Return of the Shadow Pokemon

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8:22pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 7:29pm Aug 1 2011)

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The Plot 
With soft steps, the ninetales trotted across the ground stealthily. She kept her nose to the ground, her dark black eyes alert. A shadowy mist swirled in the fox-like pokemon's eyes and she cast her gaze back down to the ground. As she skirted around the various cages around her, the heightened screams of other pokemon reached her sensitive ears. She cringed back and let out a soft snarl as she pawed at her ears. The screams died down and she shook her head, focusing herself on her mission. She caught a few hungry glances from the other pokemon in the cages. Most snarled as she walked by, jealous of her being able to escape. She padded onward toward an open window where the boxes and cages were piled high with starved pokemon. Their hearts were already beginning to close as they lost hope. Her own was shadowed by only hate and fear. She found her way to the top and jumped through the window. She sniffed the air, a cool breeze reaching her nose. For only a moment, the shadows surrounding her heart retreated. Her purplish eyes regained their soft black before they were swallowed by mist again. She took off into the forest.

The Dumbed Down Plot

There has been talk of Shadow Pokemon being created in a lab far to the west in pokemon region, Saltroy. The government has chosen four champions to investigate the rumors and if true, locate the Shadow Pokemon. It is there job to find the Shadow Pokemon project and destroy it.

The Character Skeleton

Regions Beaten:

The Pokemon Skeleton

The Rules
1. Only three spots open.
2. Be Literate.
3. Pokemon should be around lvl 70-90. They're champions.
4. Maximum of five Pokemon. Each trainer may select a Shadow Pokemon they will find later in the rp.
5. NO same Pokemon. I really want a bit of variety. I will make exceptions...ask
6. No Legends unless I say so.
7. Absolutely no Generation 5. Sorry, but I hate 'em.
8. Also, no same Pokemon. There's a ton of fish in the sea. ;c 

The Champions
1. Taylor Sommers
2. Ariel Wilder
3. Sculyr Treaty
4. Avalia Orikani
Claims Lucario, Arcanine, Salamence, and Ninetales-

hello my name is elder price

8:28pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 8:29pm Jul 31 2011)

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((May I join? Also, my dewott feels unloved :( XD

I would like to claim umbreon before anybody else does.))

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8:38pm Jul 31 2011

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Ooc; Dewott should feel unloved because I don't love it. ;c
Sure thing, Feyth. <3

hello my name is elder price

8:41pm Jul 31 2011

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Wanted to join. Then saw that no legends and no duplicate pokemon were allowed. Looks like Sculyr is out of this one.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:42pm Jul 31 2011

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Ooc; Sculyr can join with Ozone and hees Arcanine. :3
I'll edit the legends out and...make an exception. xD
-Just doesn't want Lucario copied- Mien

hello my name is elder price

8:44pm Jul 31 2011

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I shall make tah bios nao. Sculyr also has a Houndoom, Absol [which shall be Shadow-fied], a Lapras, and a Rapidash.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:48pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 10:39pm Jul 31 2011)

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Name: Ariel Wilder
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Looks: Medium height, thin. Blonde hair that's normally in a messy ponytail, with three dark blue stripes in the bangs. Her bright hazel eyes are often rimmed in heavy eyeliner (just not enough to make her look trampy). She loves wearing layers, mostly a black tank top with a light green-and-eggshell vest and army green shorts. She wears a necklace with a Noctowl charm, a gift from Zale, her best friend. (She gave him a similar one with a Murkrow)

Personality: Her disposition is normally bright and sunny, but she slips into dark spells almost just as often. During these time's she's very moody, snappy, and stubborn. She'll refuse to listen to anything, despite how rational it is. Luckily, when she's not like that she can be one of the most open, happy girls you're likely to meet.

Regions Beaten: Hoenn, Johto
Pokemon: Leafeon; Ampharos; Noctowl; Tropius; Blaziken
Other: Derpin'!


Species: Leafeon
Gender: Male
Nickname: Neo
Lvl: 83
Attire: N/A
Ball: Pokeball
Trainer: Ariel (all except one)


Species: Ampharos
Gender: Female
Nickname: Juniper
Lvl: 76
Attire: Green scarf - neck
Ball: Pokeball


Species: Noctowl
Gender: Female
Nickname: Marina
Lvl: 88
Attire: Multiple golden bangles around legs
Ball: Ultra


Species: Tropius
Gender: Male
Nickname: Janner
Lvl: 75
Attire: N/A
Ball: Heavy


Species: Blaziken
Gender: Male
Nickname: Thanatos
Lvl: 87
Attire: A short, blue vest (fire-retardent material, of course)
Ball: Pokeball
Trainer: Zale (He was a birthday gift as a Torchic, so.)

Species: Shadow Hitmonlee
Gender: Male
Nickname: Ty
Lvl: 75
Attire: Fingerless gloves
Ball: Snag? -shot-

((I hope I did this all right. XD

...I like unloved Pokemon, kay? :U Ty was going to be a Donphan, but...))


8:55pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 8:56pm Aug 1 2011)

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Posts: 6,948

((Oshawott is sad too, how can you say no to this face:

Anyway, this post is where my bios shall be

I claim Shiny umbreon, Luxray, Lanturn, Typhlosian, Bibarel, and Shadow Glacion))


Name: Avalia Orikani

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Looks: Besides being tall and skinny, she actually isn't that pretty. Her eyes are a muddy brown color and her body is covered entirely with acne and freckles. Her nose is oddly shaped and usually sunburnt from one too many hours in the sun. Her lips are dry and cracked, usually bleeding from biting them. Her hair is a dirty blonde color hanging down to her shoulders. In the cold, her hands seem to turn purple and blotchy with red spots, but she doesn't feel it. Unfortunately, because she doesn't feel cold unless it is extreme, she feels much hotter when it is warm out. Needless to say, she isn't one you would think of as being good at anything. 

Her wardrobe consits of a plethora of blue and green t-shirts and jeans. She only has two pairs of sneakers and one she never wears because she grew out of it. As anyone can plainly see by the way she dresses, she doesn't have a lot of pokedollars. She prefers to spend her money taking care of her pokemon than using it to show herself off. The only possesion she keeps on her at all times is the necklace her mother gave her on her death bed. It is a silvery-blue pendant in the shape of a cursive A.

Personality: She is usually quiet and withdrawn, prefering to talk on her own terms. Trying to get her to talk is like lighting a match under a tortoise; it just makes her angry and even mo0re withdrawn then she started out with. However, if someone is patient and kind to her, she will come out of her shell and be the most loyal friend you could ever ask for. Avalia is a bit hard-headed and will do what she thinks is right and not pay attention to the consequences. She loves her pokemon more than life and would do anything for them, even throw herself in front of a killing blow, one that would have gone farther than just faint her pokemon.

History: She was born in Snowpoint City of the Sinnoh Region and stayed there for 10 years of her life, learning the mysterious ways  of pokemon. When she was 10, she got Cynder, her first pokemon. She was a chimchar. As she trained, beating all 8 of the Sinnoh gyms, she grew to love her pokemon as if they were her children. When she got to the champion, she got Cynthia down to one pokemon. However, the garchomp in question was pushed to the limit by Cynder, now an infernape, and attacked without command, striking and killing Cynder with a dangerous dragon slash. Avalia went a bit crazy that day and fainted the garchomp with Rel, vowing never to forgive Cynthia for losing control of the garchomp. She hasn't gone back to Sinnoh since then. Cynder is burried outside the Pokemon League.

Later, just after her 12th birthday party, Avalia traveled to Johto after a vacation on the Orange Islands. She was reluctant to start training again, but her fathre urged her to. She needed to let go of the past and live life in the present. she got Cyn from proffesor Elm. It was a little Cyndaquil who reminded her just a bit too much of Cynder. She was nervous to take the championship, but with a bit of nudging, she did. She managed to get Champion from that without losing a single friend.

Finally, when she turned 14, she set her sights on Kanto, her fighting spirit renewed. So, pokeballs on belt, she took a ferry to the great region of Kanto. Being that she was a skilled pokemon trainer, it took her just short of 4 months to complete all the gyms. She traveled to the league, but was stopped, told by the gate guard that she had to have at least one pokemon that she caught in that region. So, with a heavy heart, she turned back. It took her another 3 months to train an eevee she had recieved. She went back and beat the pokemon champion and became the youngest champion ever to have beaten more than two regions. She has decided to wait on Hoenn and Unova. She wants to stay where she is at the moment.

Regions Beaten: Sinnoh, Johto, Kanto

Pokemon: Shiny Umbreon, Bibarel, Luxray, Lanturn, Typhlosian

Other: She will find Shadow Glacion later


Species: Shiny Umbreon

Gender: Female

Nickname: Feyth

Lvl: 90

Looks: Feyth looks like a normal shiny umbreon, but with a few changes. For one, her fur is a bit lighter gray and her rings are more turqoise than blue. The ring on her head is not a ring, but a star. Her eyes are a blood red color that, when she is angry, seem to glow with a pale pink light. Around her neck is a macho band and on her left hindleg are 3 gold bracelets that entwine around eachother. Her tail is more furry rather than cone shaped, other than these things, she looks no different from the other umbreons she used to live with.

Ball: Pokeball

Trainer: Avalia Orikani


Species: Bibarel

Gender: Male

Nickname: Marel

Lvl: 81

Looks: Unlike other Bibarel's, Marel doesn't have bucked teeth, in fact, his teeth are wierdly shapen. They are more carnivorous than most and because of this, the move bite does more damage than normal. The coloring of his head crest is more white than beige, but his eyes are a normal brown color with a bit of black mixed in. His tail, even though he is male, has a more intricate design like a female has. This caused him to be the ob
ject of ridicule everyday before Avalia found and caught him.

Ball: Pokeball

Trainer: Avalia Orikani


Species: Luxray

Gender: Male

Nickname: Relis, Rel

Lvl: 90

Looks: Rel is by far the most different luxray in the world, if you consider the fact that he was caught in the Unova region when Avalia was traveling on Vacation. Because of this, he seems to follow the pattern of the seasons. In the winter, he is a bit lighter and his black hair is white and spiked and the tail spark is more of a snowflake shape. In the Spring, the places that are yellow turn a pickish hue and his eyes are wider and make him seem less intimidating. He isn't as strong in the springtime. In the Summer, his black fur turns a golden coloring like that of a ho-ohs feathers. The Autumn is his favorite season because he is most powerful at this time when the leaves are falling. The yellow on him darkens and the black turns to a dark red. The blue on him because a very dark orange. However, at no time during the seasons, besides winter, does his form change. It is mostly the colors.

Ball: Dream Ball

Trainer: Avalia Orikani


Species: Lanturn

Gender: Female

Nickname: Life

Lvl: 85

Attire: Unfortunately, there is not much that is interesting about Life. She looks exactly like the other lanturns and is not easily differentiated by the others. In fact, probably the most interesting thing about her is her eyes. They are a bright hazel color which is not seen in pokemon that often. In battle, although they look yellow normally, the globes on her antenni glow a swampy green color that seems to come from that fact that her favorite food is seaweed.

Ball: Dive Ball

Trainer: Avalia Orikani


Species: Typhlosian

Gender: Male

Nickname: Cyn

Lvl: 79

Attire: He is kept in his pokeball most of the time because Avalia is reminded too much of Cynder when she looks at him; even though Infernapes and Typhlosian are two entirely different species. When Cynder was killed, Avalia took the Macho brace from his arm and kept it with her. When she got Cyn, she gave him it as a rememberance that all good things must end. Cyn is a bit sad that Avalia will never truely love him like she loved Cynder, but because of his past, he understands that it is hard to let go of past mistakes.

Ball: Great Ball

Trainer: Avalia Orikani


Species: Shadow Glaceon

Gender: Female

Nickname: Avira

Lvl: 81

Attire: In body shape, Avira looks normal if you just saw a silohuette in the background, but up close, it is obvious that she has been changed. For one, her fur is a deep lapis color and the once turquise diamonds are now a dark Amethyst hue. Her eyes are red with fury all the time, despite the fact that she is not always furious. Her claws are sharper and her ears are more pointed than normal.

Ball: None

Trainer: None at the moment (Will eventually join Avalia Orikani's team)


((I hope that a season changing Luxray is fine. I had a dream about one last night and really wanted to try it out. If this is not okay, tell me and I will change it. I promise that if you let me, I will not make it a big deal and will most likely have it as a minor thing for the entirety of the roleplay.))

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9:07pm Jul 31 2011

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-raises hand-

No move set in bio for teh pokemanz?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:10pm Jul 31 2011

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9:13pm Jul 31 2011

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Ooc; In teh Anime, they never have a moveset. It's all like, "Mah Pokemanz know all teh moves eva" so that's how I rp it. o_o

hello my name is elder price

9:19pm Jul 31 2011

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((Me too, Shadow))

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9:29pm Jul 31 2011

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It seems that it may be a bit too god-modding... But that is just how I see it...

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:36pm Jul 31 2011

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((At least it's not like "Charizard! Hydro Pump!" o3o ))


9:37pm Jul 31 2011

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Ooc; Lol! xD
I typically don't use more than five or six moves, though. I also tend to stay away from using too many TM or HM moves, if any, because there's so many ways to use certain moves. I just like knowing I'm not limited. xD

hello my name is elder price

9:41pm Jul 31 2011

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Posts: 5,310


Dodo made me snort with that :D


Can I add a skill set to my pokemon? It heps me remember the moves they have so I don't start using random ones...

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:45pm Jul 31 2011

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Ooc; Do whatever makes you happy, Drago. *pats*

hello my name is elder price

9:51pm Jul 31 2011

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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:08pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 10:04pm Aug 1 2011)

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Name: Sculyr Treaty
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Male
Looks: Sculyr has clear blue eyes that has a ring of onyx around the darker black pupils. When he uses his powers, his eyes change to a darker than black colour. He has blond hair that ends at his lower jaw. The cut is ragged. When Sculyr stands up, he is roughly around six foot. [X]
Personality: Sculyr is an all-around quiet dude who only seems to talk whenever he absolutely must. Or whenever he is alone with his pokemon. He takes things very seriously and almost never smiles; but if somebody manages to get him to do that, he will most likely be that person's friend for the rest of his life.
Regions Beaten: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh
Pokemon: Rayquaza, Arcanine, Houndoom, Lapras, Rapidash
Other: The boy is also a Psychic, but he can only levetate small objects, read and understand auras, and read the surface emotions of a person's mind. He will also gain a Shadow Absol to his team.


Species: Shiny Rayquaza
Gender: Unknown, but Sculyr calls the legendary a “He”
Nickname: Ozone
Lvl: 90
Attire: Nope.
Ball: Master
Moves: Dragon Claw, Fly, Hyperbeam, Draco Meteor
Trainer: Sculyr

Species: Arcanine
Gender: Female
Nickname: Scythe
Lvl: 89
Attire: Nope.
Ball: Great
Moves: Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Fire Blast
Trainer: Sculyr

Species: Houndoom
Gender: Male
Nickname: Reaper
Lvl: 89
Attire: Has three, small silver hoops along the length of his tail.
Ball: Ultra
Moves: Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Crunch
Trainer: Sculyr

Species: Lapras
Gender: Female
Nickname: Star
Lvl: 88
Attire: Nope.
Ball: Ultra
Moves: Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Surf
Trainer: Sculyr

Species: Rapidash
Gender: Female
Nickname: Wyldfyr
Lvl: 89
Attire: Nope.
Ball: Pokeball.
Moves: Ember, Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Flare Blitz
Trainer: Sculyr

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:18pm Jul 31 2011

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((My fail bios are fail. -facepalm-))

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