12:38am Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 2:57am Jul 13 2010)
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In the year of 2011 there was a suspected red moon. As scientist's suspected, it was the 1100'th red moon to ever grace its beauty through the black sky. Many came out to observe this mas.sive red beauty, Children and all. However, This wonder only lasted two nights. On the next night, The moon's red coloration had become toxic, Sending its radioactive rays right at earth. On the second night, Many had their fill except for a handful of teens, Studying it for their clas.s. Little did they know, Their acts for a good grade where actually a ticket to a horrible curse.
Everything was fine after that second night, The pearl resumed its white grace in the sky and the teens gave their reports to the teacher for a much appreciated A+. It was a fine day until night washed upon the land.. Under the ebonite beauty, The other side kicked into action, Morphing then into monsters.. Terrified and shocked, They evacuated to a make shift home. Looking at their now furred/scaled skin, They thought the world was ending. All huddled together, The blue morning sky graced them back into flesh. Coming up for a name for themselves, It was; The Were's.
Rules o Mild cussing o Keep Violence And Romance to PG-14 o No godmond powerplay or spam. o Don't whine o Co-Owner is: Octavia22 o Dont't make me add more D:<
.:::. Bio
Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Personality: History: Crush: S/O: Other:
.:::. SEASON
12:57am Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 12:44am Jul 13 2010)
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Posts: 354
Co-Owners Bio :o Name: Raijiin
Age:18 Gender:Male Looks(Deion Only): Slender, somewhat tall. Wears a yellow hoodie with fox ears and always has on headphones. One bright blue eye and one hazel eye. Personality: Sensitive, smart, reserved, good problem solver History: Parents died when he was ten has been living with his aunt ever since. Morphed into a fox during the red moon he unlike some of his friends he embraces his new ability taking him from his horrible life Crush: Unknown yet
S/O: Tranformation: Unlike a normal fox Raijiin is colored a bright yellow, black ears and black paws. Like his human form one blue eye and one hazel eye. He has black eye swirls uner his eyes.
1:11am Jul 12 2010
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Name: Reoko Age: 17 Gender: Female Looks(Deion Only): Tall and slender with brown hair that slightly goes beyond her shoulders. Blue eyes, And has silky gray ears that are mostly hidden by her hoodie, but usually make big lumps in the top. Also has a silver tail with a white under side, and a black line running through the middle. In her shifted form she stands upright (Like an anthro) she has a silver back side with cream under side, From her slender muzzle to the under side of her tail. From the back of her cranium down to her tail she has a black band on her silver fur, With unusual brown eyes. Her claws are black and she has canid hind legs. (She also wears clothes in this form) Personality: Rp it out. D; History: I didn't want to press the issue Crush: Raijiin >3< S/O: Straight Other: Always wears a blue collar
1:19am Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 11:11pm Jul 12 2010)
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Posts: 921
((Join?)) Name: Sam (Samantha) Age: 17 Gender: Female Looks(Deion Only): Black hoodie, gray skinny jeans, plain white t-shirt, black converse, always wearing her white bug eye sunglas$es. Layered dark brown hair extending to her shoulders and covers most of her dark green eyes. Light peach skin complexion. Black fox Ears and fluffy tail. Transformed/ Black fur, black ears and fluffy black white tipped tail, right front paw and left back paw is white, white chest and underbelly, amber red eyes Personality: Simple minded, clumsy, friendly but usually quiet, likes to make herself known, fashionable as always(though he hates makeup and purses) History: Sam lives by herself, making her home in parks around the city because she cannot afford an apartment, abandoned by parents at birth and she escaped all the foster homes. After she found out about the "curse", she felt lonely and hated Crush: ------- S/O:Straight Other: Goes by Kitsune
1:20am Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted ))
10:43pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Wait, Guys. You can't just be Neko's. You gotta describe the transformed side in your bio's too. xD ))
11:11pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 11:11pm Jul 12 2010)
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Posts: 921
12:44am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 354
((Edited and BUMP for more ppl))
1:15am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Name: Bethany
Age: 16 Gender: Female
Looks(Deion Only): Bethany's hair is a natural red color, but there is a hint of brown. Her eyes are bright green, and she has long eyelashes. Her skin is pale, and she burns easily. She usually wears a green hoodie, with capris and blue sneakers. /Transformedededed/ When transformed, Bethany is a wolf. Her fur is a vibrant red, and her eyes are a bright green. Her underbelly is a lighter shade, as is her muzzle. Personality: Bethany is very protective, and only trusts some. She is not very girly, but is not a tomboy. She loves animals, especially canines. History: Bethany is an only child, with a father and mother. She lives in a large 2 story house, but usually spends her time near the lake.Her parents are litterally perfect for each other. There are no flaws in her life, aside from her "powers. Crush: Open..But none yet.
S/O: Bi
Other: I finally get to RP again...YAY!
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:29am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted. We can start nao :D ))
1:31am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 354
((Finally! Go ahead Lauz as Co-Owner I'll follow?))
1:35am Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 1:36am Jul 13 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
((Edit~ I didn't see your posts. Oops.)) Bethany closed her eyes, hoping the last few days had been a dream. But she knew they weren't, she knew it was all true. She opened her eyes, and a pain shot through her body. ((Im so...braindead. D:))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:14am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Reoko walked over the white ground, Tail swishing from the hole she cur for it in the back of her jeans. Walking forward her advanced human smelling picked up Bethany's waft and drove her towards the smell. She was barefoot, The cold ground burning her feet with chill. As it crunched below her, The foot prints trailed from human feet, To something canid. With a loud snap, Reoko's legs became canid, Yet the pain did not faze her. She was used to it. Her body began to grow taller, And her skin began to become covered in silver fur. Up at her face, A lot of popping was going on. Reaching up with her now black padded hands, She flipped back the hoodie, Letting the magic happen. Her ears flicked back, As her face pushed forward into a muzzle. Her teeth shifted longer, Her nose becoming cold and black. With half her body now covered in fur, The transformation was complete.
By the time she reached Bethany, She was now running on four legs for extra speed. Reared up, The coldness of the snow some what didn't chill her through and through, Guess she could thank it on her dense fur. "Hello~" She calmly said to the other Were.
2:36am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 354
((Nono me too xD Hope you don't mind I talk in 1st person?)) I crept along the snow covered ground slightly crunching the impacted ice under my paws. I sniffed the air for Reoko searching for her. I caught her scent stronger now that she transformed. I padded along faster my tail swishing fast, as I ran I could hear her voice on the stale night air. She was with another Were. That's what we are humans with the power to transform.I caught up to her and she was standing over a Were who was abousisly in pain. She must be new. I trotted over to them and sat down calmy. "Good evening Reoko" I said to her
2:39am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Thats fine ))
Reoko's tail twitched as she adjusted her vision over to Raijiin. "Hello." She said, A grin pulling on her muzzle.
2:51am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 354
((Kk)) I looked over her, she wore clothing even in her animal form. Some sort of wolf I thought. Maybe she is still trying to be normal to stay somewhat human. She was fine the way she was. I pulled back my foxy muzzle letting my tongue hang out giving her a grin back. I chirped a laughed and looked over to the Were laying on the ground. "Is she ok?" I asked she looked in so much pain the poor thing, I wish I could help but there was nothing I could do. The first few days where the worst the transformation causing so much pain. Mine was easy after a day as I embraced mine loving the change.
2:55am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 12,384
(Join? Well, after I figure out what a were is? XD))
2:55am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
"I suppose." Reoko said, Stretching her hind legs out, She glanced over at the fox. "It reminds me of humanity-" She said, swishing her tail lightly. She leaned up against a rock and stared into the night sky, Placing her hands over her stomach.
2:56am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( As in like a were-wolf but like it could be anything. Wolf,Lynx,Fox, Heck even a dragon. xD ))
2:58am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Cool! 8D))