pm Jul 16 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:55pm Jul 16 2010
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(( Shure ))
1:57pm Jul 16 2010
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((Yay. I take out Dawn. :D))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:58pm Jul 16 2010
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For Shadow Pack Wolves;
Name: Versailles (Ver-Sails) Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Looks: Versails is actually a snow white wolf. But at night her fur seems to become pitch black. She has a wiry, skinny build and is much faster then she is strong. However, she more then makes up for her strength with her endurance and agility. Long, slender legs and muzzle. Shadow Abilities: She can become a shadow. Yep. Rank: Member
Pups: None
History: -
Personality: Versailles is a normally friendly wolf. She likes to sit back and watch rather then get involved, though. (I guess I'll roleplay out whatever else of a personality she might have lol) Mate: None For powered wolves;
Name: Fell
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Power(1): He can harm others from a distance, but it takes the same ammount of energy it would have if he had actually attacked them head on. Looks: Fell has a very lithe figure. He can skim across land easily and his sturdy shoulders and chest are a good defense. However, he does not posess the same strength as most others, but he more then makes up for it with his agility and stamina. Fell has long, slender legs and a long skinny muzzle also. His fur is a dark brown shade, almost black. He has lighter brown fur around his hind legs and neck. Darker fur around his back and bottom(lol) and shoulders. His face is also a darker colour, same for his ears, with grey around his cheeck area. The underside of his face, however, is brown. His tail starts out as a darker shade and fades to a lighter brown. His legs are almost black with the exception of a brown tint. His teeth are jagged and pearl white while his claws are long and pitch black. His eyes are a dark amber colour with a red shade to them and his eyes can appear snake or cat-like at times. Rank: Member
Mate: None
Personality: Roleplay it out
Other: Nope
2:02pm Jul 16 2010
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(( I'm gonna start. K? ))
2:03pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; I'll be on again later. I has a headache. D:
2:06pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 2:08pm Jul 16 2010)
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Name: Dawn
Age: Mid Adult
Gender: Female
Personality: Rp it out,hun? Looks:  Rank: Betess
Mate: ...Open?
Pups: None, but maybe later?...
History: Dawn's mother was very ill when she was born.Out of the litter of 7 Dawn was born with,only her and her brother Dusk survived. Other: <3 You.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:12pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Mmf, Thats bad. D: Two aspirin usually takes care of it for me lol ))
A black form shot through the tree's, Purple tint giving the creature a bit of nice coloring. The figure's Peg like legs began to stretch outwards like landing gears, Pas.sing the forest outcrops and into the thinner part. In a bound, She landed in a small puff of feathers. Reoko held a kicking rabbit in her jaws, dropping it and quickly pressing it into the ground with her paw. She bit into the neck, And trotted over to the underground den. "Zallion~" Her soft motherly voice said, Waiting for her mates awakening.
Zallion's ears pricked, Eyelids sliding open in correspondence. He stretched out his legs in the cramped space, Hooking her wing claws on the dirt to pull his way out. He shook his neon green on ebonite black fur, Cleaning it of dirt and gra.s.s. "Whats this?" He said, looking at the hare with suspicion. "Oh,.. You keep it. I'll go hunt." He said with a smile, And nudged the furry lump over to Reoko. He unfurled his black wings, And flapped them. Running forward, He launched himself off of a upward facing rock. Gliding over the tree's, He smelled dear close.
2:54pm Jul 16 2010
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Dawn walked amongst the trees, the breeze blowing her bright fur back. She sat down on her haunches and swishing her tail against the ground. She hummed to herself softly, thinking of her brother. "Dusk.." She shot up. "Where is he?.." She started waking again, and got distracted by a distant smell. "Deer..." Her face turned feirce, as she darted off towards the animals smell. She caught the smell of an alpha and backed away.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:03pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Is it too late to join? ))
3:03pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( No zozo :D ))
3:04pm Jul 16 2010
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((:D *runs to get pics*))
3:16pm Jul 16 2010
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Name:Calyx Age:Adult Gender:Female Power(1): Calyx has the power over aura. For example, she can summon certain auras from other wolfs, depending on there mood, from dead things, like dead wolfs, and she can summon certain auras to help her fight off an enemy. Looks:  Rank:Fighter? Mate:Dead :( Personality:Calyx is always nice and happy to others, even if someone is hurting her, she trys her best to becone allies :). Other:Nothin' ^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name:Nyght Age:Adult Gender:Male Looks:  Shadow Abilities: Nyght can control shadows, meaning he could create a shadow form of a wolf, and sometimes use that shadow to kill someone. He can also raise the dead. Rank:Fighter? Pups:Nope, had one pup, but ran away. History:You DON'T want to know. Personality:Nyght is very laid back, and gets angered easily. SOmetmes he enjoys killing. Mate:Nope ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name:Starfrost Age:Adult Gender:Female Power(1):Starfrost has control over light, she can make light orbs, heal somewhat, and can make light barriers. Rank:Fighter? Mate:Nope. Personality: Same as Calyx's. Other:Nope ^^
3:22pm Jul 16 2010
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(( Accepted ))
3:25pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Yay! How do I pop in? xD))
3:28pm Jul 16 2010
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((Pop in next to Dawn. e.e))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:39pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 3:56pm Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; *Is back and will post in a minute* :B Wait.. what pack is everyone in? Meep. ic; Versailles wandered aimlessly through the dense forest. Her fur sticking to her skin after a long swim in a nearby stream. The cold beads of water that trickled off her pelt left small damp dots on the ground as she walked. Shaking off the water she sniffed the air. The scent of wolves and prey were the most distinct. She sighed as she melted into the shadows, the water lifting off her fur and evaporating into steam before quickly vanishing, just like Versailles had. Creeping silently, she became just another shadow in the forest backdrop. Quickly coming across a rabbit. Versailles leaped onto the next shadow. She licked her lips, completely invisible to the small brown creature that sat before her. A large white head flashed out of the shadows and grabbed the rabbit. Stepping out, Versailles began to trot back to camp when she noticed a yellow black wolf out of the corner of her eye. (And that would be Dawn. :P)
Fell was sitting alone on a large boulder, a stream of sunlight slightly falling on his back and making his dark pelt light up. He had just hunted and there was a baby deer lying on the side of the boulder, its neck twisted in a way it shouldn’t. He leaped off the rock quickly and grabbed one of the deer’s legs and began dragging it back to the camp. It was a scrawny animal and Fell *censored*umed it would be nothing since most of the pack had already gone hunting.
4:11pm Jul 16 2010
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(( Dawn is very noticable XD)) Dawn was quick to turn to the smell of another wolf. She spotted the wolf, and trotted closer to it. "Helo..."
Why the cloud, Sunny?