3:03am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Join as a were-bear and a were-tiger? Ouo)
3:06am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 354
((Yayy Ash)) I walked over to her and lay down next to the Were to give her warmth. I looked up up at the night sky the bright moon contrasting against the ink of the sky surrounding it. Wonder and slight fear caused my fur to stand on end at. What else was out there? What other unknown phenomenons occurred around the world?
3:06am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 354
((Sure you can Rika <3))
3:13am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Reoko's fur began to get hot, the effect of blushing if she was human at the time. Pinning her ears back against her head, she closed her eyes and felt the cold snow below her, The black sky above her, The tree's around her. It was a wonderful experience, but the thought of the Red Moon still lingered in the back of her head.
3:16am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Name: Ash Age: Teen
Gender: Female
Looks: Human form: Has dark brwn hair that looks almost black, and very, very light blue eyes that are almost silver. Ususally wears black clothes. Transformed: She is a dragon when transformed. She has black scales thaat seem to glisten in the moonlight, and bright silver eyes. On all fours she is as tall as she was in human form head to toe. Personality: Can be harsh at times, and quite cruel. Tends to hold grudges. She is still mad at me for say she holds a grudge. (<-- remember that from somewhere?) Though, if you are her friend, she is the oppisite (except for the grudges...) History: Dont Ask. 0_0 Crush: none
S/O: Straight. Other: No
3:18am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted ))
5:14am Jul 13 2010
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Name: Byron (Old English name meaning Bear.)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Looks: Byron is taller than other guys his age, and he is very muscled as well. His eyes are colored a deep brown. He has brown hair cut short, higighted with blond. He wears T-shirts and jeans most of the time. He also has brown bear ears and a little tail.
When transformed, he's a big old grizzly bear with blond-highlighted brown fur. Ouo
Personality: He may be big and scary, but he's cuddly as a trddy-bear. X3
History: FFFF.
Crush: Open.
S/O: Bi.
Other: He's a sweetheart. X3
Name: Nahuel (Mapuche name meaning Tiger.)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Looks: Nahuel (Pronounced Nah-well) is tall and well built, but not big like Byron. He has white hair streaked with black as well as pale blue eyes. He wears T-shirts and jeans, and has white bengal tiger ears and a matching tail.
When transformed, he is a sort of anthro tiger. White bengal, of course.
Personality: He is protective of those who are close to him, and will fight fiercely to keep them safe.
History: Um. No. Ouo
Crush: Open
S/O: Bi
Other: Braindead. My bios failll. Dx

12:09pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Bethany smelled other Were's not far off. She sat down for a moment to ease her breathing, then transformed. She liked the feeling of running on her fours. She sniffed the air, and dared off. Soon she saw two Weres snuggling. "Well, what a sight for sore eyes..." She said, looking down at them. She sat down on her haunches.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:49pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Reoko snickered. "Speak for yourself, Red wolf." She said with a grin. Easing away from Raijiin, She flicked her tail and walked off into the forest on her digitigradient legs. The dead bark filled her maw, Cold snow crunching underneath her pads. Stretching her arms out, She brushed her hands over the tree's, The pearly moon bathing her over in an essence of white.
12:49pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted Rika. ouo ))
1:50pm Jul 13 2010
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Byron lumbered through the forest, big paws thudding against the ground as his ears pricked forward. He paused a couple times to pick a few berries and eat them before continuing on, the grizzly sure to attract attention at the rate he was going.
Nahuen walked through the forest, his tail lashing behind him as he let out a soft growl before looking at hus furred, clawed hands. He had such a rush of emotions shoot through him that he let out a roar and lashed out at a nearby tree, the satisfying splintering of wood music to his tiger ears.
2:53pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 12,384
3:10pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Why don't you post an intro, Ash? XD )) Reoko stepped back from a falling tree, Which almost fell on her. "Whoa!" She yelled, Before falling to her back and using her legs to push herself away from the tree that fell with a boom. Whatever pushed that over must be somewhat strong.. She thought, Taking time to get back her strength, And standing up again.
3:15pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Cause my brain isnt working that well at the moment.))
3:26pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 921
Sam quietly padded down a path covered in white, the cold snow softly crunching beneath her paws. She breathed in the cold air, a stream of warm air flowing our of her nose in return. She blinked, her eyes scanning the area around her. Thinking back to the red moon, she sighed; she still wasn't used to her were form, and she doubted she ever would be. Her ears pricked and she was positive she heard a loud roar, but shrugged, ignoring the sound. She hated loneliness, which was exactly what she was at the moment. She began to pick up her pace, sprinting down the path as snow was kicked up behind her paws. Searching the trees as she continued onward, she stopped short. She frowned. It was pleasant to be a wolf, but she wanted to be normal again. Tiredly, she lay down in the middle of the path, staring up at the sky.
10:52pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Nahuel lowered his head, his ears pinned back as his tail lashed back and forth, the anthro were-tiger letting out a growl, lips pulled back from his sharp teeth. He clenched his clawed fists. "We're freaks..." he snarled.
11:02pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 12,384
11:23pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 354
I jumped at the branch falling the loud noise snapping me out of my deep thoughts. I looked over to see Reoko with a new Were. She had a smug smile on her face, I wondered why? She was a beautiful shade of red another wolf? I walked over to Reoko. "Are you ok?" I asked concern dripping from every word. I looked at the wolf. "Hello are you a new Were?"
12:08am Jul 14 2010
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(Lol. Nahuel knocked over a tree. <3 The one that nearly squished Reoko, too. XD)
5:02am Jul 15 2010
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