1:04pm Mar 15 2010
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Bavmorda smiled at Robbie, then looked at Jessica, "After I`m done making breakfast, Mommy will hold you Jess." She said before walking over to the stove and flipping eggs.
1:05pm Mar 15 2010
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((Page lag.))
1:10pm Mar 15 2010
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Robbie smiled down at Jess and kissed her head it was still abit hot but abit cooler then last night putting her in her high chair he walked over to Bavmorda and wrapped his arms around her waist with his head on her sholder.
1:17pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Bavmorda turned around and hugged Robbie back, "WHy don`t you take her, and go wake up the kids or do something, while I make her you know what." Bavmorda said motioning towards the cup of apple sauce she had set on the counter, next to it the medicine lay on it`s side under a towel so Jessica didn`t see it.
1:19pm Mar 15 2010
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Robbie laughed and nodded before picking Jessica up and walked around waking all the kids up telling them to get ready for breakfast and for the day ahead.
1:31pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Bavmorda quickle put some of the medicine in Jessica`s apple sauce and mixed it up. She then went back to making breakfast. Layal was already awake and dressed. She walked out of her room as Robbie was walking around waking everybody. "Hi, Mr. Ray." She said politely before running into Zayal`s room and sitting on him. Zayal had stuffed his head under his pillow when RObbie was telling them to get up. HE wasn`t suprised when Layal ran in and sat on him, it was a normal routine.
1:49pm Mar 15 2010
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Robbie smiled at Layal "good morning" he replyed before waking the rest and walking down stairs back into the kitchen "i hear some more kids are arriving today" he said to Bavmorda smiling.
1:50pm Mar 15 2010
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"Yup." Bavmorda said holding her arms out to take Jessica, "Switch." She said picking up the apple sauce cup. ((Please post on Dark days. Mercy is being impatient.))
1:55pm Mar 15 2010
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Robbie laughed and gave Jessica to her and took the apple sause smiling as he started to feed her. Jessica started eating the apple sause but something didint taste right turning her head she buried it into her mums sholder.
2:09pm Mar 15 2010
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2:12pm Mar 15 2010
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"Give me that." Bavmorda said talking the apple sauce, "I meant watch the breakfast." She said sitting at the table and holding a spoon full of apple sauce out to Jessica.
2:13pm Mar 15 2010
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Robbie laughed before moving to the stove sorting the food out. Jessica looked at the apple sause and put her head into her mums sholder again.
2:24pm Mar 15 2010
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"Coem on Jess, it`s good, see." Bavmorda said making it look like she ate some off the spoon, " See, yummy."
2:30pm Mar 15 2010
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Jessica looked seeing her mum eat it and opened her mouth to try it again but if it tasted weird again she wasnt eating it anymore.
2:39pm Mar 15 2010
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Bavmorda sighed and leaned back in the chair, trying to think of another way to get Jessica to take her medicine. She smiled down at Jessica and got another spoonful of apple sauce, "Jess, you have to eat your apple sauce, or we can`t go riding today. You have to eat your breakfast. Gypsy and Midnight will be sad if you don`t."
2:43pm Mar 15 2010
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Jessica opened her mouth to eat her apple sause she didnt want the horsies to be sad. Robbie laughed shaking his head.
2:50pm Mar 15 2010
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Bavmorda smiled and continued to feed Jessica. She looked up at Robbie when she finished, "What`s so funny?" She asked getting up and throwing the apple sauce cup away, "I didn`t se you getting her to eat it."
2:55pm Mar 15 2010
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Robbie lifted his hands up "nothing nothing" he said smirking.
3:05pm Mar 15 2010
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"Make breakfast." She said with a laugh.
3:10pm Mar 15 2010
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Robbie laughed and saulted "yes maam" he said before finishing the breakfast. Kir sty walked into the kitchen and smiled "wow i didnt know men could cook you must of trained him well mrs Ray" she said joking.