3:19pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Bavmorda looked at Kristy and laughed, "I did my best." She said happily.
3:19pm Mar 15 2010
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((Page lag.))
3:22pm Mar 15 2010
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((why dont you go on the othe RP?)) Robbie rolled his eyes smiling "i think i turned out alright" he said laughing. Kirsty giggled sitting on the table smiling at them.
3:27pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((It`s suppost to be Ssather`s post.)) Bavmorda looked back at Kristy, "Nervous? Today`s the big day, you all get your horses."
3:29pm Mar 15 2010
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Kirsty nodded "ive very nervous i dont know if they will like me or not" she said quietly.
3:34pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"Don`t worry, we took the lead stallion out, so there`s only one temprimental stallion left in there, and we`re not going to just leave you in there with them. We`ll step in if something goes wrong." She said smiling comfortingly.
3:40pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty nodded smiling abit "when are we starting?" she asked her. Mori and Toya soon got out of the car Mori carrying Toya on his sholder when they where out with him also carrying the suitcases before knocking on the door Toya looked like a 6 year old because of a desease she had but other then looking younger she was ok she had strong bones and was strong herself and next to her brother he looked like a strong giant.
3:46pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"Sometime after breakfast." Bavmorda replied before walking to the front door and opening it to allow the two in, "Hello." She said politely.
3:48pm Mar 15 2010
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Toya smiled back "hi" she said before giggleing "im Toya and this is my big brother Takashi but he likes being called Mori" she said smiling. Mori nodded to agree.
3:55pm Mar 15 2010
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"I`m Mrs, Ray, but you can call me Bavmorda. This is my little girl Jessica." She said smiling down at Jessica. "I`m Layal." Layal called from the top of the stairs, "My big brother is still in his room." She said, then looked towards Zayal`s door, "Being a lazy butt!" She called.
3:59pm Mar 15 2010
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Toya smiled and waved "i can try and wake him Mori is a heavy sleeper as well arnt you Mori" she said to him smiling. Mori made a grunt agreeing with it a small smirk on his face. Jessica giggled and clapped her hands.
4:09pm Mar 15 2010
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Bavmorda looked up at Layal, "Tell her breakfast is almost ready." She looked down at Jessica and smiled, "You like them don`t you." She said with a laugh.
4:13pm Mar 15 2010
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Jessica giggled more. Toya smiled seeing the baby "awwwww how old is she?" she asked smiling.
4:18pm Mar 15 2010
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"A little over one mounth." Bavmorda said smiling up at Toya.
4:20pm Mar 15 2010
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Toya smiled "awww shes so cute" she said smiling then looked at Mori "was i that cute when i was her age?" she asked him. Mori looked up at her "hm" he said it was a small noise but it made Toya smile.
4:24pm Mar 15 2010
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"I bet you were." Bavmorda said with a laugh. She looked up at the staircase, but Layal wasn`t there, so she looked back at the two, "Breakfast should be ready if you want some."
4:28pm Mar 15 2010
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Toya went to open her mouth to say something but Mori cut her off "we have had breakast but thank you for the offer" he said in his deep voice while Toya pouted then smiled remembering that they did.
4:50pm Mar 15 2010
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"Well, you`re free to have more. If you want you can go and explore the hourse, just find some empty rooms, or room and they`re yours." She said smiling before walking back into the kitchen.
4:58pm Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 5:06pm Mar 15 2010)
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Toya laughed and nodded "otay" she said before looking at Mori "can we share a room please" she asked doing the puppy dog eyes at him. Mori nodded before putting her down "you go pick a room" he said as she ran up the stairs and handing a note to Bacmorda explaning about Toya saying that she has a sugar disorder so it cant be too low and about she looks and acts younger then what she is and needed her medication but that Mori would sort her out with that but the note made it seem like she was 10 years old not 17. "My father told me to give you that" he said before following Toya up stairs with the suitcases to the room she picked.
5:04pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((You put Kristy.O.o)) Bavmorda read the note and smiled, then walked into the kitchen, "Two more just came. They`re picking a room." She said setting Jessica in her high chair.