8:01pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi was more confused that was true most mares lost their foals looking at Shun she had sad eyes "im sorry Shun" she said before walking to the woman sniffing what she held.
8:01pm Mar 27 2010
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8:12pm Mar 27 2010
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"Kazumi!" Shun yelled shocked that she didn`t come to him. Bavmorda smiled and slipped the halter on Kazumi slowly.
8:27pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi let her im sorry Shun but i rather have a foal then lose it she though.
8:57pm Mar 27 2010
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Shu`n ears fell flat and he glared at kazumi, "You really had me believing you loved me." He said before turning and galloping away. Bavmorda lead Kazumi out of the pean then mouned Gypsy and lead them towards the training corral.
9:00pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi looked down before looking at Shun stopping as she did "i do love you but what if the foal cant survive in the open most mares lose their foals" she shouted at him tears running down her face as she did. She really did love him but she wouldnt beable to live if something happened to the foal.
9:06pm Mar 27 2010
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Shun icnored her call back and continued to gallop till he reached the back of the pasture.
9:11pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi kept walking with Gypsy looking down sadly it wasnt her fault she was thinking of the foal first. Jessica looked back at Kazumi and frowned why does she look sad she thought.
9:17pm Mar 27 2010
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When they got to the training corral, which was right next to the barn bavmorda dismounted Gypsy and smiled. She tied the lead rope that was attached to Kazumi`s halter, to the horn of Gypsy`s saddle, then went into the barn and came back out with Jessica`s outdoor playpen. She set it nex to the corral and put Jessica in it, then looked at Kazumi and smiled, "You ready to be trained?" She asked with a laugh.
9:19pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi looked at the female and neighted shaking her head no before walking as close to the human foal as she could putting her head in sniffing her making her laugh.
9:23pm Mar 27 2010
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Bavmorda sighed and untied the lead rope from Gypsy`s horn then began leading Kazumi into the training corral. Gypsy looked down at Jessica then stuck her head in the play pen and nudged her gently.
9:26pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi followed Bavmorda around as she lead her. Jessica giggled Falling over but soon got on all fours and crawled to the side before standing up and petting Gypsy.
9:31pm Mar 27 2010
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Gypsy smiled and nudged her gently again. Bavmorda closed the gate and switched the lead rope with a lunge rope. She stood in the middle and put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a riding whip. She snapped it at her side to get Kazumi to start moving around. ((This is what lunging is if you don`t know.)) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJv67mI5C8o
9:34pm Mar 27 2010
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At the noise of the whip Kazumi rared neighing as she did the noise really scared her. Jessica fell over again and laughed getting back up again.
9:37pm Mar 27 2010
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"Shh, shh." Bavmorda saidwalking to the side and throwing the whip onto the ground outside the corral. She walked back to the center and clicked her tounge, seeing if that would work. Gypsy smiled happily and nudged her again, she loved hearing Jessica laugh.
9:42pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi calmed down seeing the whip put away and seemed to respond better to the click but it made her walk to Bavmorda wanting to know what she was clicking. Jessica laughed more because she didnt fall but clapped her hands and that made her fall but she just laughed more.
9:46pm Mar 27 2010
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Bavmorda sighed and lead Kazumi out of the corral after switching the lead rope back on. She tied Kazumi to the fence then after quickly unsaddling Gypsy and putting her halter on with the lunge rope, she took Gypsy in the corral with her and looked at Kazumi, "This is what you`re suppost to do." She said before clicking her tounge and watching Gypsy go in circles around her at various speeds.
9:49pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi tilted her head what was the point in that looking next to her she smiled seeing the human foal there before putting her nose in and nuzzleing her.
9:53pm Mar 27 2010
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Bavmorda brought Gypsy out and put the lunge rope on Kazumi and lead her back into the training corral. Gypsy trotted back over to the playpen and continued to nudge Jessica.
9:58pm Mar 27 2010
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Kazumi sighed and waited for Bavmorda to click so she would start doing what Gypsy had done. Jessica laughed petting Gypsy.