5:50am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Right, okay, here we go... ~Plot~
There is a guild of A.ssa.ssins, in this guild are the only a.ssa.ssins left from the great order, and at the helm of it all is my first character, Ezio, who is of course the a.ssa.ssin from a.ssa.ssin's creed 2, but I'm basing this some time after the game, so we can do what we want, of course I will be using Altair armour, but anyway, back on track... Ezio now has to rally his men enough to wipe out the threat of the Templar force that is promising to come abck, but to do this he is going to have to lead them on a journey to get the best equipment and the best skills by leading them through tombs of great a.ssa.ssins that have p*censored*ed. RANKS: - Leader of the Brother hood: Ezio (Reubin
- Second in Command:
- Captains(4 available spots):
- Soldiers on the Front line(6 available spots):
Character bio skelly: Name: Age: Appearance: Rank: Reason for loyalty to Ezio: Personallity:
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5:54am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 5:57am Apr 10 2010)
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Name: Ezio Age: Twenties Appearance:
 Rank: Leader of the Brotherhood Reason for loyalty to Ezio: He is Ezio Personallity: I'll unravel this as the RP un-folds.
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7:50am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 305
Name: Kayee Age: 17 Appearance: [url=http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/PlatinumMew/Vampire%20Knight/YUUKI-5.jpg] Rank: Soldiers on the front line Reason for loyalty to Ezio: Want to be an *censored**censored*in. Personality: A tomboyish kind of girl but has a gentle heart and caring to others. She can be somewhat a serious type but not only that, she also has high intellect points. She is good with the artemis- the weapon she is holding in the pic.
7:50am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:51am Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 305
how can I post my pic? geezz 
9:41am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Tis okay Golden, I copy and pasted the link, now we just have to wait for a few others to join.
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10:09am Apr 10 2010
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Names: Bryac & Nyla Age: Twenties Appearance:
  Rank: Soldiers on the front line Reason for loyalty to Ezio: They're Ezio's cousins Personallity: They're twins, they have been close since birth and Ezio was like an older brother to them, he was always there to help them whenever they were in need.
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10:17am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 10:48am Apr 10 2010)
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Name: Raze~ (Razerio) Age: 24 Appearance:
 Rank: Second in command? :3 Reason for loyalty to Ezio: A lifelong friend to Ezio and Sienna, despite the way he acts. Personallity: Quiet, the strong silent type, and very dangerous; Being capable of pushing aside any emotion when it comes to killing. Although, he, like other as.as.sins, will not harm innocents. He is incredibly adaptable and henceforth can use pretty much any weapon at his disposal, but his weapon of choice is a blade made from a mix of onyx and steel. He has an excellent and unmatched memory, meaning he can retain information and read people incredibly accurately. The only people he truly listens to are both Ezio and Sienna. ~~~ Name: Sienna Age: 21 Appearance:
 Rank: Captain Reason for loyalty to Ezio: Has known him most of her life, as well as Raze~ Personallity: A kind and gentle soul to most, although she can hold her own in battle. She favours fast and agile attacks, her main weapons being ranged. She also has an affinity for playing around with poisons and venoms, as well as being a high clas.s blacksmith; Choosing to make her own weapons.
10:23am Apr 10 2010
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((Hehe, deal kuro, you're my second in command and first captain, lol.)) Ezio was stood on the balcony of the villa that the brotherhood now used as it's base, he was thinking of his late uncle, Mario, to think he could die so young, Ezio was also planning an attack, there was a small Templar camp not too far from the city that, if allowd to grow to strong, could have posed a threat, he had already called for his second in command, Raze, and his first captain Sienna.
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10:35am Apr 10 2010
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~(Excellent xD)~ Raze followed behind a rather disgruntled Sienna. She hated been called upon when she was busy doing whatever it was she did with all that melted metal. Not that Raze cared, not really. He sighed just as Sienna stopped talking, meaning she caught his sigh and quite promptly glared over her shoulder at him. It didn't take the two long to reach Ezio, stood looking out over city. Sienna inhaled, throwing one last dirty look at Raze before speaking. "What is it, Ezio?"
10:40am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio turned to face his two most respected a.ssa.ssins and friends, "Thank you for humouring me enough to answer my call, there is a templar base to the west of the forests outside of our city, this threat must be wiped clean before we commence any full attacks as the new brotherhood of a.ssa.ssins..." Ezio looked down at the ground, thinking of the first a.ssa.ssin to reach a high enough prestiege to become as respected as he had done, his grand-father, Altair, was this truly the right thing to do? he had no doubt, "We move out now, ready your armour and weapons, we kill them all, take no prisoners and show no mercy, but you must also follow the creed, do not kill any innocents, do not endanger the brotherhood and, most importantly, don't reveal your true intentions until your blade is in the neck of your first victim."
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10:44am Apr 10 2010
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Raze was looking balefully over the city, his dark violet eyes flashing at the thought of Templars. Great. This was all they needed, they hadn't even been here that long. He ran a hand thorugh his hair, closing his eyes for a moment before turning and heading back into the building to prepare. Sienna watched him leave, then sighed and pulled a face. "As silent as always" She mused, looking back over to Ezio. "We won't take long. How many as.sas.sins would you want me to bring? Or is this just a 3 seat trip?"
10:49am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio smiled at Sienna, "It wont take any more than the three of us, plus, the more a.ssa.ssins we bring, the less Templar necks that get slit by my blade." Ezio then raised his two hands, making both hidden blade pop out before allowing them to retract once again, "And I still need to get revenge on that bas.tard leader of theirs, I will not have an undisturbed noght of sleep until he lies dead." Ezio then leapt over the balcony, landing on the ledge below, he the ran and dived into the canal in front of the villa, after climbing out he allowd himself to drip dry, before standing in waiting for his two closest friends.
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10:55am Apr 10 2010
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Sienna shrugged as Altair leapt over the balcony, and walked back inside the building, taking off her blacksmith gloves as she did so. She then promptly started running to her quarters, changing herself into her usual as.sas.sin attire before running back out of the building, p*censored*ing a number of people who waved. It took her a mere moment to reach the street, before spotting a dark figure in front of her. Raze. She ran to walk beside the guy, just as they came into view of Ezio. "This'll be interesting." Sienna said to herself as Raze smirked. "Perhaps."
11:05am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio smiled as the two a.ssa.ssins walked close, "Try to keep up." Ezio then ran to his side, he then ran up the side of a building, catching the roof, pulled himself up leapt from building until he readhed the wall, he then lunged for the wall, catching a ledge, pulling himself up he ended up crouched low on the wall, awaiting the ones following him.
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11:15am Apr 10 2010
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Raze watched with no surprise on his face, then quite promptly followed. Having a memory that allowed you to remember such movements made it much easier. Not to mention, Raze had been doing this his entire life, just like Ezio. He came to a stop beside the As.sas.sin. Sienna grumbled something about showoffs, before following the two on the ground, it was only at the last moment she jumped up to join them on the roof. She had never been too good at this, though she managed, what with all the practice she'd had. "So... What's the plan, oh great and noble leader?~" She said, glancing at Ezio with a slight chuckle, sarcasm evident in her voice.
11:18am Apr 10 2010
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Ezio looked at Sienna, a slight scowl in his ex pression, "You would do well to remember that I AM your leader Sienna, and the plan is to ambush them from the trees, now, follow." Ezio then leapt from the wall, landing on the fabric roof of a stall below, sliding off he darted for the trees.
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11:24am Apr 10 2010
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Sienna blinked, then glared. He was such a moron sometimes, so far up his own- "Leave him be, Sienna." The female as.sas.sins train of thought diminished immediately as she looked at Raze. He was watching the retreating Ezio with a blank ex pression. "We may have known him our entire lives, but he takes his role as leader seriously." Raze turned his violet eyes to Sienna, who simply turned to watch Ezio. "This particular mission seems to be very important to him" Sienna sighed. "If only I could read people like you, Razerio." She followed after Ezio, as Raze sighed quietly to himself, before following shortly after.
11:32am Apr 10 2010
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Ezio had reached the tree line and was slowly stalking his first victim, he watched, followed the routes the templar guard was taking, close enough to the tree line for the plan to work, Ezio got in close, darted out and pulled the guard into the trees, slitting his throat and leaving him dead, he then turned and beckoned for the other two a.ssa.ssins to follow.
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11:39am Apr 10 2010
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Sienna followed straight after Ezio, her mind processing the question. Just why was this mission so important?... She trusted Raze's words. No-one could read people like Razerio could, it was one of the reasons he made second in command. That and the fact he adapted to any sitaution thrown at him. Sliding between the trees, she came to a stop by Ezio, her eyes searching for other guards as Raze joined them, making absoloutely no sound whatsoever. "Now what?"" Sienna whispered.
11:49am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio glanced around the camp and turned to Sienna, "Now my friend, Now, is the part we are all good at, we kill every stinking Templar in there." Ezio then drew his swird before darting in and running a guard through, causing the rest to surround him, he raised his sword up in a block, a smile on his face.
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