3:30pm Feb 20 2010
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Midnight smirked "oh darn there goes my evil plan" he said before nipping her back and walking to graze. Sasha whimpered before licking her paw then yelping.
3:31pm Feb 20 2010
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3:38pm Feb 20 2010
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Gypsy snorted and moved away from Midnight, she wasn`t in the mood for games at that point. Bavmorda picked Sasha up and walked into the kitchen. SHe grabbed a plastic and filled it with ice, then she got a towel and went and layed back down on her bed. She has cross leged and held Sasha on her lap. She wrapped the bag in the towel and held it gently on the pup`s foot.
3:44pm Feb 20 2010
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Midnight sighed wondering what was wrong with her. Sasha yelped and moved her paw away the towel was cold "thats cold" she said to both her mum and Bevmorda.
3:55pm Feb 20 2010
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((It`s Bavmorda. Not with an e.)) "I know sweety, but it`ll help." Molly said licking Sasha. "It`s okay little one." Bavmorda said holding Sasha`s leg and holding the towel to the paw.
3:59pm Feb 20 2010
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((sorry im not seeing straight XD)) Sasha whimpered "but it hurts" she said makeing a whining noise as her paw hurt.
4:05pm Feb 20 2010
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((Is it broken or just sprained?)) "I know sweety." Molly said again. Bavmorda watched the two as she held the towel to the pup`s paw.
4:08pm Feb 20 2010
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((broken she is still young)) Sasha whimpered putting her head on her mum or trying to.
4:17pm Feb 20 2010
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Bavmorda sighed. She got back up again and layed Sasha on the bed. Molly got up to follow her out of the room but Bavmorda turned around and told her to stay, which cause Molly to lay back down next to the puppy. Bavmorda walked outside and over to Robbie, "It`s broken." She said looking at him.
4:24pm Feb 20 2010
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Robbie looked at her "do you want me to call the vet?" he asked her taking his phone out ready just incase. Sasha whimpered looking at her mum "why does it hurt mummy?" she asked her.
4:26pm Feb 20 2010
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Bavmorda shook her head, "I can take care or if, I just wanted to tell you, I think she should stay inside for awhile." She said walking towards the door, but stopping and waiting for Robbie`s reply.
4:33pm Feb 20 2010
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Robbie nodded "ok upstairs or down?" he asked her putting his phone away again.
4:39pm Feb 20 2010
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"I say she should stay in our room, so then I can keep an easier watch on her." Bavmorda said leaning aginst the frame of the door.
4:57pm Feb 20 2010
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Robbie nodded "do you want to call everyone the foods ready" he said to her.
5:05pm Feb 20 2010
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"You`ll have to do it, and eat without me. I have to take care of the pup." She said turning and walking inside. She went back into their room with a brace and soem bandages. She sat down next to Sasha and set her on her lap. She grabbed Sasha`s leg and sighed, "This might hurt little one." She said grabbing some of the bandage and started to wrap it around Sasha`s paw.
5:10pm Feb 20 2010
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Robbie nodded before walking inside and calling everyone telling them that dinner was ready before walking outside and telling Kirsty and Zilla before putting it all on plates for everyone. Kirsty walked over before grabing a plat and sitting down saving a seat for Zilla. Sasha whimpered and whined "it hurts" she yelped.
5:33pm Feb 20 2010
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Molly licked Sasha comforting. "I know little one." Bavmorda said right before finishing, "There." She said before grabbing the brace and putting it on Sasha`s paw. She set her back down, then walked into Jessica`s room and took one of her old play pens, then went back into their room and st it up. SHe then went and picked Sasha up and put her inside it, "You`re gonna stay in heer till your paw gets better little one." She said with a small half smile, then before walking out of the room she called Molly. Molly looked at Sasha in the play pen, and sighed, "I`ll be back later Sweety. Promise." She said before running after Bavmorda.
5:36pm Feb 20 2010
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Sasha whimpered and cried not being left alone before "mummy" she called her.
5:41pm Feb 20 2010
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Molly stopped and looked back, then at Bavmorda, who was holding the door open, "Fine, go on." She said before walking outside. Molly turned and ran back into Bavmorda`s room and layed next to the playpen.
5:44pm Feb 20 2010
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Sasha moved closer to her mum and poked her nose out the playpen her tail wagging abit as she started falling asleep.