10:24pm Feb 20 2010
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10:28pm Feb 20 2010
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Robbie looked at her and nodded "yes i think there is one more person left to come here then tomorrow you pick your horse" he said smiling.
10:38pm Feb 20 2010
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Bavmorda sighed, she was still nervous about the kids picking their horses. She and Robbie hadn`t gotten those two stallions out yet, so they were just gonna have to go through with the two in there. ((I have to go soon. :( ))
10:54pm Feb 20 2010
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((Nu!)) Zilla smiled and nodded in aknowladgement, filled with questions about this new person. But, tomarrow they would pick their horses.... This made her uneasy and her face became a little paler. She began to ponder all the things that were likely to happen, but when this failed, she created an alternate reality for herself. In this world, everything went right. When once more, Zilla came back to reality, she relized that none of these things was likely to happen. That ment something would go horrably wrong. Her stomach turned, and she attempted to settle it by finnishing her carrot and placing Ranch Dressing upon her lettuce. As she began to munch with slightly bigger bites, she couldn't help but to keep looking at the driveway across the property, awaiting someone else to pull up. She hoped somebody would save her from her worries.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
10:56pm Feb 20 2010
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((shes gone so me and you can carry on if you want)) Robbie smiled at her "if your worried about the horses we have a tame one from the herd you can pick if you want shes over there" he said pointing over at Kazumi.
9:54am Feb 21 2010
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10:09am Feb 21 2010
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((Don`t worry. Isamu is going to come late, like right before they pick their horses late. XD)) Bavmorda just listened to the conversation, thing of every little thing that could go wrong, and a way to prevent it.
11:12am Feb 21 2010
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Robbie looked at Bavmorda "i will wake up early and take the two stallions into a feild on their own"he told her smiling.
11:18am Feb 21 2010
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Bavmorda looked at him and nodded. She looked down at her plate, continuing to think of thing that would go wrong.
11:22am Feb 21 2010
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Robbie looked up and around "hmmm while its abit light now ill do it now" he said befoe getting up and walking to the stable whistleing Midnight while holding the saddle and some ropes. Midnight looked over seeing Robbie before nuzzleing Gypsy then ran over to him having the saddle put on before they started making their way over to the wild horses.
11:28am Feb 21 2010
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Gypsy looked up and watched Midnight and Robbie go off to the wild horse pasture. She sighed and put her head back down. Shun looked up from his grazign and saw Robbie and Midnight coming towards them. He snorted and reared, thrashing his hooves through the night air.
11:35am Feb 21 2010
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Midnight looked thinking who would be the best to catch first if he went with the lead then the other stallion might come easyer but he might be worse, opening the gate he had Midnight walk in before locking it before having him go towards the lead stallion while making a slip rope. ((i think thats what its called XD if it isnt tell me and ill fix it but its where they can put it on on the horse and it goes tighter to it cant me taken off))
11:41am Feb 21 2010
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((it`s a loop, and it doesn`t really have a name, just rope.)) Shun put his head low to the ground and pawed the ground. He snorted and glared at the two, daring them to come closer to his herd.
11:46am Feb 21 2010
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Robbie looked around all the other horses where far from the stallion so he could try and make him seperate more so he wont see him as trying to catch more of his herd. He then made Midnight run towards him to try and run next to him so he can get the rope on the stallion. Kaze was standing up watching them he would try and help if Shun asked him too but only if he asked him to.
11:56am Feb 21 2010
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Shun snorted and chraged straight at Midnight`s chest. He was going to ram into Midnight and knock Robbie off.
12:01pm Feb 21 2010
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Midnight knew what he was going to do and quickly moved to the left just missing him but giving Robbie the opertunity to turn and jump on Shun putting the rope around his neck. After Robbie put the rope on the stallions neck he held on knowing the stallion will try and get him off good thing Robbie was a rodeo champion and knew how to hold onto a wild horse.
12:10pm Feb 21 2010
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Shun snorted layed down, then rolled over, putting Robbie under all his weight. Gypsy reared as she watched. Bavmorda turned and looked at Gypsy, then saw Robbi and Shun. Her eyes widened and she gasped, she got up quickly and ran towards the barn.
12:16pm Feb 21 2010
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Midnight quickly ran over knocking Shun "get off him hes only trying to get you to move to a bigger field with more grasz" he neighed at him pushing him so he was off his back.
12:30pm Feb 21 2010
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Shun got up and turned and reared, "I don`t want a bigger pasture, I`m satying here!" He screamed. Just then, Bavmorda and Gypsy`s ramed into his side, knocking him over.
12:32pm Feb 21 2010
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((O.o Robbies still on his back)) Robbie looked at her "Grab the other rope and put it on him now" he said to her jumping back on Midnight holding the first rope that he had put on him.