1:25pm Feb 15 2010
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((...Lemme know what we have a time- lapse so I can bring Zilla in.))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
1:26pm Feb 15 2010
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1:29pm Feb 15 2010
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Bavmorda nodded, "The hard part is gonna be, getting those two stallions." She said with a sigh.
1:42pm Feb 15 2010
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Robbie looked at them "well the first stallion that chaged at you might follow her the other one might be trouble" he said before whisleing Midnight to come over so he could get the reins once her got them he opened the gate and gentaly put them on her smiling "good girl" he said leading her out before shutting the gate. Kazumi walked calmly before looking at Kaze who looked like he was going to charge at them again as she gave him a look as if to say dont you dare before walking with them. Jessica clapped her hands.
1:47pm Feb 15 2010
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"I`ll take her. We actually just put her in with our horses, since she`s so calm." Bavmorda said reaching out to take the reins that were now on Kazumi. Shun lifted his head and saw the humans again. He saw them lead Kazumi out, and his ears fell flat against his head as he galloped towards them. Again Gypsy ranover to them and stood between Shun and her owners.
2:19pm Feb 15 2010
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Midnight also ran standing infront of Gypsy strearing at him. Kazumi followed the human not looking at Shun she didnt care what he said they seemed nice and it wasnt like he wanted to be her mate or anything. Jessica looked up at Kazumi and clapped her hands. Robbie looked at Shun "are you going to come with us or try and scare us?" he asked getting a rope from his saddle bag ready but he knew to catch the lead male he would need help.
2:25pm Feb 15 2010
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Shun snorted, then turned and gallopd back to the herd. Bavmorda mounted Gypsy and tied Kazumi`s lead rope to the horn of Gypsy`s saddle, and kicked her sides gently. Gypsy started a soft trot as they made their way towards the tamed horse pasture. ((Any of you can jump in anytime now. Now we have the dad, we can start. XD))
2:30pm Feb 15 2010
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((lol)) Robbie nodded and put the rope back before getting on Midnight and moved to be next to the new mare. When Midnight was near Kazumi he could smell she was in season neighing abit he moved back and stopping stamping his hoof to try and stay in control thinking of how much he loved Gypsy. Robbie looked at Midnight then at the mares "i think one of the mare are in heat" he said to Bavmorda. Kazumi neighed as well when Midnight was near her but kept moving not wanting to cause too much trouble. Jessica smiled at them not knowing what was going on.
2:32pm Feb 15 2010
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((Yay! I'm just gonna re-post my intro. Sorry, I'm lazy.)) Zilla rushed to the house's large doors. Her parents had already speed away and there she stood on the front porch with a single bag, packed as full as she could mostly with her art suplies. She knocked on the door once, twice... Then she waited, holding her breath. She glanced behind her. This had to be the right house, but it seemed rather quiet. Anxious, she shifter her weight from one foot to the other as she waited for somebody to answer the door. She flexed her fingers, a nervous habbit she had picked up from her real dad. They're lucky... She thought as she lowered her hand from the door. A large family all still together with their horses. For a few secconds, Zilla wondered what her life would be like if her father hadn't left them. It was a dream, a fantacy that would never be relized now. She forced a wan smile on her face as she waited for the door to open. This was a happy day, and she wouldn't spoil it with unpleasant thoughts of what would have been.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
2:37pm Feb 15 2010
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Bavmorda laughed and kicked Gypsy`s sides, "COme on girls." She said as Gypsy ran forward towards the house. Bavmorda saw a girl at the door and stopped, "Hello." She said as she dismounted Gypsy and walked over, "You must be here for the contest right?" She asked Zilla with a warm smile.
2:41pm Feb 15 2010
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((sorry, I can't spell for poo.)) Zilla jumped. She had been expecting someone to open the door rather than come around by her side. She smiled at her own embarasment, then stood strait and proud. "Yes, Ma'am. I'm Zilla Thomson." She forced herself to smile, but her eyes were continuously drawn to the woman's horse. She was larger than she'd expected. She'd never seen a horse in real- life and had always wondered. She took an uncountious, tentative step closer to the pair, temporarilly facinated. "She's lovely..."
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
2:42pm Feb 15 2010
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Kazumi looked at Gypsy scred "what will the humans do because im in heat?" she asked her walking abit closer. Kaze got up and walked to the fence stomping his hoofs "damn her" he said. Robbie put Midnight in the stable before walking to the house smiling at the new girl there "hello" he said before looking at Bevmorda and took Jessica off her throwing her up in the air and catching her making her giggle then walked over to the mares "i think its the wild one thats in season" he said to her.
2:47pm Feb 15 2010
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Bavmorda smiled at Zilla, "I`m Bavmorda Ray. Her name is Gypsy." SHe said walking over and taking Gypsy`s reins, "Hone, can you take the new mare and put her with the other seaasoned mares?" She asked holdign her arms out to take Jessica. Gypsy looked at Kazumi, "Just ut you with the other mares that are in season to keep you away from the stallions." She then looked back at Zilla and tooka step forward, and reaching out to smell her.
2:49pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 2:52pm Feb 15 2010)
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Zilla tenced again at the approach of the other adult, who tossed up a young child. She rolled her eyes and looked down. Figures. This was too good to be true. She put a little glare over the child before going back to her proud, but innosent frame. She blinked her dark eyes, having no clue what the adults were talking about. She looked down, blushing. She felt so impossibly stupid. Feeling the heat of the mare's breath, she turned back. For a seccond, Zilla tenced with fear. Gypsy was so much larger than she had imagined a horse to be.... CArfully, slowly, she reached up her left hand and stroked the animal's head from the forelock to the nose, taking in carefully the soft touch of every hair she touched. It was wonderful, and Zilla felt her shoulders relax abit.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
2:55pm Feb 15 2010
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Gypsy snorted and nuzzled Zilla`s shoulder as if to welcome her to the farm. Bavmorda turned and watched Zilla pet Gypsy and smiled.
2:56pm Feb 15 2010
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Kazumi nodded "thank goodness" she said smiling. Robbie nodded smiling and paszing Jessica to her before leading Kazumi into the feild with the other mares that where in season before taking the reins off her letting her run around. Jessica giggled clapping her hands when she was put in her mothers arms.
3:00pm Feb 15 2010
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Bavmorda smield and hugged Jessica. She kissed her forehead and looked back at Zilla and Gypsy, "Have you ever riden a horse before?" She asked Zilla.
3:05pm Feb 15 2010
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Jessica giggled more hugging her arms around her mother. Kirsty was just arriving now seeing them talk to a girl she waited for them to finish.
3:13pm Feb 15 2010
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Layal and Zayal soon pulled up to the farm. They both got out of Zayal`s black ford truck, which already had a trailer hooked to the back. Layal skipped up to the small group of people. She looked at Gypsy and ran her hand down her neck, "Beautiful mare. I love chesnut paints." Layal said smiling at Bavmorda. "Thank you." Bavmorda said smiling back at her as Zayal walked up slowly behind Layal with his hands in his pockets.
3:17pm Feb 15 2010
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Kirsty looked at Zayal and blushed looking down she then could noises looking arouns she could see a field of mares tilting her head she walked over smiling at them. Kazumi looked seeing a human by the gate walking over she sniffed her wondering who she was. Robbie was in the stables getting them ready for the kids to use for the horses they pick.