9:19am Feb 23 2010
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((That and because Shun was too mean, and trying to kill anything that came in the pasture with the herd, they moved him. XD Poor Shun is alone.)) Bavmorda heard Robbie come back in. She put Jessica back in the crib and went into their room, "S. How`d it go?" ((This is all I have time to post. Sorry guys. :( ))
9:28am Feb 23 2010
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((Postie. Nevermind. My mom is sick, so I get to stay home.))
3:37pm Feb 23 2010
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Robbie looked up at her "when we moved the stallion i forgot to make the fence taller so when i walked outside and seen him by the fence grazing i have a feeling he might of mated with the mare" he said with a sigh. Jessica babbled as she looked around her room bored.
4:43pm Feb 23 2010
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"Well it`s not all bad. I mean, she might not get to be trained, but if we release her and the remaining herd back after the contest, at least it`ll stregthen it, just in case we do another contest in a few years." Bavmorda said sitting next to him on the bed and hugging him, "t`s not your fault."
11:03am Feb 24 2010
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Robbie looked at her "but what if she is too pregnant to be released and we wait until the foal is born only fo her to be too use to living with humans?" he asked her sighing.
1:46pm Feb 25 2010
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10:13pm Feb 25 2010
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"Then we keep her as our own," She said smiling, "or one of the kids takes her home."
6:14am Feb 26 2010
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Robbie smiled and nodded before hugging her "ok then" he said to her.
12:12am Feb 27 2010 (last edited on 12:19am Feb 27 2010)
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Bavmorda smiled and hugged him back, "We need to tell the kids it`s time to get to bed." She said standing up and walking out of the room.
11:05am Feb 27 2010
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Robbie nodded and followed her outside putting his am around her waist as he walked next to her.
7:24pm Feb 27 2010
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Bavmorda walked outside and looked at all the kids, "Time to go to bed. Everybody to their rooms. It`s lights out." She said smiling.
7:45pm Feb 27 2010
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Kirsty looked up and smiled at the Rays befoe nodding and walking to her room but on her way she could hear crying walking to the room there was a little baby girl crying, a horse teddy on the floor looking nervous she didnt know what to do or if she would get in trouble for going in there. Jessica had been holding her horse teddy until she started getting cold and sleepy so she threw her horse teddy out of her crib before realising what she did and started crying for her mum or dad or even her brother just someone, just then she sneezed looking shocked at first she then started crying again.
7:53pm Feb 27 2010
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Bavmorda wallked pasted Kristy into Jessica`s room, then picked up the horse teddy and gave it to Jessica. "There you go Jess." She said giving her the horse, then she looked up at Kristy and smiled, "Do you want to hold her?" She asked sweetly.
7:56pm Feb 27 2010
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Kirsty walked in shyly and nodded she loved kids but when her mother died her father didnt remarry so she hasnt got a little brother or sister. Jessica looked at her mum and was crying move holding her arms up wanting to be held.
7:59pm Feb 27 2010
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Bavmorda smiled and picked Jessica up then held her out to Kristy. She smiled happily, though wondering if letting this girl she just met earlier that day hold her baby was a good idea. 'But how do you gain trust, without first trusting.' She thought to herself.
8:06pm Feb 27 2010
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Kirsty smiled and held the baby carefuly having watched mothers hold their baby the same way and smiled down at her. "Shes beautiful" she said smiling at the babbleing baby. Jessica looked up at the new girl holding her and giggled clapping her hands and then hugging her teddy horse hiding her face behind it as she did but then she started to feel weird as she started to sneeze and cough.
8:11pm Feb 27 2010
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Bavmorda smiled at Kristy more, "Thank you." She looked down at Jessica as she started to sneeze and cough, "You okay Jess?" She asked putting her hand on Jessica`s head.
8:17pm Feb 27 2010
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Kirsty was looking scared as i she had done something wrong to trigger the baby to start coughing and sneezing. Jessica was starting to run a light fever meaning she had the flu when she stopped sneezing she started to cry coughing every now and then.
3:43pm Feb 28 2010
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4:38pm Feb 28 2010
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Bavmorda sighed and took Jessica back, then smiled at Kristy, "It isn`t your fault. I promise, she just hasn`t got her flu shots yet." She said before looking down at Jessica.