5:54pm Feb 14 2010
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((ok that will do XD you start lol))
5:55pm Feb 14 2010
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5:59pm Feb 14 2010
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Shun ran along the pasture fence angerly, rearing, bucking, and screamign in anger, "How could this happen!?" He screamed as he reared and kicked at the fence. Crystal, Luna, and Rinku stood on the outside of the herd watching him throw a fit. All three sighed together. "How much longer do you think this will go on?" Luna asked Crystal. "Until something happens to him." Crystal said with another sigh. Again the three sighed and went back to watching their lead stallion throw a huge hissy fit because of being in a pasture.
6:06pm Feb 14 2010
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Kazumi had her head on Kaze's back as she watched Shun she had a huge crush on him. She then smiled at her brother who shock his head laughing he had his eye on Crystal but knew that her brother wouldnt let him court her just like he wouldnt let anyone near Kazumi.
6:11pm Feb 14 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((I thought Kazumi liked Rinku. XD )) Shun continued his hissy fit with Crystal, Luna, and Rinku watched. Suddenly he stopped and a confussed looked came over his face. Bavmorda came riding up the dirt road towards the pasture. As they got closer, Shun`s ears got lower and closer to his head. He snorted, then continued his hissy fit. Rinku saw them as well, and reared, and started pushing the herd away from the fence, along with Luna and Crystal. Bavmorda smiled as the young stallion and the two mares started pushing the herd away, "Aww, they still don`t trust me." She said leaning down and patting Gypsy`s neck.
6:15pm Feb 14 2010
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((she does but you scared her off XD)) Kazumi and Kaze where already away from the fence as they watched them moved everyone away as Kaze glared at the human making sure that Kazumi was hidden from her.
6:25pm Feb 14 2010
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Bavmorda and Gypsy stopped at the edge of the fence by the gate. Shun stopped his fit, and stood between the gate and his herd glaring at her, just daring her to open the gate and come in. Bavmorda dismounted, and leaned aginst the fence, then smiled, "I`m not gonna hurt you guys.
6:27pm Feb 14 2010
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Kaze nieghed "like hell your going to try and turn us into lap horses" he said still glaring at her but moved to stand by Shun Kazumi next to him.
6:30pm Feb 14 2010
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Shun snapped at them, "Get back." He hissed, before turning his head back forward, and towards Bavmorda. He snorted again, and put his head down as he started pawing the ground. ((Do you know anybody you can message, that would join.))
6:32pm Feb 14 2010
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((i can ask spike)) Kaze nieghed "no i want to help they cant fight two of us but they can trap one" he said to him.
6:38pm Feb 14 2010
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Shun reared and came down close to Kaze`s head, "Get back!" He hissed. "Just do it Kaze." Crystal said. Bavmorda watched the herd carefully, learning each one`s personality. ((Sure.))
6:41pm Feb 14 2010
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Kaze looked at Crystal then nodded "ok but im not moving that far back just incase" he said nudging his sister back as he moved so he was back but not that far back. Kazumi was still by her brother and watched the human before looking at Shun hoping neither one would know she was in season.
6:47pm Feb 14 2010
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Shun turned back to Bavmorda and again snorted. Bavmorda put her hands up, "Fine, whatever." She said before mounting Gypsy again, "Walk on." She said kicking Gypsy`s side. Gypsy turned and trotted off towards the house. Shun turned and walked towards Kaze, "When I tell you to get back, you do it." He hissed, "You don`t question my orders, you follow them. Get that through your head, because you`re done if it happends again." He turned and started walking around to check on all his herd members.
6:51pm Feb 14 2010
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Kaze snorted "well sorry for trying to help" he said rolling his eyes and looking at Kazumi "i dont see what you see in this guy" he said whispering to her before nudging her to the shade before she got over heated. Kazumi rolled her eyes but did what her brother wanted and lay down looking at Shun before looking around the other herd members.
6:55pm Feb 14 2010
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The herd went back to normal and most of the mares inculding Crystal and Luna, went back to grazing, while the stallions kept watch for more humans. Shun trotted around the herds, every few seconds, his eyes would dart towards the gate, then got back to what was in front of him.
6:59pm Feb 14 2010
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Kazumi smiled seeing Kaze had fallen asleep getting up she walked to the fence to see what was so important or harmful about the humans for some reason she didnt understand it.
7:04pm Feb 14 2010
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Bavmorda and Gypsy were in a nearby pasture, with the other horses the Ray`s owned. Bavmorda was running around laughing, with Gypsy play chasing her. As she ran Gypsy threw her head, and whinned with joy. "That mare doesn`t understand." Shun said as he walked to Kazumi`s side, "She was born and raised as a pet. She`s never known the wild, so she doesn`t understand that they`ve takin' away her freedom."
7:06pm Feb 14 2010
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Kazumi looked at him and nodded "i would rather be free then a pet but i think its better to have not known then to have it taken away from you" she said watching them with her head tilted.
7:09pm Feb 14 2010
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"Which is why we have to find some way out. This has happened before, when I was just a young colt. They put us in here, and then let young children come and try to break us into pets." He said looking at Bavmorda, "It`s always her and her mate, "The mare`s name is Gypsy. She was my foster mother the last time it happened." He said just watching the two run around.
7:15pm Feb 14 2010
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Kazumi looked shocked before looking at Shun sadly "but how are we going to leave?" she asked him tilting her head.