9:13pm Mar 17 2010
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"Bavmorda and Robbie are having a contest. They herded the wild herd, that was behind the house and sent messages out to all kids around here. The kids have to get a horse and train it, then compete it in a little compition Bavmorda and Robbie and putting up." Gypsy said looking at him.
9:14pm Mar 17 2010
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((page lag. i only have a little longer on here.))
9:22pm Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 934
Burllan chuffed, "What? What a silly thing to do. I've a bad feeling that a human foal will get hurt. " He said, shaking his head. "I hope none of them come near me. We are lucky to have such kind trainers." He thought about his training when he was still a fluffy colt, and Chase was still a foal himself. They had grown up an competted together, more of a happy acsident than anything else. "Then again," he said to her with a little whiney. "New blood may strike a nice competition."
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
9:25pm Mar 17 2010
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"We won`t be competing. We`ll be helpign to train them." Gypsy said with a laugh, "And I know Bavmorda won`t let anything hurt Jessica." She said looking towards the wild herd, "But this will definatly be fun to watch."
9:30pm Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 934
"Aye," said Burllan, comforted and joining into Gypsy's laugh. "That it will. A bunch of foals attempting to tame a wild heard." Burllan rolled his eyes once, then looked to the North Sky. The clouds rolled leisurely through the blue, calmingly swaying above them. Burllan's heart swelled. Durring the trip, the air was poluted and dirty, even hard to breath. "It's good to be home," he whispered to himself before turning back to the wild herd and saying to Gyspsy, "Have you spoken to any of them?"
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
6:31am Mar 18 2010
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Starla watched them her head tilted thinking how mean it was to put a horse in that small box and keep him there she wouldnt like that. ((can we say Jessica is old enought to walk?)) Toya looked at Mori "can we go see the horses or can we practise like mum and dad want us to" she asked him smiling as he nodded and they started walking outside. Kirsty smiled at her "dont worry thought i dont think he is taking part with us" she said to her.
9:26am Mar 18 2010
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((If Jessica is only a mounth old, she isn`t old enough to walk. XD)) Gypsy looked down after Burllen`s question, then turned and trotted away without answering. Bavmorda saw Toya and Mori walk outside, and sighed. She looked down at Jessica and rubbed her head gently.
10:34am Mar 18 2010
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((well im changeing her age XD shes 1 and a half now lol XD)) Toya and Mori where outside and took fighting stance Mori attacked first and Toya ducked the fight would carry on until one of them won and that could be a while. ((ill put the fighting up on where i watched it on youtube its like this but with Mori and Toya. its when the bown haired and blonde haired boy fight XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEL6W8PNtZo&feature=related ))
5:18pm Mar 18 2010
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7:49pm Mar 18 2010
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(( XD I`m not sure ehat to do. D:> ))
8:19am Mar 19 2010
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((you could have Bavmorda think their really fighting and try to stop them))
8:01pm Mar 19 2010
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((Actually with siblings, Bavmorda could care less. XD Do something with Kazumi, so I can play Shun. XD))
12:35pm Mar 20 2010
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Kazumi watched the new humans fight and walked to the edge of the field as she watched them "why are they fighting" she asked outloud.
12:56pm Mar 20 2010
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"Who knows. They`re humans, we`ll never understand them." Shun said trotting to the sectin of fence closest to her, and putting his head over the fence.
1:43pm Mar 20 2010
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Kazumi looked at him and walked closer to him "yes or maybe its like foals when they play fight" she said with a shrug.
1:50pm Mar 20 2010
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Shun shrugged, "That`s true." He said with a smirk, "Feel any different?"
1:54pm Mar 20 2010
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Kazumi looked at him and shrugged "i dont know yet maybe im not pregnant yet" she said to him tilting her head this was going to be her first foal so she didnt know how she was ment to be feeling.
3:37pm Mar 20 2010
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Shun shook his head, "You wouldn`t feel anything this early. I just wanted to see what your answer would be." He said smiling.
3:49pm Mar 20 2010
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Kazumi laughed and pushed him with her head before laughing and ran away as she laughed.
3:52pm Mar 20 2010
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Shun snorted playfully and put his head down and started to graze.