12:13pm Apr 10 2010
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Sienna smiled slightly and threw herself up into the nearest tree, revealing a number of small, sharp and deadly blades from her waist as she did so. Just as Raze drew his black blade she began to throw the knives with dealy accuracy, the guards falling in waves under her attack. Raze was simply slicing through the guards that we're missed by Sienna's reign of fire, and before they knew it, most of the guards had fallen around them.
1:22am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 305
Pfft. This is all so fast. Lawl. Where should I start? Here goes: Kayee tried to catch up with the three top commanders. Commanders? Oh, I guess that's what I'll call them. She said to herself. She spotted Sienna with Raze on side on the side of the forest lore. With quick jumping movements on trees, she then arrived beside sienna. Getting out her artemis (her weapon), she threw a quick aim at a guard hiding behind a tree. With the grounds cleared, they instantly caught up with Ezio. Glaring at Ezio, she said "How dare you left me behind?" Kayee knew she was acting childish but sh couldn't help it. She just loved the idea of being the youngest of the group but could be quite a problem to Ezio. There. hope its ok
7:16am Apr 11 2010
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Ezio turned and shot a quick snarl at Kayee, "You need to learn your place young one, you are a front line soldier, you are among I, your leader, Raze, my second in command, and Sienna, my first and best commander, we would finsih you very rapidly and with ease, so leave it, now..." Ezio then ran towards a tent, bounded up a stack of boxes and used his sword to rip through the roof, he then twirled around inside and slit the throats of the guards inside, looking for the commander in charge of this camp...
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7:34am Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 7:34am Apr 11 2010)
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Sighing, Sienna walked among the corpses of the fallen Templar guards, before coming to a stop beside Kayee. Her blue eyes looked at the youngest member with kindness, patience, and slight amusement. "Try not to worry about him so much... He shouts at me all the time". She said, laughing quietly as she spoke. Sure... She could be just as childish as Kayee if she wished to be, but clearly, there was far more to her than that. Afterall, Ezio never gave anyone the position of Captain unless they truly deserved it; Both Raze and Sienna had proved themselves worthy of their positions were deserving of them. Raze walked up to stand beside Sienna as the Captain spoke to Kayee, his eyes following Ezio. He looked sideways at the girls and spoke, his voice low and lethal. "Keep guard out here." With that said, he swiftly followed Ezio's footsteps as Sienna simply nodded in reply.
7:43am Apr 11 2010
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By the time Raze was stood in the tent Ezio was tearing through a door, he knew the leader of this band of punks would be hiding in there, his black robes were shining in the light of the lamp by the door, the golden armor of Altair he had recently adorned going well on the black silk. "Get out here infidel!" Altair then used both of his hidden blades to puch holes in the door before punching them bigger, causing the door to collapse, he then lifted the leader up by the throat before speaking, "Whose orders do you follow? Answer me now!"
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7:57am Apr 11 2010
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Raze threw himself after Ezio, his movements making absoloutely no sound whatsoever. He came to a stop by the destroyed door, his violet eyes immediately picking out Ezio and the Templar leader of this camp. He took one step through the frame before spotting a movement in the corner of his eyes, a guard, alive and well. The guard lunged, but not at Raze, the Templar's eyes seemed not to have registered Raze's presence as of yet; His target was Raze's leader. Without shouting any word of warning at Ezio, Raze ran forward, extending the arm that held his sleek black sword, which came to a point directly at the guards throat. The guard stopped immediately, dropping his own small dagger as Raze's sword lightly pierced the skin on his throat, the weilder standing up straight and glaring at this man. W-who are you?..." The guard mumbled, shocked that he hadn't heard this man in black approach. The door was pretty far from them. Raze simply smirked slightly, but didn't speak. Instead, he turned his head to watch Ezio, if the guard on the end of his sword so much as breathed, he'd feel it. He didn't want to kill this man just yet... Afterall, he could prove as valuable as his Templar leader.
8:04am Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 4:20am Apr 12 2010)
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Ezio shot a quick smirk at the guard Raze had caught, "You really though an a.ssa.ssin of my calibur would be caught out that easily? pathetic." Ezio then punched the Templar leader in the sternum, causing his to drop to his knees, he then used his metal plated gauntlet to throw another punch into his forehead, causing a slight fracture, "Okay, okay, my orders come from Drowla, she is a direct decendant from Robert *(Pronounced Row-Bear) she is said to be a mighty warrior." Ezio then snarled, "My grandfather was Altair, the great a.ssa.ssin of the fables, he slew Robert without even a second glance, after dispatching a Templar force three times the size of the one you had here on his own, you really think, I, a direct decendant to him, will have trouble taking this woman out? well you wont even live to see..." Ezio them used his hidden blade to severe the spinal chord of the leader, causing him to die instantly, he then turned to Raze, to wait and see what he was going to do.
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1:47am Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 305
Meanwhile on the forest lore- both kayee and Sienna were on watch. Both of them were alert and ready if they ever heard a sound. Kayee was scolding to herself for thinking of shouting to Ezio. Oh right! she was a really-good-for-nothing warrior... As all these thoughts quarreled into her mind; A sword suddenly appeared from the back inches away from her eyes. Then it all happened so fast, there was a drop pf blood on that sword. What happened was that she forgot all about her guard because of her squabbling thoughts that she didn't saw a guard poised to kill her.. the guard was 10 feet away, luckily Kayee remembered her bearings and getting her artemis struck the guard at his chest who fall to his knees in front of her. And the guard, defenseless- she immediately pierced his back with her trusted weapon leaving the guard dead. She spun around and saw sienna...
7:31am Apr 12 2010
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Sienna had simply jumped away as Kayee took care of the guard after her. Spinning on her heel, Sienna came to face another 2 guards, both of which had followed the first. It didn't take the captain long to dispose of them, seeing as she had simply thrown two small dagger directly at both their chests, as usual, hitting the target. She watched with uncaring eyes as both fell, then looked over her shoulder at Kayee with a small smile. Raze sighed quietly. Well, Ezio seemed to know everything he felt he needed to. Without any hesitation, and without even opening his eyes, he thrust his black sword forward and straight through the guards throat. He pulled the sword away, opening one eye and looking over the red stained blade. "Great. Now I have to clean it"
7:49am Apr 12 2010
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Ezio chuckled at Raze's dissaproval at his sword getting a bit of blood on it, "Haha, it hasn't seemed to bother you in the past friend, and just do as I do, let it drip dry, although my scimitar was designed for that purpose, also it is sharper than any razor..." Ezio mulled over for a few moments, "Do you think it was this decendant that killed my uncle Mario?"
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8:01am Apr 12 2010
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Raze brought his eyes away from his sword to rest them on Ezio. No, he hadn't really been bothered about the blood. It was more the fact he'd had to stain his onyx sword over some pathetic guard. His voice had not really been concerned, it had sounded bored. As usual, or so Sienna would say. He closed his eyes again. "Who knows..." He looked over the bodies littering the ground, then sighed. "I suppose we should get back"
8:12am Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 8:13am Apr 12 2010)
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Ezio had a bedazzled look on his face before he came to and replied to Raze, "Yes, we will have to get back and rally the troops, I'm just happy I got what I wanted from this il pezzo di merda." That was a thing of Ezio's, whenever he swore he spoke in his home tounge, italian.
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11:57am Apr 12 2010
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11:37am Apr 13 2010
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12:32pm Apr 13 2010 (last edited on 12:32pm Apr 13 2010)
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~(oops triple post... xD)~
12:32pm Apr 13 2010 (last edited on 12:33pm Apr 13 2010)
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12:32pm Apr 13 2010
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Raze nodded, then led the way out, following the track of his previous footsteps, and again, making absoloutely no sound. Once outside, he immediately registered the fallen guards and walked over to the two girls. "Alright?" "Fine" Sienna replied, looking over the corpses and walking to stand by Kayee. "This was expected" She sighed slightly. Honestly... These guards were stupid, thinking they could take on the as.sas.sins here. Especially Ezio and Raze.
12:38pm Apr 13 2010
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Ezio followed Raze perfectly, matching every step, even managing to mimic the skill of Raze's which allows him to make no noise whatsoever. when they got outside the twin a.ssa.ssins ran to Ezio, They spoke together, as a unit, "The brotherhood has recieved warning from Mario's old friend in Vienna, the Templars are attempting to set up a foot-hold there, if this is achieved we will have quite the fight on our hands, not that we mind." The two twins looked at eachother and smiled, they had always had a p*censored*ion for battle, "Fine then, all a.ssa.ssins present have now been drafted, we sail to Vienna immediately, seens as the Templars there have only began setting up, we shall only need us, we can eliminate them, twins, Kayee, I'll train you whilst we're on the boat."
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1:00pm Apr 13 2010
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Sienna and Ezio and nodded. She had quite a thing for being on water. It took her only a second to realize however. She looked at the twins. "When exactly did you two get here anyway?" Raze simply shook his head. "A excellent as.sas.sin knows how to follow without being seen or heard. Also, while on the boat, you might want to consider teaching the new as.sas.sin some ranged moves. You are the captain of the ranged fold afterall." The usually silent male then turned and headed off towards the docks. Sienna laughed slightly and looked at Ezio. "He never changes does he?... You know~ I think he might just be serious his entire life~" She chuckled some more. "Then again, I suppose that's what makes him dangerous, what makes him your second in command." She smiled, nodded, and then followed after Raze.
1:03pm Apr 13 2010
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Ezio free ran up a stack of boxes and bounced off a tent to catch up to the departing members of his brotherhood, he regained composure and matched Sienna's speed and kept pace with her well, "That is partly what makes Raze wirhty for second in command, but secondly is his amazing Leadership skills, as when I p*censored*, and before you interject it isn't if, I know I will be bested sooner or later, but when I do, I believe Raze will do great things for the Brotherhood."
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