5:38pm Mar 31 2010
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((he was near Shuns head so he was able to put it on lol and he has really long arms XD))
5:39pm Mar 31 2010
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6:09pm Mar 31 2010
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Shun snorted and continued to refuse. He continued to throw his head around, buck, kick, and rear. He suddenly turns and gallops full speed towars Toya.
Luna reared and whinnied as Shun ran towards her trainer, ready to crush her.
6:25pm Mar 31 2010
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Mori glared and pulled at the reins making shun turn away from Toya. While Toya jumped away from him and ran towards the barn.
7:33pm Mar 31 2010
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Shun turned sharply and started galloping in the other direction. Gypsy lifted her head and looked in Shun`s direction. "My sweet baby boy." She whispered quietly.
7:40pm Mar 31 2010
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Mori stayed on him pulling the reins to make him turn wanting to tire him out.
7:57pm Mar 31 2010
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Shun pulled away and continued galloping straight forward, icnoring Mori`s orders to turn.
8:00pm Mar 31 2010
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Mori held onto the reins deciding to let him move around where he wants aslong as he tires himself out.
8:15pm Mar 31 2010
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Shun suddenly stopped, but his head down and coughed, making it seem as though he was all tired out. His neck was lathered with white sweat from where the reins had been rubbing against his coat while he had ran.
8:23pm Mar 31 2010
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Mori narrowed his eyes at Shun knowing not to trust the stallion no way was the lead stallion get quiet this quick clicking his tounge abit he wanted to see if it was true or a plan to get him off. Mori kept his hands tight on the reins so he wouldnt let go of them. Toya was infront of luna's pen looking scared at Mori and Shun preying that everything will be ok and that Mori or Shun didnt get hurt.
8:34pm Mar 31 2010
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Luna nudged Toya comfortingly and nickered softly. Shun coughed again and kept his head down, heactually looked miserable.
8:55pm Mar 31 2010
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Mori looked at him again "if you behave after the compertition ill let you go free im only in this for my sister no other reason" he said to Shun. Toya turned and hugged Luna "i hope they both become friends" she said quietly.
9:01pm Mar 31 2010
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Luna looked over at Shun, "Not likely." She said to Toya, even though she wouldn`t be able to understand. Shun continued to act the same, "And what if I don`t?" He asked with a snort.
9:05pm Mar 31 2010
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Mori looked at him "but if you dont and still be a pain in my backside then ill make it so you will never see any of your herd again" he said glaring at him. Toya pet Luna before looking around seeing Kazumi on her own and walking to Bavmorda "who does that horse go to?" she asked her.
9:32pm Mar 31 2010
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((She`s not alone. Remember, Bavmorda put Gypsy in here with her.)) "Me and Robbie are gonna trainer her for our daughter Jessica, as her first horse. We`re also gonna use her to show you guys how to train you own horses." Bavmorda said smiling. Shun snorted and cut the tired act. He started bucking, kicking and rearing again. He didn`t like Mori, not on bit.
9:36pm Mar 31 2010
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((lol she ment alone without a trainer lol)) Toya smiled before looking at her brother and frownign seeing Shun buck around. Mori held on being use to it with his own horse when he wanted to play.
9:57pm Mar 31 2010
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Shun started galloping in tight circles, then straightining out and continuing his fit.
10:00pm Mar 31 2010
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Mori grunted as he held the reins tight being a rodeo champ helped him stay on alot.
10:06pm Mar 31 2010
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Shun just continued the fit, until he stepped wrong and they both toppled over. He lay on his side panting. Bavmorda dropped the hat and ran over to the fence of Shun`s pen, "Mori, are you okay?"
10:11pm Mar 31 2010
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Mori looked at her and nodded befroe getting up and staying near Shun "are you ok?" he asked him worried abit.