4:17pm Feb 15 2010
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((Which stallion? Kaze or Shun? XD))
4:17pm Feb 15 2010
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Kaze watched her before before rearing again his hofs hitting the fence as he tried to break them down to get at her. Robbie watched them before shaking his head watching her incase the stallion did break the fence.
4:17pm Feb 15 2010
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4:19pm Feb 15 2010
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((Kaze, I suppose. The one that charged her at the fence. Sorry, I'm a little lost. Lovee, your turn.))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
4:21pm Feb 15 2010
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Bavmorda stopped Gypsy next to them and handed Jessica to Robbie, then grabbed Zilla`s arm and turned her around, "Hey, have some respect. My husband just saved your life." She said angerly. Gypsy snorted at Kaze as her ears fell flat. "Leave it be." Shun told Kaze before turning around and trotting back to the herd.
4:32pm Feb 15 2010
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Zilla was again startled as Bavmorda switched her around again. Having been focused on something for so long and being near- sighted, beeing spun made her head hurt. She blinked her eyes, not exactly sure what had just p*censored*ed as if she had been riding a particularly lurching rollar coaster. She blinked and put a hand on her forehead as if it would slow the spinning of the Earth. When at last she looked up, she couldn't tell which words she had used, exactly. Her ex pression, however, was one that Zilla had seen many times on her step- parent's faces and she knew what had p*censored*ed. She took in a deep breath and told herself to stay strong. This is no better than home. Desprate for rencouragement, she glanced behind her for another look at the horses. They had gone away from her. Zilla's stomach flipped and she suddenly felt rather sick. She turned back to the woman holding her arm, yanking it away to gather up her hair. If she let it flip around much longer someone would be bound to notice her tatoo, and that wouldn't go over that well. She tried to put it evenly on her neck, but the wind wasn't agreeing with her. Finally she gave up and let the wind tasle it. Now she felt worse than ever. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. It's been a long morning for me, and I apologize for my rash actions."
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
4:40pm Feb 15 2010
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Robbie walked over to them putting a hand on Bevmorda's sholder "its ok its been a long day" he said calmly. Kaze moved back with Shun but not before glaring at the blue haired human who thinks he can claim him.
4:46pm Feb 15 2010
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Bavmorda looked up at Robbie, then turned and took Jessica and mounted Gypsy again, "I`m gonna go put Gypsy up.", she said before turning and galloping off. Zayal watched Kaze walk away, "I`m getting that stallion." He said, without actually knowing it.
4:47pm Feb 15 2010
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((Okay this is moving to fast for me...I think i might have to quit, sorry.))
4:50pm Feb 15 2010
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((Nu ssather! :( Pwease saty.))
4:58pm Feb 15 2010
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((Sather! Nu!)) Zilla put her hands on her hips, forgetting about her hair and tatoo. She looked out back into the pasture again and giggled. "Determined, aren't you, Zay?" She wondered how many horses they had at home, and felt a pang of jeolousy. The oly animals she had was a snake. (She didn't count the food mice as pets.) She remembered the dog she had before her dad died and wished that they hadn't given him away. She sighed and let her eyes fall again. She lowered her hands and turned away, figuring she'd better find something productive to do before she got herself into even bigger trouble.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:01pm Feb 15 2010
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Robbie nodded before looking at everyone "now come on ill show you your rooms so you can unpack" he said walking back to the house. Kaze glared at him "we will see" he said before laying in the shade.
5:08pm Feb 15 2010
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((The video is cute, and it`s Bavmorda`s song. XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f3TvsxFAHk&feature=related )) Bavmorda dismounted Gypsy in the barn and set Jessica down in her chair. She went and unsaddled Gypsy and let her back out into the pasture. She put Gypsy`s stuff in the tack room and then walked out to Jessica, "Silly girl made Mama upset." she said picking Jessica up and kissing cheek. Layal followed after Robbie, but Zayal stayed by the fence for a little bit, "I`m gonna get you stallion." He said before turning, putting his hands back in his pockets and following after Layal
5:11pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 5:12pm Feb 15 2010)
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((cool XD i had to edit i i spelt coll))
5:18pm Feb 15 2010
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((I love that song.)
5:25pm Feb 15 2010
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Zilla tagged behind the others, not wanting to draw any more unnessisary attention to herself. She walked slowly twards the house, noting that this would be a long summer.... Once she found her room, she would unpack and just draw untill lights- out, or whatever they did here. She sighed quietly, wondering if it wouldv'e been better to stay home. She forced a wan smile on her face for a few secconds before letting it fade and keeping her eyes on the ground. Tomarrow will be better, She prayed. It has to be. Zill kept quiet then, the only movements she made were twice to remove the hair from her face and try to cover her tatoo with it. Twice she gave up. If these people where going to get in a big hissy fit 'cause she got a little ink on the back of her neck, then they deserved as much as her respect as a rock did. Zilla pushed the thoughts away. No, that wasn't true. They'd probably give her weird looks and shun her for a while. She could live with that. They deserved as much respect as anyone else and she would give it to them, providing they returned it equally. It was hard to smile just then, as much as Zilla willed herself to. She blinked away empty tears and continued trotting quietly behind the others.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:28pm Feb 15 2010
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Kaze glared more at him. Robbie lead then into the house and to their rooms. Kirsty started unpacking her stuff. Jessica looked sad before giving her mum a sloppy baby kiss.
5:39pm Feb 15 2010
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Bavmorda smiled and walked back to the house, wiping the baby drool of her cheek as she walked. She walked into the house and into Jessica`s room. She set Jessica in her crib and handed her the stuffed horse, "Hungry Jess?" She asked with a smile.
5:50pm Feb 15 2010
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((I have to go guys. Please don`t go too far without me.))
5:51pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 934
((Sorry, braindead. I gotta go for a few.)) Zilla went into her room silently. Once she had locked herself in, she took a silent deep breath and began to unpack. She took the things from her suitcase and organized them- shirts, pants, undergarments, paper, pencils, pens.... Once she was comfortable with the arangement she took her favorite tools and sat on he bed. She proped her upper body un against the wall and bent her knees as if to make a verticle table with them. She proped up the black eching board and took her knife and began to etch. She scrapped the shavings into the garbage can nearby. A decent etching could take her hours and she hoped it would keep her occupied untill sun- down. After a few minutes, however, a few tears brimmed over and fell onto the work. When she could no longer contain herself, she got up, placed the work- in- progress over on the night stand and lay back down on the bed, her face in the pillow. She screamed into it, the cry mutted as it was absorbed by down. After a few more minutes, she walked back over, dried her eyes with a tissue, and resumed her work in the same position. It was a rutene she was more than used to at home and this was hardly different. When Zilla found it even harder to focus on the Etch, she walked over to the window, which over looked part of the wild horses' pasture, and drew the curtians back. She gazed at them through the gl*censored*, wishing so dearly she could be amoung them.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)