4:01pm Feb 21 2010
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Kazumi glared at him "you stuborn male and to think i liked you" she said turning so her back was to him. Jessica woke up babbleing before opening her hands wanting to be picked up. ((i think sander isnt going to be here with us :( so do you want to be the brother?)) Sasha woke up and whimpered "mummy im hungry" she said to her.
4:01pm Feb 21 2010
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4:18pm Feb 21 2010
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((I don`t know. We`ll see.)) Bavmorda smiled and picked Jessica up, and hugged her happily. Molly sighed, "I know Sweety, but I can`t get to you." Shun suddenly stopped and looked at kazumi, "You can`t bileve.....what?"
4:28pm Feb 21 2010
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Kazumi looked at him before turning back so she wasnt looking at him and grazed on the grasz. Sasha whimpered and started whining hoping one of the humans would hear her. 'jessica giggled hugging her and sloppy kissing her on the cheek.
4:47pm Feb 21 2010
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Bavmorda smiled and kissed Jessica`s forehead happily. Shun snorted and then went back to throwing his fit.
4:51pm Feb 21 2010
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Robbie could hear the whimpering walking in he smiled seeing the pup awake "hey there little one whats wrong?" he asked petting her. Sasha looked at Robbie "im hungry" she said whimpering. Jessica giggled clapping her hands. Kazumi sadly looked at Shun she really really liked him but didnt know what to do.
5:23pm Feb 21 2010
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Molly pawed the play pen and looked at Robbie, and whimpered. Bavmorda smiled and sat on the ground with Jessica, then wiped the slaber off her face. Shun finally calmed down a little bit and put his head down to graze.
5:33pm Feb 21 2010
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Kazumi watched him before laying down still confused about what she should do. Robbie smiled before picking Molly up puttign her in the playpen with Sasha "i get it now" he said smiling before leaving them and watching Bavmorda. Jessica giggled clapping her hands more.
6:09pm Feb 21 2010
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Molly layed down, then glared at Robbie as he left, 'I ment let her out.' She thought to herself. Bavmorda put Jessica on her lap and bounced her up and down, watching her giggle and clap. Then the wind hit Shun, he lifted his head quickly, all the mares in the next pasture were in heat, all her had to do was get in there, and they were all his.
6:14pm Feb 21 2010
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Kazumi was laying down not knowing what was going to happen but she didnt care but from the smell she could guess most of the mares where coming out of heat. Sasha tried to move over to her mum but fell because of the cast she wasnt use to it. Jessica giggled more. Robbie walked in smiling "hey what mares are going out of season ill move them" he said to her smiling.
6:31pm Feb 21 2010
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Bavmorda looked at him and shrugged, "I don`t know." she said before looking back at Jessica and smiling. Molly picked Sasha up by the scruff and set her down next to her. Shun sood staring at the fence between his pasture and the mares`. I was shorter than the other fence, if he was lucky, he could jump it and have easy pickings to all the mares.
6:43pm Feb 21 2010
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Robbie nodded "ill take most of the mares out and put them back in the field close to the barn just to make sure i think its only the new mare from the wild herd that is in season" he said before walking out and grabbing lead ropes and walking to the season field, there where only 4 mares in there all together including the new mare who was laying down, whistleing the others over he put the lead ropes on them and lead them out then closed the gate keeping Kazumi in there so she was the only one left and was in full heat as he moved the other three to the other field. Kazumi watched them before standing up and started grazing on some grasz.
6:46pm Feb 21 2010
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Shun glared at Robbie, 'Curse you, you filthy human.' he thought to himself angerly.
6:52pm Feb 21 2010
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Kazumi looked seeing Shun glaring at the human that took the mares and looked down again she had a feeling he was glaring at him because he had his eye on one of the mares he took away, sighing she walked further away from him feeling upset that he didnt like her like she liked him. Robbie smiled seeing the mare happy in the other field but soon turned seeing the stallion glaring at him and laughed knowing it was because he took most of the mares away.
6:55pm Feb 21 2010
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Shun snorted and stomped, but patiently waited for Robbie to leave. He still had a plan, and he was gonna make it work.
6:57pm Feb 21 2010
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Robbie shuck his head and walked in his house laughing as he walked into Jessicas room.
7:02pm Feb 21 2010
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Bavmorda looked up at Robbie as he walked in laughing, "What`s up with you?" She asked smiling. Shun snorted, then ran and the fence and jumped it. He stopped as he landed on the other side and just watched Kazumi. He smirked, "Your brother isn`t here to keep me away anymore." He said to her.
7:07pm Feb 21 2010
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Robbie looked at her "the stallion that we moved it looked like he was glaring at me for moving most of the mares" he said laughing again. Kazumi looked at him shocked befoe turnign so he front was facing him "what do you mean?" she asked him confused.
7:10pm Feb 21 2010
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Shun sighed, "Your brother was always around while you were in season. I was impossible for me to get to you without having to fight him. No he isn`t here." He said smirking. Bavmorda laughed and hugged Jessica happily, "Silly horsey." She said in a babyish tone.
7:15pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Jessica giggled more clapping her hands. Kazumi looked at him more confused "then why just now did you glare at the human for moving the other mares im sure you had your eye on one of them im just the last choice because im left in here" she said angerly before movign away fom him.