8:33am Mar 30 2010
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Midnight nieghed stomping his hoof trying to get to Gpysp but Robbie held him steady "ha no boy you can see her after you both have new shoes put on" Robbie said to him.
8:33am Mar 30 2010
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8:53am Mar 30 2010
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Bavmorda rolled her eyes and Gypsy turned her head away from her and Robbie, "Oh you can survive without your boyfriend for a few hours."
9:05am Mar 30 2010
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Robbie laughed. Midnight neighed again trying to get to Gypsy still.
9:10am Mar 30 2010
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Bavmorda rolled her eyes then put Gypsy in the corral with Kazumi, "There, now yo don't need to be with Midnight, you have Kazumi." She said with a laugh.
9:26am Mar 30 2010
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Robbie rolled his eyes laughing. Midnight pouted looking at Gypsy. Kazumi giggled "is he your mate?" she asked him.
9:44am Mar 30 2010
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Gypsy blushed and icnored Kazumi`s question and turned her head away from them all. Bavmorda smiled and patted her shoulder, "It`s okay Gypsy, you`ll get to be with your boyfriend after you get your new shoes."
9:44am Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 9:44am Mar 30 2010)
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Gypsy blushed and icnored Kazumi`s question and turned her head away from them all.
Bavmorda smiled and patted her shoulder, "It`s okay Gypsy, you`ll get to be with your boyfriend after you get your new shoes."
((stupid double post.))
9:55am Mar 30 2010
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((its ok lol)) Kazumi tilted her head.
9:56am Mar 30 2010
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((Should they already be mates?))
10:11am Mar 30 2010
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((if you want)) Robbie began to lead Midnight to where they put the shoes on the horses.
10:57am Mar 30 2010
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((Okay. They don`t put the shoes on. They call a shoer. No really. I watched then shoe our horses all the time it`s cool. XD)) Bavmorda got her cell phone out and called the shoer, telling him they had a lot of horses to be shoed. ((Yes, i`ll be the shoer.))
11:02am Mar 30 2010
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((yay lol)) Kazumi tilted her head watching the humans.
11:27am Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 11:28am Mar 30 2010)
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"Hey Hun. I`m gonna go get the horse stuff sorted out." Bavmorda said before walking down to the Group of kids and looking out into the pasture. She looked up as a black Ford truck parked in the driveway and a boy got out then set a young puppy on the ground.
Isamu walked up the dirt road towards the pasture. He stopped a little ways away from the group and watched the horses. May ran panting. Her short legs made it hard for her to keep up with Isamu`as long strides. Isamu looked down and picked her up, then walked closer to the pasture. His eyes scanned the herd.
Bavmorda turned her back to the pasture and turned to the group. She held up a hat and a bag full of cut up papers, she poured the papers into the hat, and held it out to the group. "You will each take one paper, it has the name of the horse you will be training. You have two choses. One, go in the pasture and get them yorself, or two, have me or my husband go in and get them for you... So, who`s first?" She said shaking the hat to mix up the papers. (Your characters pull the name of the horse they get on the list.)

11:42am Mar 30 2010
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Mori walked over with Toya on his sholder as he reached in and grabed a piece of paper before letting Toya grabing hers looking at who they both got they smiled well Toya smiled Mori just stood there. "which one is luna?" she asked before looking at Mori's paper "and Shun?" she asked looking at the horses. Kirsty walked over and picked her paper before looking around for a horse that looks like Rinku. Kaze looked at the humans tilting his head at the humans. Entei walked over near his sister Starla before lookign at the humans "what do they want?" he asked while Starla shrugged "i dont know i was asleep" she said to him.
11:49am Mar 30 2010
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"That`s Luna, and that`s Shun. Just a warning. We separated him for a reason. He`s very agressive. So good luck." She said with a sympathetic smile. Zayal and Layal walked up and both grabbed a paper, "Kaze and Starla." Layal read. Bavmorda pointed them out and looked at Isamu as he reached in and pulled out a paper. Isamu didn`t even say anything. He just showed Bavmorda the paper and watched her point Entei out.
12:22pm Mar 30 2010
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Toya looked over at Luna and smiled "shes so pretty can i pet her?" she asked smiling. Mori looked at Shun with cold eyes showing that he wont take any mess. Kirsty looked at horses before shyly showing her paper to Bavmorda not being able to see whick one is hers.
12:31pm Mar 30 2010
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Bavmorda smiled, "That`s him." She said pointing to Rinku, who stood right next to Luna. She then looked at Toya, "You`re luck, she`s the one of the sweetest one in the herd, so she probably will let you pet her."
12:44pm Mar 30 2010
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Toya smiled clapping her hands before walking over smiling at Luna "hi there" she said smiling. Kirsty looked over seeing which one it is and smiled at him glad that it was him. ((lol Luna is tied with Kazumi lol))
12:52pm Mar 30 2010
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Luna picked her head up from grazing and looked at Toya. She lowered her head and hudged Toya`s stomach softly, then smelt her. Rinku lifted his head and looked down at Toya. Shun reared and whinnied angerly, as the humans began to go into the pasture with his herd. He started galloping around the pen, bucking, rearing, and kicking angerly.