3:14pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori glared at Shun showing him that he wasnt effected with his little show. Toya smiled and giggled as she pet Luna smiling "hi" she said to her smiling more.
3:14pm Mar 30 2010
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3:22pm Mar 30 2010
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Luna snorted gently and nudged Toya again happily. ((oh ya, and they get halters when they pull their horses`s name.)) Shun icnored Mori`s glare and just continued to throw a fit.
3:26pm Mar 30 2010
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Toya showed Luna the halter smiling she wouldnt force her to wear it. Mori walked over he was use to stallions that didnt want taming putting the halter in his back pocket as he got ready to put it on him.
3:33pm Mar 30 2010
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Shun stopped and glared at Mori, watching his every move. Luna smelt the halter, then snorted and nudged Toya again.
3:37pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori glared back at him. Toya smiled and slowly put the halter on her as she smiled petting her more.
3:47pm Mar 30 2010
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Luna allowed her to put the halter on her, and nudged her again. Zayal and Layal walked in. Layal went off towards Starla. Zayal looked at Kaze and smirked, "I told you I`d get you."
3:50pm Mar 30 2010
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Toya giggled happily as she hugged her smiling. Starla tilted her head at the human wondering what she was doing. Kaze glared at him "just try and get in here and over here" he said rearing and neighing.
4:07pm Mar 30 2010
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((Zayal is in the pen.)) Zayal looked at the stallion and smirked, daring him to try something. Layal stopped a little ways away from Starla and held out a sugar cube she pulled out of a small baggy she had brought with her.
4:13pm Mar 30 2010
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Kaze ran over to him before rearing ready to kick the boy. Starla walked over to her slowly sniffing the sugar cube before slowly eating it.
4:20pm Mar 30 2010
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Zayal moved and stood at the stallion`s side. There he couldn`t be kicked with the hind legs, the stallion couldn`t turn far enought in one rear to stomp of him, and he was out of reach of the stallion`s head. Layal smiled and held out her hand, "Good girl Starla." She said softly and sweetly. Luna let herself be hugged and smiled.
4:25pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 5:49pm Mar 30 2010)
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Kaze glared at him before quickly turning and kicking near him in warning. Starla smiled at her nuzzleing her. Toya smiled giggleing before looking at Bavmorda "erm now what?" she asked her.
5:15pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 5:30pm Mar 30 2010)
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((Wait...Zayal is by his flank, a horse`s front leg can`t reach that far back.)) "Bring her out and take her to the corral with her name on it." Bavmorda said smiling. Layal smiled and held out the halter so Starla could smell it, "I just have to put this on your head Sweetie." She said softlty.
5:19pm Mar 30 2010
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Toya smiled "otay" she said smiling and she held the reins and slowly walked out the gate with Luna. Starla looked at the halter and smirked turnign playful as she grabbed the halter in her teeth and ran away neighing softly showing she wanted to play. ((i changed it lol))
5:33pm Mar 30 2010
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Luna stopped, she refused to move from her original spot. Layal held up another sugar cube, "Give me the halter and you get the sugar." She said closing her hand gently around the cube. ((The flank is right between the horse`s last ribe and the hip. His hind led wouldn`t beanble to only come out that short of a distance and turn enought to hit him,))
5:38pm Mar 30 2010
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((havent you seen a horse kick someone with their back hoof without turning? its funny it doesnt hurt that much but they can kick)) Toya looked at Luna "whats wrong?" she asked petting her. Starla tilted her head before walking over to the human looking like she was going to give her the halter but when the human reached to get ti she would move her head up so it would be out of reach.
5:43pm Mar 30 2010
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Layal smirked and held out her empty hand, and opened the other hand a little bit, "Give me the haler, then you get the cube." Luna turned her head and nuzzled her brother, and continued to refuse to move. "She won`t leave without Rinku." Bavmorda said watching them. ((Ya but that`s when they`re standing right next to the horse or behind it. He is a little bit aways from him, but isn`t past his hip.))
5:50pm Mar 30 2010
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Starla nieghed still playing around she rather play then have the stupid sugar. Kirsty slowly walked in slowly over to Rinku holding her hand out for him to smell her hand to know she wasnt a threat to him. ((changed it again))
6:18pm Mar 30 2010
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Zayal smirked and stepped away from him.
Layal grabbed the halter and smiled, "Come on Starla, we can play as soon as we can get you into your corral, we can play then."
Rinku smelt her hand and stepped away.
6:35pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty looked down stepping back not wanting him to feel threatened. Kaze neighed as he started kicking around him so that the human couldnt get close. Starla nieghed putting her head down for her to put the halter on her so they can play.