5:30am Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 305
Kayee caught up with Sienna. She couldn't be happier at what Ezio said- he will be training her! She could hardly wait at what would happen for the next few days or so. "Ummm...Capt. Sienna." She said with barely a whisper as she tried to catch her breath. Then recovering herself, she continued, "I would like you to teach me some moves using..." glancing at the right side of the captain were blades she used awhile ago to fight off the guards. "those blades. Though, Ezio will have a greater part of improving me; I want you to teach me also aside from using my artemis." She bowed down, waiting for the reply of the captain... ~In Kayee's thoughts~ Kayee is always comfortable when Sienna is around, maybe because they are the only girls in this brotherhood but sometimes, she always feel gibberish when talking with her because she is much more superior than her and she admire Sienna for her skills, too... ________________________________________________________
7:54am Apr 14 2010
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Raze stopped and turned, his violet eyes watching as his friends and comrades caught up to him. He caught every word of what Kayee had asked, and couldn't help but smile slightly. Sienna, afterall, was the most agile and speedy of as.sas.sins, and she was well known for her ranged offense. Kayee learning from both her and Ezio would mean she'd become more than able to protect herself. He turned away and continued walking towards the docks, his mind digesting everything that had happened previously in regards to the Templars. Guess they get to the root of this entire business soon enough. Sienna had been fumbling with one of her knives when Kayee had spoke, and she turned to face the new girl with a question in her eyes. Of course... Raze had suggested that anyway... She smiled slightly. "I'd be happy to. What you learn from me won't really fit in with what Ezio will teach you... Who knows, maybe even the elusive Raze will teach you something, afterall... All our battle styles are different." She chuckled slightly at Raze who had glanced over his shoulder at his name. This was going to be an interesting journey.
8:00am Apr 14 2010
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Ezio was listening intently to the conversation between his captain and newest recruit, he had no doubt that she would become a great a.ssa.ssin, quite possibly his next captain, only time would tell, "I could try molding my teachings, to make them fit around both ranged and... Raze's fighting style, it would make a deadly combination to say the ver least." The twins had caught up with Ezio and were happy to tag along on such an important trip, they both had no doubt that the three a.ssa.ssins would have no problem on their own, but, they guessed that the more the merrier, they spoke together again, "Thank you again for allowing us this learning experience sir Ezio." "I am no sir, you can call me Ezio, everyone else does..." at that Ezio patted Sienna on the shoulder. "Isn't that right my friend?"
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8:13am Apr 14 2010
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Sienne looked at Ezio and laughed. "Of course." She looked over her shoulder at the new recruit. "I think Ezio will prove to me more benefit that I... Although... I'm not entirely sure about you being able to adapt to Raze's style. Afterall... He was previously a thief... and thieves need to have a certain form" She laughed again. "Besides... Raze is very anti-social" She continued to chuckle innocently at Raze's back. As Sienna spoke, Raze sighed. Honestly, he didn't want to babysit or teach anything, he just wasn't like that. When she said about being anti-social, he let it slide. His mind was still preoccupied, thinking over everything that had happened, and picking out clues. Raze had a memory that was unbeaten. He remembered everything, meaning he could read a persons fighting style. Of course, that meant he had to keep changing his own style, which made it unteachable. However, if the new girl wanted, he could teach her about agility, and being able to hide her own style so that no-one could read her. But that was about it... Unless she wanted to learn how to steal...
8:17am Apr 14 2010
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Ezio chuckled softly, this was the parts of his life-time that he truely enjoyed and savoured, "Haha, true, Raze can act anti-social, what you don't see is his friendly side, when he isn't on a mission he is the most fun friend you could ever hope for, and he has been there for me so any countless times, both to offer emotional and combat support."
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8:30am Apr 14 2010
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Raze carried on walking, no sign that he'd heard anything. Sienna smiled and shook her head. "Aaand it all goes straight through him, as usual" Ezio was right. Although he wasn't entirely outward, Raze still cared about other members of the brotherhood. Many respected him, he was always so calm, dark, silent and aloof. A every girls dream guy basically. Sienna couldn't help but laugh more. The very reason she, Ezio and Raze worked together so well, was becuase they we're all different. They all had unique skills, and unique personailities. They never lost when it was all three of them, together as a unit. She raised her eyes to the sky as she spoke quietly to Kayee. "You'll fit in,... Just fine"
8:40am Apr 14 2010
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Ezio continued to walk, as they got closer to the tree line before reaching the docks he leapt up, caught one of the branched, twirled three times, hopped across the large limbs of four giant oaks and landed on the ground a good few metres in front of the group, "First lesson Kayee, do exactly what I just did, no mistakes."
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9:21am Apr 14 2010
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Raze stopped, as did Sienna when Ezio when and got straight to business teaching Kayee. Raze smirked slightly, closing his eyes for a second before continuing forward. Hw walked straight past Ezio and towards the docks, raising a hand as he made his way into the trees. "I'll meet you at the docks" Sienna smiled. "Typical Ezio behaviour" She looked at Kayee and nodded. "The trick is... Don't be afraid. You'll do just fine" She chuckled slightly then went to stand by the trees that Raze had entered, leaning against one of them and watching Ezio and Kayee. She didn't need to rush after Raze, afterall, by the time she, Ezio and Kayee were finished here, Raze would probably already have a boat set for them. That guy had many contacts, and many knew who he was. He'd have no problem sorting it for them. She allowed herself to fall, so that she sat under the tree, simply watching the new rucruits next move.
9:33am Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 305
Kayee let out an exasperated sigh. Wow! training is gonna be much trouble for her- she glanced around and saw Raze, oh! he must reading her thoughts... and she's thinking of letting the twins do the act first. atleast, it won't be much of a problem if they do it first. Walking forward hesitantly and shot one last glance uncomfortable glance around her. She really doesn't want an audience. She went to the tree line, leap and caught a medium branch that was just right for her, then twirled it 3 times then swiftly hopped the large limbs of the huge oaks just as she was doing really good- and forgetting that there was a puddle whom Ezio skipped awhile ago. But it was too late, she was going for the puddle! She brushed away her hair and tried to clean the mud that was all over her. Oh! she did it well but was ruined by that puddle. Nice! First lesson-not so good. She mumbled to herself. After cleaning herself with a towel, she cocked her head to Ezio...
9:50am Apr 14 2010
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Ezio cocked an ex pression to Kayee, it basically said well done, but you could've done better, "One more time with effort and then we'll go to the docks."
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5:03am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 305
Sighing again- she looked around the area. She noticed that Raze was gone. hmm..she didn't saw him leave. She turned her gaze to Sienna and she smiled slightly. Then, turning her focus on the treeline. She leapt up then caught a branch, twirled it three times then hopped across the large limbs of the four giant oaks and she landed on the ground perfectly, just a few feet away from the puddle. She was quite pleased with herself that she could hardly keep smiling. Kayee stood up and looked at Ezio, waiting for a reply...
6:36am Apr 15 2010
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Ezio smiled and gave Kayee a nod of approval, "You learn quick and well young one, now, let us get to that boat." Ezio then turned on his heels and began to stroll through the trees, the quickest way to the docks of Vienna.
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6:54am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 305
Kayee has never been happier in her life. Hmmm...Maybe I could do better in the next time Ezio will train me. And she followed Ezio behind through the tress. I wonder, what moves will Ezio do next. She found this quite amusing...
7:12am Apr 15 2010
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Sienna smiled, lifting herself off the floor to follow after Ezio and the new as.sas.sin. The new girl had some potential, and the fact that Ezio was training her simply emphasised that fact. She was going to do welll. She strolled at a slightly faster rate, coming to walk beside Kayee. "Well done, you did that incredibly well" She smiled.
7:21am Apr 15 2010
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Ezio got to the docks and saw Raze with a boat at the ready, he smiled at Raze, "Good job Raze, she's a beauty, your contacts never seice to amaze me." "Captain Raze, this boat is a truly a beauty." The twins continued to talk as a unit, they could talk on their own but they preferred this way, they had done this since they were young.
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7:35am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 305
Kayee smiled at Sienna. "Thanks, I guess you gave me the inspiration." She went over the line- Then she continued, "Umm..tell me a little about Raze, is he always like these?" Kayee almost whispered to Sienna- she was always cautious when talking about either Raze or Ezio.
8:05am Apr 16 2010
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Raze glanced at the oncoming Ezio, smirking to himself slightly and closing his eyes. Once his oldest friend has reached him and finished speaking, the black as.sas.sin nodded in acceptance of his leader's compliment before opening his eyes and focusing on Ezio and the twins.
"Let's just call it the perks of once being a thief." His violet eyes moved past Ezio's face as he watched both Sienna and Kayee stroll towards them from the treeline. Sienna walked with her hands behind her head, her eyes on the sky as the newcomer asked her question. The Captain of the ranged fold of as.sas.sins looked at Kayee, smiling slightly at the comment beforehand; Afterall, Captains were supposed to provide "Inspiration" to their fold members and new as.sas.sins, alongside other things.
"Raze?... Yea he is~" Her eyes returned to the sky as she walked, her hands still behind her head. "Don't worry about it too much. It's all part of who he is, and previously being one of the greatest Thieves of all time probably just added to that image." She chuckled slightly, just as they pulled up beside the waiting Raze and Ezio, the Ex-thief harbouring a raised eyebrow at Sienna's rather amused ex pression. "So~" She said, allowing her arms to fall. "Ready to go?"
8:48am Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 305
Kayee followed Sienna and staring at the ground trying to take it all in. After all, Raze must be one of those wanted guys because he is a thief before he became an as.sas.sins. But how did he manage to escape if he was that popular as a thief??? That thought lingered on Kayee for a moment... Kurokayce: Umm...is that question for Kayee or for Raze ?
8:59am Apr 16 2010
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Ezio and the wins looked at one and other, not sure what to say or do, Ezio decided to take it on himself to talk, "Let's get goind, those Templars aren't going to kill themselves, and if they did that'd be us out of a job." Ezio heard a scream and darted towards it only to see two guards mugging a civilian! he punched one with his steel plated glove hard to the side of the head and watched him drop, and then used the hidden blade on his other wrist to dispatch the second, he then helped the civilian up, an elderly woman, "Thank you young man, whatever can I do to repay you?" "Well, I am an *censored**censored*in... so... money's always nice." Ezio zmirked slightly, and the old woman handed him a small bag of florencia, the currency of Italy, she then noded to him and was on her way.
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9:34am Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 9:35am Apr 16 2010)
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~(Raze and Ezio, Golden~ xD)~ Raze and Sienna both watched Ezio at a distance. Raze looking as though the entire situation was pointless, and Sienna looking slightly put out.
Raze snorted slightly, then called over to his leader, his velvet voice seeming to carry on air. "You know... There was really no need for all that commotion, I could quite easily have stolen that money for you." Sienna sighed, then glared sideways at Raze. "Oi... Stop bringing your thieving opinions into this, as.sas.sins are not supposed to be thieves-" She stopped for a second, her eyes focusing on Ezio and the now retreating older civilian, pausing for only a moment while her mind processed what had just taken place. "Although..." She continued, blinking. "I suppose what he just did clas.ses as thieving, technically..." The look on Sienna's face, that of disbelief and subtle outrage, caused Raze to chuckle darkly to himself as he swiftly boarded the boat that awaited them. She was always the kind of person to be honest and forward, it was one of the traits a thief like him admired about Sienna... Besides... Atleast one member of this group had to have some sort of restraint, and it most definately was not him or Ezio.