5:13pm Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 5:20pm Feb 26 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Agh. I went and got all neglecty. 8( I'll stick your characters in the first post, Dj. ;o And I'll try.. again.. to think of something to posteh and get us moving. Oh wait. Yah. Of course. >( I can't edit the first post without messing up its html. Agh, I hate this whole glitch thing. And, considering how long it took for the Forum glitches that resulted from v2 to be fixed, I'd bet it'll be around a while.. *sigh*
5:44pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ah. A little shorter than I'd hoped I could do, but I guess it's still all right. x3 We should be able to get moving now. Korr noticed a glare that was momentarily directed at him, from the eyes of a young-looking girl. He flashed her a gleaming grin, lined with rows of daggers and dripping with malice. "Am I bothering you?" He was about to inch closer and get right up in her face, but he stopped as the little man whose plan he'd interrupted stamped his foot in the dirt. "Stop it! You're the one who wanted me to hurry up, so keep quiet. We could probably do without you anyway, if you want to act like a child." The Manticore raised a slightly red-tinted brow at the Chief's sudden anger. He didn't think the guy had it in him to put his foot down - especially in such a literal fashion. A shrug, and Korr settled in his place again, allowing things to go on as they should. He could probably bother the girl later, anyway, he smirked to think. "Now then." The Chief dragged several cloth-sewn bags to the head of the dining table and hauled them up, seeming to struggle with their weight. As he dropped them onto the table, he began to explain again. "These are packed with provisions. It's probably not much, considering how many of you there are, but it should help. You'll need every bit of strength to find the Tree, and even then, I'm not entirely sure what it'll tell you." A half-smile quavered to hold to his face; he looked like hope was threatening to dash out the door on him. "Please do be careful."

11:45pm Feb 26 2010
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OoC: Bumps.
11:32am Feb 27 2010 (last edited on 1:42pm Feb 27 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Muuusssttt post~ Ignoring the thin lines of smoke (or steam?) that curled off in tendrils of long, wispy tongues, Rydesa half-climbed back into her landing pod and fumbled for the control panel next to a small "lump" in the interior skin. It looked like a kind of casing, as though it could unfold to reveal resources hidden inside the flightless ship. Tapping at the touch-screen pad of the square, glas-sy surface of the options panel (which still wasn't English, darnit), Rydesa retracted slightly to allow some space for the lid of the storage case, which slowly unfolded upwards with a tiny hiss. At the first glance of its contents, she allowed a small smile. Inside was a small kind of backpack, and as she reached for it and removed it from its metal shelter, she noticed that it was soft from what was undoubtedly the compressed clothes inside. She carefully dumped it into the diagonal seat of the tilted pod, and peered further inside of the storage hole. Inside was yet another bag - this time, a duffel - which, after a swift inspection, carried a sturdy, humanmade handgun, some spare magazines included, a small monitor screen that had been personally designed to instantly click with most forms of leads and wires, and a small container of spare food. After taking a quick sniff, she recognized a faint, herbal whiff coming off the small package. She smiled again. This was undoubtedly Lusak's work. But no damn map of somesort. Her smile vanished, and she stuffed the handgun, ammunition and food back into the duffel. Damnit, Lusak. He was supposed to be the helpful one! Sighing annoyingly, she sat with her knees up and crossed her arms over them, thinking. Despite the fact that she did have reserves of some kind, she was still lost. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. It didn't seem to make a lot of difference. The truth was she was on an alienated planet and didn't know where to damn go. Suddenly, her head perked up again, as if realizing something. This pod had originally been designed to automatically land as close to a technological location as possible - yet could only work with areas it could recognize. It worked through the pod intercepting and familiarizing itself with the planet's waves, like it was attracted to the amount of energy that traversed between advanced places or things, but needed to be altered manually in order to do so. Since the people who had as-signed Rydesa had known the planet, and maybe, its major cities, perhaps they'd updated the pod to instantly familiarize itself with the planet's own technology already. Perhaps the pod had some kind of... "map" of its own? Obviously she hadn't landed anywhere near a city. But these pod designs rarely went totally off course. The only fear Rydesa had was setting out in the complete opposite direction. Yet, if this pod had knowledge of the planet's most important locations, and if Rydesa had somehow found a way to glean that information from it... Turning around, Rydesa turned to face the biggest screen - the one that had popped out beside her earlier. And then she spotted something she hadn't seen earlier - a tiny metal clip, a little like a USB stick, sticking out of the side of the metal screen. A form of information. A database core. Rydesa smiled slightly as she reached out, and gently removed the small metal shape from the side of the monitor. A small, rectangular sheet of metal from her robotical arm slid out of place to reveal a series of small holes and gaps underneath. She placed the clip into the port that best fitted it - which was perfect.

11:38am Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Wow. Join? o.o ))
12:04pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Sure thing, Lauren. ;o Lard, Wolfeh. How do you always manage such epic postehs? xD
12:54pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Dunno, yosh. xD I just have a go at it. Suddenly I'm very keen on science fiction.
10:00pm Feb 27 2010
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9:44am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((How should I jump in?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:36am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Your characters probably be in the room in which Chiefdood is laying out the plan. In my last post I tried to make it so that we can get moving - take the packs and head out. P: Perhaps your doods can be the first?
12:54pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,985
((lolz, sorry it's so long XD theres a little fight in there )) Mr.liger turned his head and stared at the bags. The thought of taking off into basically the unknown was still making him shaky. He glanced around the room, he didn't want to be the one to get his pack first, he was just too nervous too. Then again, it was so crowded in the room, you'd probably have a hard time reaching the front in the first place... INstead he decided to just sit back, and he started to twidle his little tiger paws. Dagger rolled her eyes, sensing Mr.liger's fear. She snorted lightly, to let everyone know she was going to move. She folded her wings even tighter along her back, so she wouldn't knock anyone over. She reached out her scaly claws and grasped on of the bags, and quickly swung it over her head, and let it hang over her neck, she nodded thankfully at the short man, i mean, he didn't have to give them supplies, but he had. At that, she turned back and padded back to where she was perviously seated. Black claws slammed onto the jagged rocks of the mountains. A loud rumbling snarl of satisfaction sounded, as the claws grasped something. A very long muzzle punctured into the light, and ended up revealing a very large wolf like creature. Her left eye started glowing, as she pulled up her sown-up mouth into a jagged-toothed smiled, as she stared at the mutant rat like being she had caught in her vicious claws. The 'rat' squeked in surprise, and ran it arms and legs in the air, obviously trying to find something it could run away on. The demonic creature shook her head, the dusty colored fur around her neck ruffling with the movement. The rats eyes widened in horror, knowing the end was near. What we will be able to call by the name scourge, lifted the rat over her head, opening her jaws wide as she was about to drop the live creature in her mouth, her acidy saliva stretching around her fangs. But a sudden roaring like howl made her jump slightly, accidently dropping her lunch, and the rat scurried away into the night. Scouge could have easily leapt after it and gotten in back, but she wouldn't have to go back after it in the first place if it wasn't for some bas.tards distraction. Snarling, she opened her wings, waving them threatningly, before plunging into the trees after what ever had ruined her day. Jacoby cut off his howl slowly, his throat was burning from the demonic roar he'd thrown in with it. He peered through the dark curiously, occasionally his icy eyes blinking slowly. He turned his head suddenly. The small squeaking he heard was getting closer. He cocked his head, eyebrows raised as a rat ran through the trees toward him, and quickly ran past, disappearing once again in the trees behind him. "Huh?" he breathed out, feeling dumb-founded. He turned his head back to were the rat came, and yelped loudly Scourge snarled, it was just some bat-winged mutt! She dove out of the trees, slaming into the wolves side, tackling him to the floor. He didn't smell like a wolf, but she shook it off. She roared, and raised her claws to slice at the his face. Jacoby's eyes were wide as he was suddenly landing roughly against the floor. What looked like some weird mix a long muzzle wolf and a tiger was poising itself to throw a fatal blow at him. He snarled, his long demonic claws sliding out, and he swung randomly at the attacker, his claws sinking though her flew along her shoulder. He threw her off, and leapt to his feet and tilted his head, ready to tear his long horns through this beast Scourge had actually leapt back, giving this not-as-wolf looking wolf had long horns pointed straight for her. at that, she started laughing, blood was still trickling from the wound he'd given her, but she didn't mind, she just laughed, and actually fell on the floor by laughing too hard Jacoby looked up, eyebrows cocked in confusion. "What the..." he said as he got a good look at this creature, "...hell are you laughing at?" he said, trying to sound threatning. Scourge stopped laughing slightly, looking up at Jacoby. "You! whaddya think i'm laughing at!?" She paused, knowning he'd ask her to explain. "Your almost half my size, and i practically have claws the length of your muzzle!" she exclaimed, standing up, looking impressed now, "And yet you still throw a punch at me?" She blinked, her eyes glowing deeper. "Been a long time since i've been in anything like a 'fight' considering everything always gives up without a second thought Jacoby simply blinked at the comment, not knowing what to say. Reverend lifted his head, hearing loud howls and snarling, not far away from him. He instantly turned into a large blonde looking dragon, and stared at the trees, looking over them carefully. Whatever was in there better not come near me... He thought nervously
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
2:09pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,314
A tiny sizzle prodded the interior of her mechanical arm, and Rydesa flinched slightly. Due to the make of the fake limb, her organic nerves had been temporarily fused to the thermal and touch sensors on the tips of her fingertips, and in the wires inside her arm. Technically, she could still feel "pain"through this arm - but it was a precaution, really, and not a means to cause her discomfort. If the arm was damaged, she'd know about it, and thus be able to tend to whatever damage had been inflicted upon it. But it was also useful it being able to know whatever was hidden inside the storage compartments, too. Quite literally, she could "feel", or rather "sense", the contents of her arm. As the chip clicked into place, she felt the cables inside warm up a little. Feeling a whole lot more hopeful about her stranded situation, she reached again for the small portable monitor inside the duffel. At the back was a small jumble of tidy-yet-cramped wires that had been sealed together with a strip of black wire, sellotaped to the back. She untangled the small mess, and inserted the end of the wires into yet another port in her arm, close to the memory chip. The monitor sparked to life; blue static sizzled across the screen, and Rydesa's hope soared. It had worked. By using the navigational information inside the memory chip and hooking it up with the monitor Lusak had packed for her through her mechanical arm, Rydesa could practically read it like a map and find the nearest point of power. Smiling to herself, she tapped numerous holographic symbols that hovered half a centimetre above the actual glas-s screen with her sensitive fingers. Her smile broadened after she'd finally configured the small tracking system to her liking, and spotted a small yellow dot on the blue screen, puslating slightly. On a small information panel on the left side of the screen, tiny waves, pulsating dots and crisscrossing zigzags measured her heart and breathing rate, temperature, even injury and enviromental threat levels. Clearly, the monitor had a means of sensing the stability of the surrounding air. With the place being so covered in volcanoes, there'd undoubtedly be toxic gases and the like in the atmosphere. But that mattered little right now. Satisfied at finally getting started, Rydesa crawled back out of the landing pod, holding the monitor with her right arm (OOC: I seem to have been getting some stuff mixed up. D: Right arm's robotical, not her left. Sowry~) and letting her distorted claw hang loosely at her side. Zooming out of the technical map to better view her surroundings, she spotted a highlighted location roughly North of her position. Civilization. After a few taps and further adaptions, the lime-green circle was soon coupled with a smaller red dot inside, pulsating. A little like the repetitive beeps of a submarine. Striding forward, she began to make her way towards the highlighted area, armed with her duffel and backpack.

2:30pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((-will post in sec-))
2:33pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Perfectly fine with me. xD Length ftw. And that even gives us a few more on the outside - probably better than my original idea of having most of them traveling together. Hrm.. Seems like now Korr's going from being grumpy and negative to just being a total jerk. xD What a loveable lion. Like Knives, huh Wolfeh? ;D
The little man watched as Mr. Liger twiddled his feet, obviously anxious and unwilling to grab the first bag. Certainly couldn't blame him, with what lay ahead of all of them. It was all so.. uncertain. Other than the general direction in which they would travel and these sparse supplies, he could provide nothing to help them on their way. Far as he knew, the regions beyond those that had already been discovered and explored could get them all killed. As the Dragon reached forward though, his rather negative train of thought was ended. He looked up to her, giving a small nod and a simple, "Good luck." A glance to the side told him that there were only four bags left - not nearly enough to accomodate every one of them. He sighed. It was Korr that rose next, after stretching out in a yawn that held absolutely no regard for anyone else's personal space. The sight of his claws digging ruts into the floor, he noticed, made the Chief uncomfortable. This simply made him reach forward again and carve into the dirt as hard as he could. At the sour reaction that met this, a brief smirk crossed the Manticore's face. As he bagel began to shrug through the crowd, Korr's face fell back to blankness, the only bit of emotion visible there being a vague frown. His ex pression was like an open field - almost perfectly flat, but not quite. The Manticore pulled a bag from the table with one paw, then reached down with his tail to hold onto it, letting it hang freely just above his back. As he turned back toward the others, he made sure to swing it just right, in order to hit the Chief in the back. A dirty grin at the little man, and he went back to sit in his spot, hitting a couple more individuals on the way.

3:40pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Mr.ligers eyes widened at the creature that was practicallt running people over, and he ducked as he came by him. At that, he ended up deciding it was a good idea to to let someone else handle the bags, they looked to be quite heavy, and he probably wasn't the strongest weasle in the bunch. If no one else takes a bag, then i'll go get one... he thought, noticing there was just a little less bags than creatures Dagger glared at korr as he rumbled through everyone, hitting most along the way. She snorted lightly. Now that's ust being rude. she thought with a bit of anger. (fail) Scourge stood up, dusting off her fur, as she finished her little moment of hysterics. "Anyways... what i'm saying, it's quite surprise..." he paused, rubbing a claw through the fur on her cut shoulder, "To me, at least, that someone your size, would fight back to someone my size... considering we both would doubt you'd win." Jacoby raised his lips in a snarl at Scourge, but she wasn't lying... when he first saw her, he was worried he'd get mauled by the... whatever she was... He glanced up at sky, noticing the scars seemed to get deeper. He decided it best to change the subect, as the current could lead to another fight. "D-did you not-" he was cut off before he had a chance to finish Scourge was practically snarling, her eyes dark. "Yah, i notice." She said coldy
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
4:02pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((I'm just going to post something and hope it'll be okay as a first post...)) Shadowhex and Toxic followed the Pack. "I think I'm hungry." Toxic mumbled. Shadowhex gave a chuckle and replied, "You should've eaten before!" Toxic's ears drooped. "Well I wasn't hungry before!" he protested. Shadowhex blinked at him. "You're always hungry." she snorted. Toxic sighed, ttrying to cope with his grumbling belly.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
10:39am Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I wanna stroke his fais~ D; Hey, maybe you should give him the short, creamy-coloured hair Knivsey has? He's red all over, except for a small match of beige on his scalp. Like a little bullseye. Hur hur. Knives is a jerk. 8D And so is your character, yoshi. A right inconsiderable kitty. By the way, what is the time on the planet, yoshi? Is it night, or day? I don't wanna get confused.
A few minutes of listening to the distant rumble of a dozing volcano, and occaional glances at the throbbing circles on her mobile monitor, was beginning to weave thoughts of excitement and cautiosness through Rydesa's mind. The ground beneath her black boots was coarse and hard, lots of little rocks and stones littering the foor to give it an unsolid, sandy hue. It vaguely reminded her of the photograms of the hot, sparse canyons on the Rexillon homeworld - thankfully, many light-years away from this planet's location. Rough, unwelcoming, dangerous. She didn't know if the whole planet was this barren, or if it varied with rainforests and icy tundras and swooping hills and soaring mountain ranges, like the planet of her species. Funnily enough, she'd never actually seen her race's homeplanet. She couldn't even recall its name (OOC: Because it's doesn't have one, due to Wolfeh's obsession for really cool names and taking whatever amount of time to think of one). But thanks to the frozen images she'd been shown of the various landscapes of the Rexillon's homeworld, she could vaguely pretend, with a lot of determination and imagination, that she was on the planet she'd never set foot on. The soundless beeps on the screen held in her right hand continued to pulsate, and Rydesa used her optical abilities to view her rocky surroundings. She was walking in the middle of a swooping, narrow valley flanked by a pair of spiky, jagged mountains. Not that huge, but steep, and looked like a challenge to climb. Large, overlapping "plates" of stone gathered near the feet of the "hills", proof that they had failed to cling on the precaurious angle of the surrounding peaks. But, suddenly, she felt a slight tingling in her left arm - the deformed claw. Frowning, she glanced at the monitor. The small throbs resonating inside her arm were in sync to the puslations on the screen. My arm must be tapping into the waves nibbing off the status scanners inside the computer system, she wondered. That would make sense. Since the biological sensors in her mechanical arm were keeping track of Rydesa's life stauses and reflecting them onto the screen, it wouldn't be too surprising if her Rexillon claw was dancing to the same music, too. It was almost like a living creature all by itself - it could adapt by itself, it responded physically to some things that messed with Rydesa's body. Literally, if she was listening to some music, it was start tapping the "fingers" all by itself if she allowed it to. It wasn't just completely different to her human self in appearance; it reacted differently with certain things, too. But sometimes, it was triggered by things that weren't computer- or medical-based. Rydesa stopped abruptly after the throbbing refused to ecase. Stepping back a few steps, she was disturbed to find that the tingling still didn't stop. She carefully unplugged the monitor from her arm. The sensation continued. Frowning, she re-attatched the metal device back to her arm. Whatever was making her arm react like this wasn't the monitor, or whatever inside. It was something in the enviroment. When that thought settled, Rydesa began to have no doubts about it. Something in her surroundings was triggering her Rexillon arm.

11:55am Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((They fixed the glitch? :D Yoshi~ you like Trigun? xD )) Trinity tried her best not to flinch as the manticore approached her. Nice going. Anger the creature who's one thousand times stronger than you. Fortunately he was distracted by the man (Trinity was now growing tired of him as well). She yawned. The jerk-manticore grabbed one of the too few bags of supplies provided for them and swung it around, not caring if he "accidentally" hit somebody. Idiot. Jerk. She frowned at the thought that she would be traveling with him. Trinity walked up and grabbed one of the bags. She felt the want to use her wings and fly, to feel the wind against her face, but for now had to stay momentarily here while they got "organized".
6:29am Mar 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: Agh. Sorry I keep not posting, doods. I'm so distractable. 8( I'll try to read through all the postehs and get something written up tonight.
9:02pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: xD If you stroked his fais, he might go and bite you. And actually, I think I accidentally did that to one of the Manticore I drew for a summer-school mythology project.. I hadn't even thought of it, then some dood peeking over my shoulder was all, 'He looks like Knives.' And he really did. And Korr would thank you for your kind words.. but he never thanks anyone. xD Hm. I'd say probably late morning. Definitely, Nightmare. 8D I'm full of Trigun love~ I mean, who could disagree with a face like that? *pokes her signature* Korr couldn't help but notice the negative looks of those around him - a look of surprise here, a frown of disapproval there, even an aggravated sigh behind him. It all made him feel rather accomplished, as though all that negativity was really praise in disguise. Most others would hold such feelings upon helping others; he felt them when causing harm. And he loved it, however little his face showed it. The only difference from before was that now, a very slight smile had crept back up, replacing that bit of a frown. After settling on the floor once more and setting his bag down with the simple curl of his tail, the Manticore took to attacking that little beetle again. It seemed it hadn't moved a bit since he removed his attention from it. But then, he supposed a beetle probably couldn't move very well with only two legs left. "Hm.." He flicked it. OoC: Ah.. Not much, but I can't really think of anything to do until the bags are all taken. Might lower the number of them or something. x3 I guess I'd thought we had more characters, but so many have just vanished that I'm not really sure..
