5:29pm Feb 28 2010
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Kirsty nodded as she watched the crying baby. Jessica looked at her mum before coughing more and crying. Robbie walked in looking worried "whats wrong?" he asked Jess wasnt a cryer.
5:31pm Feb 28 2010
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5:33pm Feb 28 2010
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"Jess got the flu." She said calmly looking up at Robbie, "I`m sure she just need some medicine and rest, she should be fine." Bavmorda looked down at Jessica saddly.
5:52pm Feb 28 2010
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Robbie nodded "ill go look to see if we have some" he said walking out and to the medicine cupboard to look for the flu medicine for babies. Jessica cried more beecause her throut was starting to hurt.
6:03pm Feb 28 2010
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Bavmorda sighed and followed Robbie. She rocked Jessica softly as she walked.
6:07pm Feb 28 2010
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Robbie was looking in the cupboard takeing every thing out looking for it until he got to the back of the cupboard and took it out smiling "here we go" he said smiling as he pored it on the plastic spoon and tried to give it to her but she just moved her head away not wanting it.
6:26pm Feb 28 2010
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Bavmorda rolled her eyes and swapped Jessica for the spoon then walked into the kitchen, "Take her to our room, and don`t bring her in here." She said before pulling a cup of Jessica`s apple sauce out and mixing the medicine into it.
6:37pm Feb 28 2010
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Robbie nodded before taking the crying Jess in to their room trying to make her smile but it was no use so he had to settle for pacing around the room rocking her back and forth.
6:39pm Feb 28 2010
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"Jess, look what Mama has." Bavmorda said walking into the room with the apple sauce. She put some on a spoon and held it out to Jessica.
6:42pm Feb 28 2010
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Jessica looked at her mum and then the apple sause and reached out for the spoon wanting to feed herself but knows she cant but apple sause was her favorite to eat.
6:47pm Feb 28 2010
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Bavmorda put the spoon in Jessica`s mouth and smiled, knowing the medicine`s apple taste hid it perfectly in the sauce.
6:51pm Feb 28 2010
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Robbie smiled knowing what she had done but it seemed to make the medicine easyer for Jess to take. Jessica smiled and opened her mouth for more apple sause.
7:00pm Feb 28 2010
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Bavmorda smiled up at Robbie triumphantly, then looked back down at Jessica and got another spoon full.
7:23pm Feb 28 2010
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Robbie smiled and rolled his eyes so he didnt know all the tricks just ment she was the better parent. Jessica giggled waiting for the next spoonful.
7:29pm Feb 28 2010
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Bavmorda smiled and continued feeding Jessica the medicine apple sauce.
7:32pm Feb 28 2010
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When it was all gone Jessica yawned before holding her dads shirt and falling asleep. Robbie smiled at her before kissing Bavmorda "good work hun" he said smiling.
7:35pm Feb 28 2010
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Bavmorda laughed and walked into the kitchen, then threw the cup into the trash, and spoon into the sink.
7:38pm Feb 28 2010
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Robbie walked into Jessicas room and went to put her down to find she had a strong grip on his shirt smiling more he opened her hand gentaly so he could put her in the crib but then she started to make whimpering noises meaning she was going to cry, sighing he let her grab his shirt again as he sat in the bright pink rocking chair waiting until she let go on her own he had her blanket wrapped around her to keep her warm.
7:45pm Feb 28 2010
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Bavmorda walk into the room and smiled, "Why doesn`t she sleep with us? Then you don`t have to sit here and wait."
7:49pm Feb 28 2010
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Robbie looked at her "but what i i want to cuddle" he said acting like a little kid but couldnt keep the smile off his face.