12:40pm Feb 20 2010
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Robbie walked out of the house with the stuff he needed for the BBQ and started cokking the meat whistleing for Molly and the pups when Bevmorda wasnt there he gave them some meat and spoils them. ((can i be a german shepherd pup they found and adopted? but sees Molly as her mum))
12:41pm Feb 20 2010
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1:03pm Feb 20 2010
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((Sure.)) Molly, Kovu, and Raina all ran up. Because of her longer legs, Molly got there first and sat down in front of him. Her stubby tail wagged happily as she looked up at him.
1:21pm Feb 20 2010
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Name:Sasha Gender:Female Species:German shepherd Looks: Owner:Ray family Other:shes the youngest at 5 and a half weeks she was found by Robbie when he was making his rounds and thinks that Molly is her mum
1:23pm Feb 20 2010
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Robbie smiled at her and gave her some meat that had cooled down and was cooked "good girl" he said smiling as he pet her. Sasha tried to run over but kept tripping over her own paws as she ran.
1:32pm Feb 20 2010
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Kovu and Raina finally got to Robbie too. Raina imitated her mother and sat down in front of Robbie, but Kovu jumped up and down in front of him.
1:37pm Feb 20 2010
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Robbie laughed giving Raina some meat before looking at Kovu "sit Kovu" he said to him. Sasha was near a step but couldnt get up it putting her front paws on the step she whimpered "mummy help please" she said to her whimpering.
1:45pm Feb 20 2010
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Molly got up and picked Sasha up by the scruff, then set her down next to Raina and Kovu, then layed aginst the warm BBQ. Kovu sat and looked up at the meast in Robbie`s hand.
1:51pm Feb 20 2010
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Sasha yipped and cuddled into her mum she couldnt eat meat fully so she didnt bother with it. Robbie smiled and gave him the meat "good boy" he said smiling seeing Sasha he smiled stroking her "hey their little one" he said to her smiling more.
2:06pm Feb 20 2010
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((Should Gypsy and Midnight be mates?)) Molly laied her head on her paws, and silenly watched Kovu and Raina play tackle eachother. Gypsy walked out of her stall and into the pasture. All the fully trained horses, had stalls that attached to the pasture, meaning they could go in and out as they pleased. She stood by the water trough and put her head down and begand to graze.
2:10pm Feb 20 2010
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((if you want)) Sasha watched them she wanted to play but was too young to play without getting hurt. Robbie smiled before carrying on cooking the food. Midnight walked out with Gypsy standing next to her smiling.
2:25pm Feb 20 2010
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Molly nudged Sasha towards Kovu and Raina, "Go play. Its okay, I`m right here." She said with a smile. Gypsy lifted up her head and nuzzled Midnight. Then she looked and saw Molly, Robbie, and the puppies by the BBQ.
2:28pm Feb 20 2010
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Midnight smiled and nuzzled her back looking over at what she was looking at. Sasha smiled and got up befroe running over and pouncing on Kovu yipping happily as she gentaly tugged his ear. Robbie laughed seeing the pups play. Kirsty could hear noises looking over she smiled seeing pups and Robbie cooking "i think where having a BBQ" she said smiling at Zilla.
2:47pm Feb 20 2010
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Molly watched the three pups happily. Gypsy smiled and then sighed, and put her head back down to graze.
2:51pm Feb 20 2010
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Midnight tilted his head at her before nuzzleing her more. Sasha laughed as she played with her brother and sister beore landing on her paw wrong and yelping and whimpering "owwie my paw" she said whimpering.
2:59pm Feb 20 2010
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Molly got up and walked over to the pup, and then went back to her spot next to the BBQ. She layed Sasha on her back and looked at the paw. Kovu and Raina stopped for a few seconds, then continued playing. Gypsy looked up quickly at the sound of the pup`s whimper. She sighed again, then nuzzled Midnight back.
3:06pm Feb 20 2010
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Sasha whimpered and held her paw up "it hurts" she said whimpering. Midnight looked at her "i was wondering what it would be like to have foals" he said to her smiling. Robbie looked at the pup but didnt know what to do it was normaly Bevmorda who handled the ingered.
3:13pm Feb 20 2010
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Molly picked Sasha up and went to the door to the house. She scratched at the door, then looked at Robbie. "I wouldn`t know. bavmorda always told people I was a breeding mare, but she never did actally have me bred." Gypsy said before putting her head back down to graze.
3:18pm Feb 20 2010
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Midnight shrugged before resting his head on her back smiling. Robbie opened the door for her before going back to the BBQ to make sure the pups didnt try and eat the food.
3:27pm Feb 20 2010
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Molly ran through the house towards Bavmorda and Robbie`s room. She jumped up onto the bed next to Bavmorda, and layed Sasha on her stomach. Bavmorda looked down at the pup, Molly had set on her. She sighed and sat up then rubbed the puppy`s head, "Where does it hurt little one?" She asked calmly. Gypsy sighed, "Don`t even think about it. I`m not even in season." She said before lifting her head and looking at Midnight.