7:10pm Mar 16 2010
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Zilla smiled, letting her eyes dart out of the room for a few secconds as she mentally watched the Rays exit the kitchen. She then turned quickly back to the new pair. "Nice to meet you both!" She said through a warm smile. "Oh, and happy birthday, Toya. I heard you from my room, but I'll probably forget by tomarow." She giggled, you'll have to remind me." ~~ Chase hugged his mother, in a quick bear- hug before releasing her.As she stepped away, he pulled Jessica from her arms and held her tenderly. This wasn't blood, but it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. This was his family. He craddeled his sister gently, giving her a friedly toss as he swung her so that her upped body rested on his tall, right shoulder. He held her firmly ad patted her back gently as he said: "The trip was more traveling than competing. Burllan had a huge fit in the trailer in Phenix. There was a pair of mares in the trailer across the lot and he nearly went insane. Other than that, nothing really happened. We messed up on the fith barrel, though: My right leg hit it pretty hard. I'm sure the judges hated that, but I think we made it to the top five or so." Again Chase patted Jessica as he let his eyes wander back twards the kitchen. "I forgot about them." He said in a lower voice. "Have the picked their horses yet?"
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7:13pm Mar 16 2010
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((page lag.))
7:15pm Mar 16 2010
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Bavmorda smiled and listened to her son`s story, "Nope, they will after breakfast." She said looking over at the small group of kids.
7:55pm Mar 16 2010
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"Hm," Chase nodded, looking at the few he could see through the door. He opened his jaw in a mock- yawn, poping his ears and jaw. "What a hectic day to return home on." He chuckled. "If you gave my room away, Mother, I swear," he put in a fake NewYorker acsent. "You'll go strait to the moon!" He shook his fist playfully, his hard face quickly overcome with a smile. "Switch and back," He said, gently lifting Jessica off his shoulder and p*censored*ing her back to their mother. With this done he slid off his gloves, revealing long, pale and scared hands from years of hard ranch work. He stuffed them in his left forward pocket before, too, slipping off his black leather jacket off and hanging it on a hook beneath his hat. He rolled his shoulders back before taking Jessica back an placing her calmly and gently on his same shoulder. His creamy- white shirt shone in the dull morning, the black imbrodary glistening on the cuffs and collar. It was his favorite show shirt, and the last cleen one in his pack. He would wash the others and himself later. He lat off a sort of warm, soothing aura as he chuckled. It had always been his tallent, to create a warm atmosphere for the people about him. He was home.
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7:58pm Mar 16 2010
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Bavmorda gently popped his chhek,"Don`t shake your fist at your mother." She said before walking back into the kitchen, "Help yourself to the food." She said motioning to all the stuff she had made before everyone got up.
8:24pm Mar 16 2010
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((lol, sorry it's an old refferance.)) "Hm," said Chase again as he followed his mother into the kitchen. He patted Jess's back and walked p*censored*ed the other teens, gazing them over with a gentle eye. He eyed one who looked no more than 12, and he as$umed she was older, probably more like 16. He was pretty sure there was an age limmit to this place. He noticed one red- haired girl roll her eyes at him and he playfully stuck his tounge out at her. At her facial ex pression, he jestred that they wouldn't get along very well. He sat Jess carefully on her highchair and patted her head. He was probably amoung the oldest here and he wanted to set a decent example. He gave a slight, muffled yawn. He had been driving for hours. So, he helped himself to a dish of some scrambled eggs and sausages, skipping the pancakes all together. He'd never really been a bread person, and decided that he could always eat later and would leave some breakfast for the others. ~~ At the approach of the newcommer, Zilla became destrought. Another child lover. Was nobody in their right mind here? Was she the only one who couldn't stand smaller children. She gave a pout and rolled her eyes. In responce, the boy, who seemed at least a year older than she, stuck his tounge at her. /How rude!/ Zilla wanted ever so dearly to stand up and slap him, but decided better against it. Not here, at the table, infront of all these people while he held a child. No, not here. /Wait,/ she thought. /Why is he holding her? He must be somebody special to hold a month- old girl!/ Before she dared finish her thought, he forced her mind on the food before her as she cut a littl peice and popped it in her mouth.
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8:32pm Mar 16 2010
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((Okay, where`s Fox!? D`: ))
8:40pm Mar 16 2010
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((urm... no idea.))
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8:41pm Mar 16 2010
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((Bavmorda needs her two Robbies!! D`: ))
12:57pm Mar 17 2010
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Robbie laughed as he walked in "have you put your horse in his stable for a rest?" he asked his son. Jessica giggled clapping her hands she loved her brother and didnt know about adoption or anything. Kirsty watched the new boy and looked down not wanting to make eye contact she was too shy to.
4:37pm Mar 17 2010
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6:13pm Mar 17 2010
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((Not sure what to do with Bavmorda.)) Gypsy trotted out of her stall and over to the water trough. She dipped her muzzle into the water and began drinking. She picked her head up and let the few drops of water drip from her lip.
6:50pm Mar 17 2010
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Midnight tilted his head smiling at Gypsy he loved her but didnt know how to tell her.
6:50pm Mar 17 2010
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"Hm," Said Chase to his father as his swallowed a bite of egg. "Not yet. Burllan was still sleeping when I pulled in. He should be wondering why he's doing not moving 'bout now. I'll get him after a minute." So Chaser ate quickly, smiling at his sister. He choked several times and had to drink a tall gl*censored* of water by the time he was finnished. He ignored the other stares from the other teens, and when he cleaned his plate and placed it in the dishwasher, he walked around the table, patting Jessica's head as he p*censored*ed her by. He slipped through the kitchen. It would be better to take Burllan out now and smell the other horses before they were taken for the other teens. Besides, he would probably saddle him and help out if he could. "Alright, I'll be a minute." He said as he saw a different girl with bright red hair mentally avoiding him. He looked at her for but a seccond before entering the next room and slipping on his gloves and hat. (He left his jacket. He would only be out a minute or two.) ~~ Upon his Chase's leaving, Zilla turned to Kirsty. She whispered so that none else could hear, "I already don't like him already. What'd you think?" She kept her tone smooth and conversational. She wasn't demanding an answer, but rather wanted one. The pair of them might p*censored* for sisters, and from the few hours she'd known Kirsty, Zilla as$umed the two could be good friends. ~~ Burllan awoke, and tried to walk in a circle. The trailer, however, was narrower, so he settled for stamping his foot. He chuffed in annoynce and cocked his hind right hoof. That's when the smells came to him; new horses? Not just one or two, but several. More like a whole herd! He shook his mane and whinneyed, tring to get the attention of somebody familiar. MAster Chase, Bavmorda, Gypsy, Midnight... Anybody familiar. He wanted an explanation. Ticked, he stamped his hoof and whinneyed again.
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6:55pm Mar 17 2010
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Midnight looked at the trainler and laughed hearing the noise "looks like Burllan is back" he said still laughing. Robbie nodded at him laughing. Kirsty looked over at her "from what i can see hes their son but i dont really know him enought to tell if he is nice or not" she said to her in the same way she was never one for judging a book by its cover. Starla lifted her head and looked at a box with some horse noises coming from it walking to the fence she was confused as to what it was.
7:55pm Mar 17 2010
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Chase was out the door and two the barn, seeing that Burllan was causing a fit already. With practiced hands, he opened the door with a loud, almost metalic bang and walked in. He took Burllan's haulter and cliped the leadrope, which was tied just inside the door, and clipped it to the ring on the bottom of the harness. He lead him out and into the barn. Burllan pricked his feet, snorting an annoyance as he relized that he didn't immediately see the intruders. He chuffed again as he was put in his stall and taken his harness off. Almost imediately he darted out, into the pasture and began to run in circles. He bucked and kicked, tossing his mane this way and that. His kined, white mane blew in the breeze as he trotted down back to a walk, then again a trott as he circled back aroun to greet his herd, Gypsy and Midnight. He chuffed and shook his head again, glad to be with familiar faces. By this time Chase had already locked up the barn ad its inhaabitance and secured the now empty trailer. At his leisure he began to stroll back to the house. ~~ Zilla nodded, seeing Kristy's point. She hated predjudice, but relized she had fallen into a sliver of it herself. She blushed a little, feeling stupid. "That would make sence," She whispered back before replacing herself in her chair and finnishing off her breakfast.
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8:47pm Mar 17 2010
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Gyspy looked back and the two and reared happily. She ran to Burllan and nipped him, then did the same to Midnight, then ran way from them, whinnying happily. Bavmorda looked out the window and watched the horses, "Gypsy seems happy Burllan is back." She said with a laugh.
9:04pm Mar 17 2010
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Burllan whinneyed, nudged Midnight, and ran off after Gypsy. If felt good to run with his herd, his friends again. He shok out his mane happily, shaking the dust off as he did. It had been a long trip, and this was the first time he'd streached his legs out in hours. Blood rushed to his limbs, giving the stallion a full, happy feeling. This was home. ((Erm, should we skip 'till after breakfast?))
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9:06pm Mar 17 2010
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((When I`m sure Fox is on.)) Gypsy stopped and looked over towards the wild horse herd. She had run closer to the fence of the wild horse herd.
9:11pm Mar 17 2010
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Burllan slowed to a tott as he pulled up next to Gypsy. He leaned over the fencing and eyes the wild horses. He was quiet for a few moments, then turned to his friend. "What are they doing here?" He snorted. "This is too many strangers for my liking."
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