Name: Zilla Maru Thomson
Age: 17
Gender: FMALE
Personality: Though usually quite bubly and bright, she's also very shy and can't stand little kids for very long. She's always first to speak her mind and is usually very rash and headstrong. In her spare time she likes to draw and read as well as watch anime. She loves animals, but hasn't had much expiriance with them.
History: Zilla grew up in a large family. Since her step- father was allergic to fur, and her mother feathers, the only animals she ever had were snakes and mice. Counting all of her siblings, half- siblings and step- siblings, she has 12 brothers and sisters. Being one of the oldest in the house, she's usually in charge and cannot stand it. To get away from it all, she's thown herself into her school work and art, tring her best to first get away from her siblings and seccond get her parents to notice her. Several times she's cried herself to sleep thinking about how much her father loved her before he died and questioning her faith. In her rebelion, she's gotten a tatoo at the base of her neck and colors her hair exotic colors, usually purple. (Her natural color is a bright orange- red.) When she heard about the ranch, she joined immediately and begged her prents to let her go if only to simply get away.

Horse: ...none, yet!
Other: Might have a crush on Zayal. (I havn't seen him interact with the other characters yet.)