Name: Taylor Sommers
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She's more of an outgoing person and tends to have a sharp, but playful bite to her tongue when she's thinking. She can be sarcastic, usually is, but isn't mean about it. b: -Changes with every rp so nu hatin'-
Regions Beaten: Kanto, Johto
Pokemon: Lucario > Salamence > Arcanine > Soon-to-be-Ninetales
Other: Nupe
Looks drawn by Dustfeather. Nu taking. :P

The Pokemon Skeleton
Species: Lucario
Gender: Male
Nickname: Shayde, but Taylor typically calls him Shay.
Lvl: 94
Attire: He has a simple black balancing wristband that he wears on his right wrist. b:
Ball: Dark
Trainer: Taylor
Species: Arcanine
Gender: Male
Nickname: Solstice
Lvl: 89
Attire: -
Ball: Poke
Trainer: Taylor
Species: Salamence
Gender: Female
Nickname: Whiplash
Lvl: 79
Attire: -
Ball: Ultra
Trainer: Taylor
Species: Ninetales
Gender: Female
Nickname: Shall be Spirit
Lvl: 80
Attire: Will put a white bandana around her neck.
Ball: Dark
Trainer: None as of yet. b:
How's that fer failure bios? ;D