5:33pm Feb 11 2010
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5:35pm Feb 11 2010 (last edited on 5:35pm Feb 11 2010)
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(( Uwi: Lols, I was a bit daunted by the number of participants as well, but most of the time a bunch of people who join simply don't roleplay. I'm not saying this about any of you guys specifically, but it happens alot. A roleplay of ten can easily be brought down to three, from what I've experienced. xD It's like silent elimination or something.
Scourge: She said she wasn't likely to be on until tomorrow afternoon. Of course, that scares me just thinking about the number of joins she's going to get in that time. xD; ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:39pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( O.O oh right forgot bout that XD that could be horrifing! *hopes we don't get trampled by everyone who roleplays* i think its partially the fact you can be anything you want to be, and it can be related to world domination XD *whole reason i joined <.< >.>* no i'm kidding XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
5:40pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,731
OOC: I have a thing for illiterates. :x I don't mind Semi-literate, but I fear roleplaying now and days. That's why if I made mine it would be a strict entrance, lol. xD Or not too strict, anyways. But. I shouldn't be posting here unless I'm roleplaying. Toodles. <3
5:49pm Feb 11 2010
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Name:Aurora hawk/ Kitty hawk
Gender:female Age:16/Eh, she is kind of already dead??? So I guess she died around 17 Species:She is a were-cat. She can change into a full cat. I think i learded about them in 'Eragon' or something but that is what she is./She is a Lost soul. In case you don't know what it is then here is what it is: A lost soul is a soul that wasn't ready to leave. They are trapped in a world between ours and the after life. They wait many years for someone to come in that can still live. They let the person live and follow them out. But they are trapped in the persons head until they move into a dying person and take over that body. Appearance:Aurora has light blond hair almost white. Her hair is uneven and layered. She has thin bangs that cover most of her face but you can still see a light outline of it. Her eyes are ice blue and usually don't give away a feeling but just have a blank feeling that is neither sad nor happy./ Kitty well eh. When she is in the middle world she is a beautiful girl with brown curly hair that reaches her shoulder and light fluffy white wings. She looks a lot like a angel and that is how she tricks others into letting her out. When she find a new person to live in she will look like what she looked like in the middle world only without wings. Personality:She is quiet and never talks, NEVER! She is mysterious and like to look and listen./ Kitty is nice but can get snappy. She is tricky but loyal to her friends. Other Things:None./ Nope.

1:45pm Feb 12 2010
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1:59pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 2:04pm Feb 12 2010)
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Ssather, I think it would be wise to wait for yoshi to reply before you make a bio. :3 Of course, she could've Rmailled you, or spoken to you in another manner, but we'd better follow her rules, instead introducing our charries straightaway. You're not alone, Uwi. :x You pretty much read my mind there. xD Oh, and art thieves. I have a... real big issue with those.
2:07pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 2:08pm Feb 12 2010)
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Name: Trinity Gender: Female Age: 15 (normal human years) Species: +Anima. Based off of the manga. A +anima is a human who possess animal like powers. They usually have markings on them somewhere that tell you what type of +anima they are. Trinity is a crow +anima. When she, I guess you could say, ‘activates’ her powers she has two black wings that are like a crow’s. Appearance: Trinity has long, silky black hair that drapes itself gracefully on her shoulders. Her skin is extremely fair. Her eyes are a stunning emerald green. Sometimes people are frightened of her appearance because she looks so much like a ghost. Because of this, Trinity decides to scare them even more and wears a feathery light white dress.
Personality: I would put something here, but when I do it turns out to change whenever I roleplay her… So even if I did write something here it would most likely not fit her character. O.o
Other Things: Not much to say here.
4:34pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Like Cooro. <3 Anyways. I'm still waiting for Yoshi's reply. o3o She might want a few people to leave because there are so many users joining, so. -waits- ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:20pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Dusty~ yeah ;3 Cooro's awesome. I'm still debating whether or not to change her +anima to a swan... ))
5:24pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 5:26pm Feb 12 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Wow. I feel so special. xD I haven't had this many people join one of my roleplays in ages! Again, thank you so much for helping me onto my feet again, Ssather. ♥ I'll get to reading and replying now, then we'll start in a little while. ;o *hums along to Pain whilst doing so*
5:34pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Oh yays, Ill post my bio.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:56pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hm. Apologies Gordo, but I'll have to ask that you reread the rules and the bio.. x3 Wolfeh, m'dear. ;3 A'course. And I s'pose, rather than listing everyone, I'll just say a ma-ss 'Hokai,' to those who asked. |D Awe, Uweh. xD Thanks though, and good luck to you too~ ♥ Also, I'm hoping the long-ish plot and request not to use random other people's pictures will deter those sorts of people. Seems to be working so far. c: Right. I think that's all I really needed to do, unless I wanna get all meticulous about replying to every comment.. xD I'll try to get my bios done now.
6:20pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( so will we start when everyone post their bios? =D ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:30pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Name|| Karienne Jackson
Gender|| Female
Age|| She looks around 20 but she's a bit older than that
Species|| Shapeshifter
Appearance|| Coming...
Other Things|| Nothing I can think of.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:36pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 8:46pm Feb 12 2010)
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((*Has been mas.s 'hokaied'* XD)) Name: Ribunny Gender: female Age: Her years~ Around 13 Human~ few months Species: Chihuahua peregrine falcon mash up o3o Appearance: Tannish fur and wings. She has clear blue eyes that glow slightly when she gets angry. Her wings are about half as big as her body and she can fold them againts her body so they seem to be invisible. She has a blue crystal on her head that glows when she gets mad. The crystal has no known use so far. She prefurs standing on her hind legs and is about as tall as.. well.. a chihuahua standing on its hind legs. o3o When she runs she uses her wings to glide Personality: A tomboy that hates to be told what to do. She acts shy around new people but is still quick to anger. When she is made angry she usially stays angry for days. She acts like the leader even if she is not. She also is able to hold grudges for weeks if she has to. She is also very smart and is able to solve very hard things, even though she usially doesn't want to. Other Things: She is able to controle wind. Also, because of her peregrine falcon..ness. She is able to dive at speads up to 212 MPH {Peregrine falcons are the fastest animals 8D} Her sister is Dot. -------- Name: Dot Gender: female Age: the same as Ribunny, but a few secounds older. Species: Chihuahua Appearance: She is also a tannish color, but slightly lighter then her sister. Electricity is always crackiling in her fur. She has the same shade of blue for her eyes, but when she gets exited her left eye turns yellow. Also, her left ear is floppy while her right is normal. She has a yellow crystal on her head thats use is als unknown, though it glows when she gets exited or has too much sugar. She rarely frowns, giving her a slightly sycotic look. She is also much smaller then her sister {She is the runt of the litter} She also wears a yellow bookbag. Like her sister, she also prefurs to stand on her hind legs. Personality: She rarely stands still and is always twitching. She acts sycotic even though she would probably never do any of the things she said she would. She acts a bit stupid at times, but still is able to do very complex things. Other Things: She is able to controle electricity and can run at very fast speads. Her sister is Ribunny. --------- Name: Miles Gender: Male Age: Around 13 and a half in his years, a couple months human. Species: Egyptain mau. {Best.Cat.Breed.EVER. XD} Appearance: Light grey fur with darker grey stripes. He has a red crystal on his head that glows when his bandana is touched or when he gets close to water. He wears a red bandana that usially covers his crystal. His eyes are light green. He has very sharp claws. He also stands on his hind legs. Personality: Even quicker to lose his temper and cools off even slower then Ribunny. He has a very big ego and thinks of himself as the best out of everyone. Even though he is easily scared. He actually has a very bad past and if you can get through to him, he can show you a nice and caring side that has somehow dissapeared. Other Things: He can controle fire. He has a very bad past and no family members.. he knows about. He actually has OCD but tries to hide it. He hates water, mostly because of something that happened in his past... ------- Name: Ratt Gender: Male Age: His years~14 human~ couple months Species: Rat o3o Appearance: He has grey fur and brown eyes. Half his left ear and tail is bitten off. He also has a scar leading from his stomic to his left eye. He has a green crystal on his head that glows when he involentarily uses his powers. his feet, hands, and tail are pink, making him get made fun of a lot. He stands on his hind legs, but when he runs he goes on all fours. Personality: Very timid and jumpy. He doesn't like to fight. He also has panophobia/pantophobia, fear of everything. Other Things: He is able to make plants be able to move and think like animals, contole plants, and controle earth. Even though he can't really use his powers volentarily, he sometimes accidently uses them. He doesn't talke about his past, but he apperently had a very bad one. ----------- Name: Amber Gender: female Age: around 14 her years, a couple months human Species: Cat, unshure which breed, but it might be main coon or savana Appearance: Orange fur with darker orange stripes and lighter colored eyes. She has lots of bandiges on her. One is on the left side of her head, covering part of her eye. Anouther is around her chest. She also has them on her hands and feet. She has a gaint tail that looks really puffy, but is actually all musstle. She rarely smiles, mostly because of everything she has been through. Personality: She is very impationt and quick to loose her temper. She also is one to start a huge fight out of a small dissagreement. She acts like she hates everything. But really is just afraid that if she loves something, she might just loose it, again. Other Things: She uses her tail as her strongest weapon. She also knows a lot about battles, hinting that she was probably in a war. All of her bandiges cover ingeries, besides the ones on her hands. The reason she has her hands coverd is because of a curse she was given that makes everything she touched turn to stone. Also, her bandiges have razor sharp edges. ---------- Name: Swift Gender: Male Age: 13 and a half his, a couple months human Species: Normal~Egyptain mau {Still best cat breed ever <333} Flipped{Yes, I'm calling it flipped...deal with it XD}~Deamon cat creature Appearance: Normal~Grey fur with darker grey stripes. His left eye has a scar running through it, making it cloudy and blueish. His other eye is light green. Flipped~ he has the same markings, but insted on fur he has scales, his scarred eye becomes red and a slit, and he grows claws and spikes running from his back to his tail, the end on his tail looks similar to a stegosourus {Spell fail XD} He also has longer teeth Personality: Normal~ Very shy and likes to keep his distance from others. He has short bursts of bravory but that is about it. Flipped~ Evil and blood thirsty. Even though this side of him wants to kill, he somehow finds a way to keep away from his friends. Other Things: Hates water, mostly for something that happened in his past {Seems fimilar eh? *Wink* >;3} His deamon side was made when long ago he found a mask that gave him powers. But costed him a lot. Amber is the one who saved him from the mask. He is also unable to talk and can only meow and hiss, ect. He also has knifes. And he lost his claws due to something that happened... {Sorry for the space XDD I messed up XD} ----------- Name: Sneak Gender: Male Age: 13 his couple months humans Species: Ferret <3 Appearance: He has a dark brown body with a black stripe running down his back. His feet are white, and one of his paws is white, the other is black. His ears are white and his head is a tannish color. He looks like he is wearing a brown mask because of a marking on his face. His eyes are yellow. Personality: Very er.. sneaky o3o. He loves to pull pranks and it is not really cirten if he his good or evil. He also loves to steal things. Other Things: He is able to 'melt' into his shadow and use what he calls, 'shadow sneak' {Where he got his name} He is able to smell if there is tresure or valuble things nearby and will not hesitate to take them. He can also move things with his mind and his black paw can suck the energy out of someone {Almost like an energy mugging XD} and his white paw {Not like he will ever do it} can give energy back or to someone else. ------- Name: Rubie Gender: Female Age: 14 hers, couple months human Species: Vampire bat Appearance: Brown fur with see-through wings. At the tip of each of her wings she has a hand, so her wings are like arms. She loves rubies {hence her name} and has rubie rings on each finger, rubie earings, a gold neclace with a rubie on it, and gold bracelets with rubies on them. She also has very long, sharp teeth that one has a rubie embedded in it {....Dont ask.} and she has rubie colored eyes. Personality: A girly girl, even though she fucuses most on rubies, she loves other gems and anything sparkily. Other Things: Arch enimies with Ribunny. ((I finnished them and edited others! :3))

5:10am Feb 13 2010
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OOC: Ohmai, Rib. xD I love reading but I think it'll take me some time to read all that. xD Thank'yee, yosh. Name: Rydesa Gender: Freemail. Age: (Ugh. D: I'm a bit stuck on this, but I'll try my best...) 20 Rexy years; and the equivalent of a roughly mid-thirties human. About... 34? 33? Species: Rexillon. <3 Originally a small, insectoid invertrebrate species, they come from a single planet but have a very wide palate of variations and breeds, becoming more like reptile-insects, but are much more focused on supporting a bigger colony. They can adapt and evolve very, very quickly, thus explaining the jump from living as scavenging locusts to a highly advanced - and dangerous - species. They have a simple but strongly-followed hierachy, and although some breeds have evolved to become bigger and more brutal than humans, their old instincts to serve the current queen, expand and do whatever must be done to serve dutifully lingered. As their intelligence and knowledge of science grew, they eventually began "engineering" the perfect forms of Rexillon, moulding and breeding from the best of the best to create the ultimate specimens for whatever job they were born for. Soon, throughout the fleets scattered across the - expanding - Rexillon regions, they had the ultimate workers on every ship, base, and stolen planet. One trait all the Rexillons breeds share are the spinal strands that are attatched to the creature's spine. It allows them to communicate telepathically and read each other's emotions, tell whenever they are being followed or hunted, and in the case of stronger Rexillons, prevent any missiles reaching their heavily-armoured selves. Although they serve their leaders dutifully, almost all Rexillons are incredibly cunning and sly, spending their spare time however they like - as long as it does not endanger their fellow Rexillons' current status. When cornered, frightened or provoked, they bcome incredibly violent and aggressive, so the space-dwelling Rexillons all live in comfort on their ships to avoid getting them agitated, for an uncomfortable Rexillon is a flaw in the foundations of a successful civilization. Appearance: Rydesa is one of the hybridal Rexillons - but is the only Rexillon that was created with alien blood ever. She has the appearance of a female human being - black hair that eventually grew to almost all the way down to her waist, and a shapely body. Not the slimmest of humans, but she is most certainly not fat, either. Her skin is reasonably pale, although not ghostly so. The only signs that she is a Rexillon are her yellow eyes - which, thankfully, have the rounded black pupils of a human's eyes - and a giant, distorted left arm. The shoulder is unscathed, but as it nears her hand in begins to writhe and mutate as though the roots of an ancient tree decided to rehouse itself on her arm. Her hand is made up of four giant claws, with one opposable "thumb", and a few coarse spikes stick out from the smoother patches on her Rexillon arm. Her right arm is not organic, although a lot more humanlike. From just below the shoulder and downward, her right arm is entirely mechanical, and removeable in case she decides to have a different design. (I'll have a go at drawing her, single I can't explain her mecha arm very well). Like a human, it has four "fingers" and an opposable "thumb". Personality: Eh. Rydesa is straightforward, independent, solitary and quiet. If it isn't necessary, she will decide not to do it. If her future actions will have a purpose, then Rydesa will obey whoever gives her the command to do so, but she does not enlist herself underneath any organization or group unless she intends to spy information from them, or she has taken a very intense liking to them. She respects whoever she meets as a sentient being, and does not attempt to dominate anyone, but if they prove themselves to be unworthy then Rydesa will acknowledge them as though she would an inferior insect. Rydesa prefers not to kill or harm things (although this doesn't mean she loves everybody), and takes a great liking to plants - "Because they don't talk. They just are." She dislikes to judge people at a first glance, and does not stereotype anyone or anything. Rydesa values life, equality and kindness, but if she is compelled enough then she will act aggressively, and her Rexillon self can be aroused when she encounters a particularly harsh or selfish person. She hates unnecessary killing and cruelty. Other things: Rydesa lacks the special spinal strands of her Rexillon side, but her hand does have an effect on her body when used correctly. When she's being stalked, she'll know about it. Although she cannot communicate telepathically properly like all the other Rexies, her mutant hand can act like a kind of aerial, so she can pick up whatever mental messages are running nearby. It can also block most attacks, but it is usually used as a weapon more than a shield. She also has a great fondness for Japanese clothes, but rarely wears them.

6:12am Feb 13 2010 (last edited on 6:56am Feb 13 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Gargh. Hate you, Windows Update. I put my computer on sleep while I sleep, then I get back and find myself (and my unfinished post) pwnt. Never fails. >( *sigh* Always better the second time you write it, right? x3 Yep, Scourge. Though it'll probably be a bit. I'm sure not everyone gets up at the ridiculous hours I do. xD Cheese. You guys are freakin' troopers, with so many characters. o3o Yours are pretty funny though, Ribun. xD Normally those sorts of characters, with so many things mashed together would simply make me go, '... Whut?' But instead, yours make me 'Whut? xDD' Homg. I finally get to see what a Rexillon's like. 8D Right. Character. And apologies if my repeated little jokes get.. old. I couldn't help myself. xD I've a feeling this character will have a very similar time to Knives - getting picked on all the time despite that he wants to kill us. But Korr just wants to because we taste good. x3
Name: Korr Gender: Male Age: He would call himself around middle-aged, maybe a little younger. But the people of a little Human village he's been terrorising for quite a while would say otherwise; they think he's very old, by their standards. Really, not too smart of them. Species: Manticore; this is an ancient- I mean.. Don't eat me please. 8( This is a fine species, its body composed of a man, a lion, and a scorpion, that originated in the Earth country of Persia. The name means 'man-eater', and man-eating is definitely what they do best; Humans are the most delicious of all creatures, although they keep getting rarer nowadays. They don't survive quite as well on Lera's rather dangerous surface. Appearance: Like most Manticore, in his youth- Erm. In earlier years he had a bright red coat (it symbolises bravery and courage! 8D), meant to strike fear into his prey. Now, his fur has darkened with maturity to an almost black color, all but his mane being tinged with a deep crimson. The only part of him that remains its former bright color is his tail, which appears similar to that of a very large scorpion. Despite all this attempt to drive a fearful appearance, though, Korr's face looks just like that of a man, complete with a pair of (almost) unthreatening blue eyes. What better to lure prey than a familiar sight? And it works almost every time - he manipulates his trumpet-screech of a voice to sound like a scream, and they come running, only to find nothing but a face in the bushes. One riddle and they're dinner, whether they guessed it right or not. The Sphinx always was too merciful, in Korr's mind. Personality: Korr is generally a foul being. He has a foul temper, foul reactions.. even foul breath sometimes. Eating local drunks from time to time will do that. You may want to think he has a softer side, that it was simply some loss that caused this cold shell, but really, he's always been like this. Korr is, in a way, a curmudgeon of a Manticore. But definitely not the old kind. c: Don't hurt me.

10:26am Feb 13 2010 (last edited on 10:50am Feb 13 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bumps. Hm.. Maybe I should try doing some sort of organisational thing in the first post with all the characters. xD *goes off to do that* All righty. Now that I'm not totally lost in mounds of characters, I see that we're missing Ferro, Winter, and Dust. I might send them rMails or something..
11:09am Feb 13 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay good idea. Sorry if I posted my bio too soon. For some reason I thought the rules said to post bio to join. That must have been in a different rp or something.))