Luna staked her prey from a distance, her heart pumped at the adrenalin of fresh food.
The rabbit was so close, one more step..... She pounced killing the rabbit in a second.
She lived on the outskirts of the territory, she was one of the only snow leopards that lived in this regain. A couple where in the north and the west, but no one dared come to the south of the south. There where a ton of hares and rabbits, but also bigger animals that could kill you at any second. There where no rules, no leader, no nothing. Just a bunch of hares.
She had learned that the south was an okay place if you keep on your toes. One step in the wrong place and your fate was a dead end. She eat the rabbit in a hurry, hoping to depose of the evidence of a fresh kill before the 'other' came. Her tail swished around her, her ears where pricked. One of the 'others' where coming. Luna quickly, escaped, trying not to get caught in a death trap.
She headed to her den, It was a hard trek up to the den, but it was a warm and a good defense point. She had to cover her tracks and her scent with twigs and leaves so the 'other' couldn't find her. She had positioned different routs to the den so that she always had an escape rout. Her total of dens where three, so if she needed a place to stay in the night she always had one close by.
She had never meet any other big cats and was generally an outsider to all society other than the ' others' but they weren't the kind of things you would want to hang out with.