10:15pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 20
((Sorry I have to go no, but I should be able to come back on in around 4-5 hours. Sorry but I really want to continue this so I will be back))
~I live in the sea and I go where the current takes me~
10:16pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 4,355
Rachel leaped out from behind a rock, and landed right in front of the two. "Hiya." She said. "I'm Rachel." Her two Creatu slipped from behind a rock. "This is Ruckus and this is Ryli. I see you two are Iluvu hunting. I am aswell." She paused to laugh at Mat. "An Aquatian, eh? Good luck. I'm from here, so I don't mind the heat at all."
2:11am Feb 18 2011
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Posts: 20
'Just because I am Atquatian, that doesn't mean I can't use my Narwi to cool me off.' Mat called for his Narwi and walked away (but still in sight of the others) to find another Iluvu egg.
~I live in the sea and I go where the current takes me~
11:21am Feb 18 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((May I join? :D ))
5:04pm Feb 18 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Max scratched the back of her head and smiled. "I'm Max." She looked at Mlle and smiled. "This here is Mlle." She looked at the people who had gathered around. "So, searching for Iluvu eggs..." She tried to be modest about it. "Mlle has a good nose for Iluvu eggs. If you need help, I'll be glad to a.ssist you guys."
Love is all we need~
11:19pm Feb 18 2011
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Posts: 20
Mat stepped up first and asked for help to Max. Mat's Narwi waddled and waddled happily guarding Mats bag in which contained the Iluvu egg which was laying on the ground inbetween two rocks to keep warm.
~I live in the sea and I go where the current takes me~
11:20pm Feb 18 2011
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Posts: 20
((I didn't make this RP but Zada said she wanted more people so I guess so, but you should prbably ask Zada to))
~I live in the sea and I go where the current takes me~
3:07pm Feb 19 2011
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Posts: 4,355
"Oh well... Good luck." She said. In a few moments her Creatu were leaping on to a rock. Two small Iluvu were huddled around a small, pitch black egg with a pink heart on it. "Oh hi there felles'." She said, and sat down in front of them. "How would you like to live with me?" The two Creatu nodded. She showed them the way to her showroom and put the egg in her bag. She went back to hunt for more eggs and more Creatu.
3:46pm Feb 19 2011
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Posts: 375
[[Join?]] Character:Christine Halmot Race: Relcorian-[Wants an Iluvu, not just her black one she left in relcore] Pets: Two blone zennies-Narisse and-I'll post her name in a sec, I forgot her name, it's in german. Apperance: Simple orange maxi dress with red leggings underneath. Has yellow t-shirt cardigan with simple brown ugs. Has short blonde Iluvu gloves-[Yellow and red instead of yellow and blue] Personality: Kind hearted and brave, but sometimes she'll be a little stand-offish.
9:46pm Feb 19 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Max nodded and smiled. "Sure." She looked Mat over, stopping at his face and asking, "What's your name? I mean, I don't want to go around calling you Bob or something." She let out a weak laugh and patted Mlle's black head. Mlle purred and rubbed up against Max's leg, looking at Mat's narwi occasionally.
Love is all we need~
2:01am Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 20
'Me? Well my name's Mat!' :) Mat smiled and called for his nameless Narwi whome waddled over dragging the bag back to Mat and making sure to be careful and not damage the egg or the Iluvu inside.
~I live in the sea and I go where the current takes me~
2:41pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 4,355
Rachel started running along the rocks, picking up a few Iluvu eggs as she went. She was running so hard her sneakers nearly fell apart. Finally she stopped and leaped on the back of a young man. "Let go of that Creatu!" She screamed, still holding on. A fainted albino Iluvu was dangling by it's legs. The man shook her off. "Hey! Whats the big deal?! I'm going to sell the fur of this Iluvu, you can have some, and we both get rich! Plus, I may give you sone Iluvu meat. See, nothing wrong with that." Rachel could help but cry. "Sir, everything is wrong with that! That creature deserves to live, not to be killed." She snached the Iluvu from him and ran. She ran to the Healing Center in Scria and healed it. Then she brought her new friend home.
3:03pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Nice to meet you, Mat." Max smiled and said, "We should get going if we're going to get eggs." She picked Mlle up in her arms and whispered a few words in her ears. Mlle nodded and jumped down, running off after the scent of another Iluvu egg.
Love is all we need~
12:52am Feb 22 2011
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Posts: 20
Mat had his trust Narwi by his side.. wait.. no he didnt! Mat turned around and saw his Narwi running of behind a rock, once his Narwi had come back he found........ two... NARWI EGGS!!?? 'Uhhh.. how is that possible? Oh well p*censored* them here Narwi, I might be able to give them to Corza :)' After that strange occurence, Mat started walking towards Max to beging the Iluvu egg hunt.
~I live in the sea and I go where the current takes me~
3:38pm Feb 22 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Too late to join?)