Return of the Shadow Pokemon

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7:01pm Aug 1 2011

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((I like your bio, can we start now?))

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7:02pm Aug 1 2011

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Shadow, can you update the Champeon List?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:36pm Aug 1 2011

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The deafening roar of the Dragon Pokemon made Taylor's lips curl up in a quirky smile. She braced her legs against the creature's blue-scaled body just as the Pokemon dove to the right, folding in its wing to gain more speed. Wind tore at the girl's hair, brown locks streaming behind her. She ducked her head down lower and narrowed her eyes against the wind, regretting the fact that she hadn't put her flight goggles on before.

Whiplash pulled up, her neck craning upward and her tail acting as a rudder. She flared open her vibrant wings and they caught the air like massive sails. She let loose another bellow and Taylor was convinced the creature just liked to hear herself roar. When she coasted along the treetops of some woodland, Taylor reached into her bag and pulled out a map.

The electronic map responded to her fingertips and a 3D screen popped up in front of her. She located their position by the blinking yellow dot traveling over dense woodland and checked where their destination was. "Keep going north," Taylor ordered and Whiplash used steady downstrokes to speed up their trip, acknowledging the girl's orders with a flick of her tail.

The green dot ahead of them was their destination; approximately five minutes left to go. Whiplash's wings were beginning to strain with every stroke of her wings. They had been flying for about two hours now and Taylor really hadn't wanted to do this to her Pokemon, but from what she had heard, it was urgent. "Almost there, girl," Taylor promised and Whiplash snorted.


She landed heavily on the ground, Taylor slightly jerking, head pitching forward at the rough landing. She slid off of Whiplash and immediately walked up to the Pokemon's head. The Pokemon lay tiredly on the ground and let her head rest in Taylor's open palms.

The girl rubbed behind the Pokemon's frills and Whiplash let out a contented sigh. "Would you like to rest out here or go back in your ball?" Taylor asked. In response, Whiplash rested her head on the ground and curled her tail against her side. She folded her wings against her back, yawned, and promptly fell asleep.

Taylor kissed her fingertips and rested them on Whiplash's head for a moment before fingering one of the Pokeballs at her belt. She unclipped a dark ball and tossed it into the air. Her Lucario popped out in his typical battle stance; down on one knee, arms raise, and palms out.

He pulled out of his stance and went by her side. Both of them turned away from Whiplash and looked up with solemn eyes at the secluded Pokemon center before them. The dimly lit Pokeball flashed an eerie white and red, the soft glow casting ominous shadows in the twilit forest. Feeling shivers tickling her neck, Taylor and her Lucario headed into the Pokemon center to wait for the arrival of the other champions.

hello my name is elder price

8:43pm Aug 1 2011

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Posts: 5,310


Were are they...? O.O

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:45pm Aug 1 2011

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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Heading to a Pokemon center in the middle of nowhere to talk about the Shadow Project. 8D

hello my name is elder price

9:02pm Aug 1 2011

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Posts: 6,948

"If you move any slower, they'll be old by the time we get there." A voice said. It came from the girl riding atop a blue pokemon: Lanturn. The lanturn swam just a smitch slower in response and the girl, Avalia, sighed. The storm was picking up now, churning the waves upon which they swam. She checked that she still had all 5 pokeballs around her belt and then clung to lanturn. She was not afraid of falling, for she could swim well, perhaps even better than her pokemon, but not in these waves. These waves would chew her up and spit her out without even thinking twice.

"Almost there Life, come on, you can do it." she said soothingly, making the lanturn beneath her speed up. "I knew you could go faster than the speed yo uwere going." Avalia huffed with a slight laugh at the end of her words. "You just don't like jokes." She shrugged off the sudden shaking that Life was doing and clung to the wet fur of her companion. "Ya, try all you want, you can't throw me off and you know it." Now it was Life's turn to huff and huff she did, but she still couldn't get Avalia off her back, not that she wanted to, but it was all in good fun to try.

With one hand, Avalia reach into the waterproof bag slung over her shoulder and drew out a map made of plastic, so as to not get wet. She looked up at the night sky and, through the torrential rain, she saw the north star. She sighed in relief, they were going the right way. In the distance, she could see the great golden spires of the Saltroy region's main pokecenter HQ. As they neared it, it grew larger and even more grand then her first glimpse. In truth, she had only been to Saltroy once, so alot of the region was new to her. Luckily, this wasn't the first time she had been to this specific part of the region.

She looked up again, putting her goggles over her face so as to not get a pelting from the rain, and saw a massive Salamance flying over head. Life must have seen it too, for she sped up so as to beat it to their destination. Life was a very competitive pokemon who believed that swimming was faster than flying, of course, most water pokemon thought that. In Avalia's mind, the water pokemon were definately faster and this was the reason she had no flying pokemon in her pokeballs.


At full speed, Avalia and Life slammed into the beach, causing a bit of confusion to both trainer and pokemon. Avalia rolled off of Life and returned the water-based pokemon to her rightful place, inside the Dive ball on her. She let out a cough and splayed some sand from her mouth. A pokeball from her belt was thrown onto the beach and a pokemon, grey as a storm cloud, emerged from the beam of red. Its ears twitch in laughter at the sight of Avalia.

"Ya, laugh all you want." She grumbled to the umbreon who had a bemused look set upon her fox like face. Avalia folded her arms and attempted to smooth down her hair and put her bandanna back on. She failed and was left with a soaking bandanna which she squished into her pocket with a squishing noise. After doing this, she let out another pokemon from a great ball on her belt. A typhlosian came out from the ball and the 3 of them wandered into the pokecenter, sopping wet...

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9:19pm Aug 1 2011

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10:07pm Aug 1 2011

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I knew that... -shot-



Sculyr sat atop a long, snake-like pokemon whose base colour was a darker than black with brightly glowing yellow markings along its side. Red accents glowing slightly darker along the pokemon's fins. Yellow eyes glowed against the black scales of the pokemon's face. The creature let out a shrieking roar before it spiralled downward before pulling up as the pokemon flew a feet feet above the tops of the trees of the forest below. The boy atop the pokemon held on to the two horns jutted out from the back of its head while his feet were on two lower horns jutting out from the creature's jaw.

Pokemon center lights appeared on the horizon and grew steadily closer as the boy and his pokemon flew closer to the building. Soon, the black pokemon was atop the center and coiled up in the front of the building to let his rider off. Sculyr dismounted from the dragon-type pokemon and removed a dark blue and purple ball from his belt. It was a Master Ball granted to him by an old friend of the family. 

"Good work, Ozone. You've earned yourself a rest," the champeon said as he took a few steps away from the Rayquaza. Ozone lifted his head and let out another shrieking roar before a stream of red light enveloped it and drew it back into the ball that captured it. Sculyr put the ball back on his belt as he fingered the other four. With a sigh, he ran his fingers through his jagged blonde hair before glancing up at the pokemon center.

So this is were the other Champeons were meeting... Closing his blue eyes, he inhaled; then exhaled. When he opend his blue orbs, they were now completely black as he assest the auras from the now see-through building. Only two people inside had the auras of Champeons. His comrades in this upcoming fight against the Shadow Pokemon. He blinked his black eyes and they instantly returned to their normal blue colour. Adjusting the shoulder strap of a diagonal backpack on his purple sweater, he moved towards the Center's doors. They slid open as he came close and he walked straight into the building.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:58am Aug 2 2011

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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Bump for Dodo.

hello my name is elder price

12:58pm Aug 2 2011

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3:15pm Aug 2 2011

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"Janner, you can land now. I see the center."

The longnecked dinosaur creature grinned sheepishly. He beat his leaf-wings once and started circling down as Ariel clung tighter to his neck. Why hadn't she used Marina for this?

Janner chuckled as his trainer slid off onto shaky legs. She turned to glare at him.
"Next time, don't feign a wing injury over the ocean." With those words she sent the Tropius into his ball.

"Come on Neo, we're on the ground now."

The Leafeon jumped out of Ariel's bag and stretched. He turned to the girl and awaited direction.

"To the Center," she pointed and Neo took off.
"Wait a second!" Laughing, Ariel hurried inside.


3:15pm Aug 2 2011

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Posts: 3,137
"Janner, you can land now. I see the center."

The longnecked dinosaur creature grinned sheepishly. He beat his leaf-wings once and started circling down as Ariel clung tighter to his neck. Why hadn't she used Marina for this?

Janner chuckled as his trainer slid off onto shaky legs. She turned to glare at him.
"Next time, don't feign a wing injury over the ocean." With those words she sent the Tropius into his ball.

"Come on Neo, we're on the ground now."

The Leafeon jumped out of Ariel's bag and stretched. He turned to the girl and awaited direction.

"To the Center," she pointed and Neo took off.
"Wait a second!" Laughing, Ariel hurried inside.


3:16pm Aug 2 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
"Janner, you can land now. I see the center."

The longnecked dinosaur creature grinned sheepishly. He beat his leaf-wings once and started circling down as Ariel clung tighter to his neck. Why hadn't she used Marina for this?

Janner chuckled as his trainer slid off onto shaky legs. She turned to glare at him.
"Next time, don't feign a wing injury over the ocean." With those words she sent the Tropius into his ball.

"Come on Neo, we're on the ground now."

The Leafeon jumped out of Ariel's bag and stretched. He turned to the girl and awaited direction.

"To the Center," she pointed and Neo took off.
"Wait a second!" Laughing, Ariel hurried inside.


3:22pm Aug 2 2011

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4:40pm Aug 2 2011

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Ooc; Dodo's characters went into the Center. o-o Really nothing to be confused about; she just posted 3 times on accident. *shrugs*


Taylor looked up as a girl, soaked down to her bones, walked through the Pokemon Center with a shiny Umbreon by her side. The odd Pokemon's coloring sparked Taylor's interest and she tilted her head slightly just as Shayde did so.

The Lucario sat next to her in the wide booth, his ears perking when the duo entered the Center. Soon after, another boy came in, ex
pression solemn in Shayde's opinion as he walked by. Shayde's nose twitched as he registered the faint whiff of the boy's aura. Intrigued, he let his eyes burn a light purple; he was surprised to read that the Champion was none other than a psychic.

With his curiousity satisfied for the moment, Shayde turned back around and lost attention to the trainers beginning to flood into the center. Instead, his gaze probed over the map of Saltroy that lay before them, Taylor's three-dimension map that provided an aerial view.

He held one paw over the screen, the holigram coloring his paws a slight green. He looked at their destination, which truly wasn't a destination at all. It was more of half the region itself, a mere section where Shadow Pokemon activity had been sighted. Honestly, they had no place to start. Well, Shayde had some idea, but he would mention it only when the time was right.

He glanced up from the map as Taylor stood. Another trainer entered soon after the psychic and she walked over to greet them. The Lucario slid out after her and leaned against a wall while she gave introductions. He crossed his arms over his chest as he silently gazed at the other trainers.

"So I'm assuming we're all Champions?" she asked. "Name's Taylor Sommers; Champion of Kanto and Johto," she said as she nodded to the others. She glanced back at Shayde leaning against the wall. "And Shayde, my companion," she said and Shayde dipped his head to the others, only half giving his attention to their presence.

hello my name is elder price

4:47pm Aug 2 2011

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"Avalia Orikani; Champion of Kanto, Jhoto, and Sinnoh." she choked on the last word, her brain filling with memories of Cynder and there time spent together. Tears brimmed in her eyes, but she would not let them fall. These were other champions and she couldn't let them see her cry. She wiped her eyes and looked to the other trainers with interest. One seemed Psychic, like her mother. She only knew of her mother, but they all had the same distant look in their eyes for some reason.

Avalia had been told that she might be like that and it was true, but hers weren't strong. All she could really do was speak to her pokemon, so it was more telekentic. This boy seemed even more powerful than her mother, which was something. She turned her gaze to Taylor Sommers with interest in her eyes, "You beat Kanto and Johto, that's awesome." She said, but her voice sounded unemotional instead of excited like someone would think...


((-braindead- /shot))

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8:04pm Aug 2 2011

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Sculyr tilted his head slightly at the Lucario. He had felt the pokemon read his aura and nothing else. Intrigued, the blond haired boy walked towards the trainer and pokemon pair as she intrudced herself. Another female did the same. And they both said which regions they had become champions of. His blue orbs blinked and he realized he was next to introduce himself.

"I am Sculyr Treaty; Champion of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh," he said as he bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement of what the other two had said. Yes, he had beaten most of the regions in the pokemon world. He was going to start on Unova, but got word of the Shadow Pokemon fight and decided to put that region on hold.

His blue eyes flickered over to Avalia. He had felt her eyes on him a few moments before and wondered why. But he could not ask since her main interest seemed to be ont he girl called Taylor.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:35pm Aug 2 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Hopefully the last time I triple too. :c))

"Ariel Wilders, at your service along with Sir Neo." She gave a wobbly curtsy and dissolved into a giggle fit. She should've been serious, but she was just too excited! Luckily, her Leafeon knew how to shut her up. He rolled his eyes and slapped the back of her knees with his tail. She nearly lost her balance, but she had stopped laughing.



8:50pm Aug 2 2011

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Taylor gave Avalia a meak smile at the small compliment. She ran her fingers through her hair as Sculyr checked off the regions he'd beaten. She nodded in his direction and blinked when a rather bubbly girl introduced herself next. When she gave her introduction with a sickly sweet entrance, in Taylor's opinion, Taylor only nodded slightly.

She focused her gaze back on the whole group. "I stopped after Johto. Even though Sinnoh was my home, I had no interest in beating the other regions. I mainly just wanted to travel and see the sights," she said. "Now, down to business," she motioned toward the table she had taken earlier with the map clear on the table.

"The Shadow Pokemon Project. As you know, half the region is supposedly known to have lain waste to the project so we don't really have a lead," she said, but broke off as Shayde approached from behind. He tapped her shoulder ones and reached for the digital map.

Once he handed it to Taylor, she held it out for him. He swiped his paws through the air and honed in the map on a particular part of the Saltroy region. "Ah," Taylor said with a grimace. "I think we may have found our lead," she said grimly.

hello my name is elder price

12:43am Aug 3 2011

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"That small island, there's no way." She said, looking at the spot the lucario and honed in on. "I've been there. Its nothing but a baren desert with no pokemon or anything to speak of." She looked at it in confusion and tried to remeber what she had read about. "The landscape is too hot for even fire pokemon and humans can not survive there. Water is scarce unless you drink ocean water and there is no shade. It is bigger than Snowpoint City and Vermillion combined. We don't stand a chance of survival." She grimaced. She, once again, was the pessimist here...

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