6:41pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( i'll just appear randomly XD )) Dagger sat near Trinity. She almost growled in sort of annoyance, and she had to srcurnch up her wings tilghtly so she didn't get into anyone's way, and also had to bend over her long neck, so her horns wouldn't tear up the ceiling. She listened intently to the short man. Small wisps of steam fizzled out from her nose as she listened to the 'Plan'. She almost shook her head, but resited from doing so. It was seeming to be pretty silly... how would we get our answers from a tree? She though to herself. Mr.liger stared almost blank eyed at the man. This sounded like it would be an incrediably long, and dangerous trip to find this tree. He almost wondered if it was still worth the risk of his life, but the man made it sound like they were desperate for a hero, and he probably wasn't stretching the truth much, if at all. He shuddered as he though about the long tears in the the sky. Did it hurt the sky? To get those long scars? He thought fearfully to himself. Reverend stared straight up at the sky, his eyes almost filled with tears. The long cuts looked like they were only getting bigger. My sky... my beautiful sky, what has happened to you? He whined in his thoughts. To see the sky like this, tore at his heart. He desperatly wanted to find out what was happening, he needed to. Never in all his life had anything ike this happened, and he wanted it to stop. Reverend changed out of his squirrel form, turning into a Grizzly bear, as he looked around for somewhere safe. ((is actually brain-dead))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
10:08pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: That's braindead? O: Looks like a pretty decent post to me. Ahh. I never actually explained the Tree, did I? x3 It's regarded like a deity by some, including chubby mayor-dude; it's so darn huge that they can hardly imagine how old it must be, and it does appear to have special properties. The fact that quite a bit of the sky above it still remains intact and blue as ever attests to this.
3:51am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 4:05am Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: *iggle* I dunno xDD I just thought that, "Wolfeh out" would be a nice touch. I hate saying so very little in anything... I'm very talkative. Ohyas, and I just realized - they're meant to start off with that tubby Master Chief, aren't they? D: Could I, er... join elsewhere? <83
Here we go~ Eyelids slowly broke open, revealing a pair of glaring yellow orbs beneath them. They were concealed several times more as Rydesa blinked repeatedly, trying to shake away the drowsiness and inevitable effect from the sleeping aid she'd received before setting- ahem, shooting out into space and making a suicidal landing on this precarious panet. But she was alive, blinking in the cold grey interior of her crash-pod, fighting with her eyes to shake the bluriness of sleep from her foggy head. It wasn't anything painful, like a headache. It was a snug, comforting feeling, like waking up on a Saturday morning and realizing there's no school. Snuggling back down beneath the quilt, smug, eager to doze... Except, Rydesa wasn't in a warm bed, and she didn't want to doze. Her brain wanted to drift off, but Rydesa wanted to get up and get out. Of course, Lusak had warned her about the side-effects of this operation. It was designed so that the one travelling in the dangerous journey from space to planet could safely snooze while the world outside burned several hundred degrees upon reentry. Whilst her pod had practically destroyed itself making sure she was safe, Rydesa had slept a fitful sleep. But now, it was time to wake up. Fifteen minutes later, after a continuous session of on-off dozing to help recouperate her brain, Rydesa reached out and tapped a button with her mechanical arm. A large-ish screen flipped out close to her head, and Rydesa yawned as she reached out and tapped a few holographic lights that represented buttons but actually hovered about half a centimetre above the actual glas-s panel. She didn't bother to get annoyed at the fact that the language dotted across her command panel wasn't English. Really, it had been quite uneseccary for the Kathragonians to automatically change the language settings on her pod to... Rexillon-ish, whatever the silly language itself was called. Really, plain English would've been more than fine. But of course, they'd gotten very excited at the prospect of having yet another nice Rexillon on their planet - besides Lusak. They'd been so thrilled to discover Rydesa didn't want to consume their honourable trading outpost - which she had to admit, was quite impresive, since almost half the planet itself was a gigantic marketing system for all species of alien to visit. So, to show their gratitue, they'd made the language on her pod - without informing Rydesa - to the Rexillon's native language, when she wasn't even that brilliant at it. She understood a few words dotted across the panel as she tapped and clicked. "Enjoyable... safe... side-effects... Thank you for travelling aboard..." A voice read out the last sentence - again, in Rexillon. Rydesa found reading it was easier than hearing it. The audible clicks and chattering clacks in the voiceover's accent distracted her from the actual words being said. And then, with a loud clank, the straps holding her down snapped, and the front panel of the pod slowly opened with a long, steamy hiss. "Finally," Rydesa murmured, stepping out of the diagonal pod - hich had landed at the foot of a mountain (or, Oh God, a volcano) - and stood at an almost-upright position. So far, everything was going smoothly. Rydesa was free from her fear of landing in such a manner, she wouldn't even be able to get out. She glanced around the dead sky, the barren surroundings, and placed her hands on her hips, as best as she could with her disfigured one. "Hmm. Weird place here." The faint breeze wafted through her long, black hair, sending a tremor through it as though it were a long, black veil of some Indian curtain that half-concealed some balcony. Rydesa reached into her pocket (OOC: I haven't decided what she should wear D:), and took out a small, metal clip. She gathered her hair as if to prepare a pontytail, sliped the grey thing wround it, which then seemed to liquify itself and slide downwards. It turned and twisted to hold her hair in a long tie, and then finally solidified again, but leaving her hair perfectly spotless - and unable to annoy her any further. She'd gotten attached to her hair, didn't want to cut it. But, it could be such a pest sometimes. OOC: Wolfeh out. x3

5:52pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: A'course. xD That's what I figured you'd do.. then maybe have her run into us later or something? Bumps. I'mma try to wait 'til everyone's posted before I do a second one.
2:39am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: 'Kay. Thank'yee. xD I didn't wanna make her seem extra special, with her different-ness and all, but I wondered if a late arrival would make anything more interesting. x3
7:50pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 3,642
3:45pm Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 3:55pm Feb 22 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hm. It seems the html in this post is permanently messed. It won't let me center, and in IE it's huge. o_o Weirdy. I guess this is a faily bump then. xD
6:21am Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 6:22am Feb 24 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: *sigh* This isn't just going to die, is it? Where's everyone gone? 8( Bump.
10:24am Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I'll maik another posty, to keep it alive... *enjoys writing with a slightly Halo-ish air* The Rexillon, in truth, was very unsure of where to go. Firstly, after Lusak had informed her of the "planet with the falling sky", and she'd been *censored*igned to the mission by several rather important-looking aliens of various races, Rydesa had vaguely planned what she had to do once she'd landed - find someone in power here. They'd know what to do. They, from what she'd heard, were the ones who'd sent out the distress signals in the first place. Yet it was one thing answering their call, another entirely to actually find the ones who'd cried out, especially when your silly pod crash-landed in the middle of nowhere without any means of finding civilization. And now, standing like a confused tourist, surrounded by a barren landscape dotted with spurts of rock, Rydesa had absolutely no idea where to start heading off. Her yellow eyes darkened with a dangerous irritation, and a cross between anger and scorn bubbled up inside of her like lava slowly creeping up a volcano's stony throat. It hadn't occured to the Kathragonians to insert a tracking device that would mark out the major points of civilization for her, now, hadn't it? For all she knew, she could be in the centre of one of the the wastelands marked across the planet's surface, or on the edge of a stupid desert. Rydesa was infuriated, and a little scared - because her pod was, as unhelpful as it was, designed to crash once, and never take off again unless the tracking probes inside of them signalled to whatever mother ship it had sprung out of to come and fetch them again... Still, it wasn't-
The Rexillon froze, and considered something. It wouldn't have been very businesslike of the aliens who'd sent her to not have some sort of map tucked away inside the protective sheets of metal inside her pod. She wasn't thinking about one of those ridiculously enormous, papery maps that most human beings used, that appeared to be around thirty centimeters in length when tucked up but turned out to be five foot when opened up. She was thinking technological, advanced, useful, easy-to-put-back-together-again. Striding back to her pod, Rydesa glanced down at her mechanical arm. As well as being an incredibly useful (and deadly) piece of equipment, it was also beautiful. A work of art. Whichever creature designed the down-to-the-last-detail lump of metal that was her entire left arm must've really sensed what Rydesa'd been hoping for. Something sleek, femenine, alienlike, and very, very useful in a situation such as hers. Not only could it be fitted with a gun of somesort, but it could also contain clips of information inside of it. Alien data chips of numerous shapes and sizes, glowing energy cores, plastic USB cases, once even an old-fashioned floppy disk - lots of things that would otherwise be difficult or dangerous to store - or hide. When used correctly, Rydesa could practically hold an encyclopedia inside her left limb, transporting it safely about the place without it having the risk of falling out. If Lusak had been his usual sensible self again, then he - hopefully, damnit - would've packed away a little digital map or some other gadget away in her pod, anything that could help start her off.

11:53am Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((I think the cookie grabber messed something in the forums up. o.e And I guess, for now, we're the only ones left in the rp xD))
3:27pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC:Exploring the forums you stumble upon Nias who decides to suddenly jump into the 'action' attempting to plague the roleplay with fail. If that is the Yoshilisk will allow her to join? :3 Oh I guess this is a bump too XDDD
6:20am Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 6:22am Feb 24 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Well thank you, Wolfeh. x3 This whole glitch thing is killing me. D; And wow, that's a lot of vanished people. Did I miss some developed habit of ma-ss-forgetting roleplays while I was so inactive? Indeedy, ye Nias. O:
2:48pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Roar. I think you got it bang on yoshiums m'dear o 3o I bet the giltch thing has gotten into their brain to make them forget roleplays XDDD Roar. I think I'll go use mai Vampie chara? :3 Who I haven't yet completely finished making yet, so making a bio for her here woulds be great on that >:3 I'll have to draw her again because the librarian of ours has her first drawing on the wall in manga club XDDD Along with mai asinth and Shade sketch o3o And OWlfeh's wolf XDDD Oh, and Osiris cat XD I shall post again with a bio when I have more time :3
3:11pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( lol, yoshi, i'm still here, just feeling a little illiterate XD *will post as soon i can think of something* plus, the glitch doesn't help much ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
3:32pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Me too o.o *Hides behind Scourge*))
5:07pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((I have just been braindead... Ack! I just can't think of what to write. Well... I actually just do not know what to post right now. Perhaps anybody might think of something to happen to make us set out or something? I dunno... o.e ))
5:21pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: I guess I was just trying to wait for the people that haven't posted yet to get to it. x3 It's probably my turn though (or maybe Ribun's, since she hasn't said anything yet?), if we're not gonna wait.. I'll try to write something up soon.
5:32pm Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 4:33pm Feb 26 2010)
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Posts: 2,097
((Join? Even though there are so many chars already. o.O Love the sig, yoshi. XD)) Name: Shadowhex Gender: Female Age: 13 years Species: Dark curse wolf (A Hell creature that is demonic, but still has a heart and soul. They are like powered demon wolves. Their power is to curse, hex, enchant, ect. others. If they have an element (dark, fire, earth, ect.), then that means their hex can come in that form. So�dark would be hexspirits, it's usually purple�and black spirits�(raindrop-shaped things with jagged mouths and blazing red eyes if it is black and glimmering amber-golden eyes if it is purple) that can hex your or curse you...whatever you pick. Appearance: Smooth, soft, silky, shiny jet black fur. It is pretty long, too. She is very strong, muscly and all, but looks sleek. Her eyes are a mysterious but beautiful, glimmering purple in the daytime, but a blazing fiery red at night. Her claws and fangs are extremely sharp. She has large dark silver dragon wings. There is a silver spiral design on her right paw. Personality: Sly, devious, clever, kind, friendly, caring, compas-sionate, charming, fliratatious, trustworthy, responisble, determined. Other Things: When she is in battle, she grows large, sharp spines on her back in a row (near her wings it is between them both). Oh, and she smells like cinnamon and ginger mixed with mint, jasmine and lychee. X3 Or blood. -------------- Name: Bioluminescence (But call him Toxic) Gender: Male Age: 31 years Species: Bioluminscent wolf (Always black in fur colour, but with glowing light pink, light green, light blue, or light yellow designs on their fur. Besides this mutation, they are normal. Appearance: Midnight black fur with light green spiral designs on his thighs. There are dots in the spiral. light blue streaks running through his side fur, with tiny spiral designs lingering about the streaks. His front limbs are covered in light pink curvy-line deisgns. He has light yellow zig-zag designs on his tail fur. His ears are tipped with jagged light blue designs. He has a silver-coloured spiral design on his right paw. Personality: Like Shadowhex's. Other Things: He is Shadowhex's brother, his mother was a bioluminescent wolf and his father was a dark curse wolf. They don't know they're siblings, but both of them bear the silver spiral design on their right paws. Neither really cared, just thinking it's some marking. Oh, and he smells like blood, mint, ginger, cinnamon, lychee, and roses, for some reason.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
1:40pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: S'orite, yoshay. I like writing. >3>
4:53pm Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 4:54pm Feb 26 2010)
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Name: Xelah Gender: Feemool Age: 94. Human wise she looks sixteen. Species: Vampie. Appearance: Took away the link because writing has gone huge kthnx I'll edit later with a description XD Personality: Funny thing is I haven't thought of a�personality for her ._. I'l get back to this. Other Things: "If this is a potato I'm sixteen and sexy" Imma finish this later XD