6:48pm Feb 15 2010
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Jessica clapped her hands her way of agreeing. Robbie soon walked in Jessicas room and smiled before walking over laughing "you missed abit" he said wiping Bevmordas cheek before kissing it.
6:49pm Feb 15 2010
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2:57pm Feb 16 2010
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8:39pm Feb 16 2010
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Bavmorda looked up at Robbie and smiled, "What did I miss?" SHe asked with a laugh. Shun lifted his head and saw a girl looking out the window at the herd. He flattened her ears and reared, thrashing his hooves around and whinning loudly.
8:44pm Feb 16 2010
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Robbie laughed "just abit of Jessy drool" he said laughing more. Kirsty could hear neighing and looked out her window looking at all the wild horses and the one that caught her attention was a tan horse with long black mane and tail he looked beautiful.
8:52pm Feb 16 2010
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((Pretty Rinku.)) "Oh, I though you ment something with the kids." Bavmorda said with a laugh, "I got to get her a bottle." Bavmorda said motioning towards Jessica.
8:55pm Feb 16 2010
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Robbie smiled giving Bevmorda a bottle "i thought she would be hungry so i warmed one up tested it and brought it up ready" he said smiling. Kirsty walked out the house and back to the wild horses she wasnt going to go inside but stay where they wouldnt see her as a threat and smiled seeing the stallion closer then what she could from her window bringin out an apple she held it out to him "hi there" she said smiling.
9:03pm Feb 16 2010
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Bavmorda smiled and took the bottle, "Thank you." She said before picking Jessica up and walking into their room and sitting on the bed, then giving it to Jessica. Shun snorted at Kristy as his ears fell flat aginst his head. Rinku picked up his head from grazing and looked aat Kristy like, 'Who in the world are you, and what do you want.'
9:06pm Feb 16 2010
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When the horse noticed her, Zilla's heart skipped a beat. It was not in fear or eximent, but rather because of the over-whelming emotion that turned her belly. She felt several things all at once: The first was giult. She had never payed a shine of respect in the last few weeks to her brothers, sisters or mother. Then again, they didn't pay attention to her, either. The seccond emotion was longing. She wished so to be out there, with them, the horses. Some part of her felt like she belonged there. This lead to the third emotion: hopelessness. Where did she belong? She wasn't a cow- girl, a citty- slicker or a horse, as much as she may have wanted to be. All of these, combined with unexplainable flash- backs and exitment, caused for a simply awe- inspiring breath. After about a minute, she released the air she didn't relize she had been holding. A smile flickered across her face, through the tears that had almost dried on her face. Again trusting her impulse, Zilla stood, gazing at the stallion. She opened the window, letting in the sweet afternoon air. She leaned on the sill as if this action would will her body to be there, in with them. Danger or fear had never stopped Zilla before, and that wasn't going to change this day. She stood a moment longer, lingering in the window frame. Within seccond, she slammed the window shut again, whirled twards the bad and slipped her denim jacket on. She flipped her hair into a loose knott and ran out of her room, closing the door slightly in its place. She dashed out, tring to seem casual, and opened the front door. She closed it quietly behind her, then walked slowly twards the wild horses. This time, she held back and gazed at them from a distance. The wind whipped at her face, tearing her crimson hair from its bunggie. She took a few stepps closer, being careful not to chalange the stallion. She breathed slowly, clamly. When the horse failed to settel, she sat on the ground, still several feet away from the fence. She gave a shy smile and gazed up at the stallion, as if begging him for forgiveness. "Please," she whispered into the wind. "No body's trusted me since my father died...." A lone tear rolled down from her left eye before she whipped it off with the back of her hand. Other than that, she tried (and failed) to secure her own emotions. Again, the voice in the back of her head nagged: He's not calming down for you, stupid girl! Zilla took a deep breath and tried to push back the worry. If I close my heart to the world, I certanly won't get hurt, but I won't get loved, either.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
9:07pm Feb 16 2010
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Jessica happily drank her bottle looking around the room her eyes glued to anything shiney. Robie walked in with her and smiled watching them "should we start today or tomorrow?" he asked. Kirsty looked at Shun before gentley throwing an apple over to him so it stopped by his feet before doing the same to Rinku she didnt like trying to be mean to horses and rather gain their trust slowly and not catch them but let them want to be with her.
9:12pm Feb 16 2010
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((Back to our pattern.))
9:13pm Feb 16 2010
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((ok then its you XD))
9:16pm Feb 16 2010
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Shun stomped, crushing the apple under his heavy hoof. He reared again as the other girl came, "Stupid humans!" He screamed even though to the humans it was just a whiny. Rinku bent his neck and smelt the apple, then rolled it to Luna, who was standing next to him. Luna, who already had her head down, flintched when the appled rolled over. She smelt it and ate it slowly. Bavmorda smiled, watching Jessica look at all the shiny stuff. She then looked up at Robbie and thought a few seconds, "I think tomorrow. Then they`ll have the time to get used to the farm." She said happily.
9:29pm Feb 16 2010
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Zilla averted her gaze to the ground at the whinny. So even by a horse I'm just a reject. Well, it's not like there was any reason for him to trust me. Then again, why should I be at reason to trust him? No, that's not fair. I can trust him to be a stallion, proud and stuborn as I may be. Zilla had to crack a lonely smile. After a moment she stood, dusted herself off, and ebbed a few feet closer to the fence. She looked over to her left, where the other girl stood. (What had she said her name was? Oh, dear...) Finally, she murmered to Kirsty, "How many horses do you have at home?" Zilla let out a faint blush, relizing that her voice had quivered in the begining of the question and then took a moment to even it out. Even then, it was quiet. She turned back to the dark stallion in his state of awing pride, then back at Kristy. She would have to get used to this respect thing again. She smiled warmly, tring her best to stay friendly.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
9:33pm Feb 16 2010
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Robbie nodded smiling before sitting next to Bevmorda smiling at Jessica. Jessica looked seeing something really shiney and started reaching out to try and grab it wanting to play with it. Kirsty looked abit sad that Shun crushed the apple but smiled seeing Rinku give his apple to the horse next to him he must really like thinking of others in the herd before himself looking at Zilla she smiled "i dont have any at home my parents dont like horses" she said smiling before opening her bag she emptied it showing alot of fruit and vegitables she had bought for the horses before she smiled at Zilla again "im Kirsty whats your name?" she said smiling at her.
9:45pm Feb 16 2010
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Shun snorted at the two girls and turned his back to them, and trotted away. After Shun trotted past, Luna galloped over to the fence and looked down at an apple that had fallen close to the fence. She reacher down to bite it, but the fence kept her neck from going down enough to get it. Bavmorda smiled and grabbed Jessica`s hand, "No, no Jess." She said with a laugh.
9:55pm Feb 16 2010
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Quietly, Zilla picked up what was left of the apple and held it out for the new horse. She was sad that the stallion had left, but was also delighted that this one seemed a little friendlier. She brightened at the prospect. Her smile grew a little. She offered her hands, more than a little coy, out to the paint. (Or pinto. She wasn't sure exactly what the differance between the colors were.) She flattened her fingers like she had read about in books. This prevented the horse from biting her acsidentally. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Zilla." She brightened a little as more of her hair colapsed around her shoulders and brushed her pale skin. "It's nice to know I'm not the only one without a horse," she giggled. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Not wanting to seem entirely disrespectful, she turned back to the mare, hoping she would take the apple willingly. She hadn't counted on the prospect, but couldn't help but to be a little hopeful.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
10:02pm Feb 16 2010
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Jessica started getting teary eyed because she couldnt play with the shiney thing. Robbie looked at her "dont cry hun look what i have" he said pulling her horse teddy out but that didnt cheer her up as she pushed her bottle away and started crying. Kirsty smiled at Zilla watching her smiling as she moved the fruit and vegitables slowly closer to the fence so the horses wouldnt have trouble getting at them "you just have to be slow with them the more you rush horses the more you get them to not trust you" she said smiling before looking at the tan stallion again that was by this mare.
10:14pm Feb 16 2010
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Luna happily took the apple, chewing it over Zilla`s hand, the juice drips dropped from her chin, and hit Zilla`s hand. Luna put her head back over the fence and started grazing next to the fence. Bavmorda sighed and reacher over, she grabbed a little bell she had gotten for training animals. She rang it in front of Jessica, and set it on the open palm of her hand.
10:25pm Feb 16 2010
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Zilla smiled, more than delighted that the horse had taken the treat. She snickered as her lips touched her palms and sprayed sweet- smelling liquid about the skin. She the mare turned away, Zilla lowered her hands and whiped the moisture off on her jenes, which dried quite easily in the fading sun. Turning back to Kristy again she said, "You're rather knowladgeable. I can admire that." Zilla felt her face drain of heat as her blush faded back into normal pigminted skin. Once more she turned back to the grazzing mare, taking in every little mark her pattern portrayed. Being rash as she was, she wanted to reach over the fence and stroke her like she did Gypse when she had first arrived. In the end, however, Zilla decided that it was probably better to follow Kirsty's advise and take it slow. To herself she murmered, still smiling, "I'm so hopeless."
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)