11:27am Apr 16 2010
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Ezio skipped over to Sienna and winked at her, "Let loose and hae some fun, I helped that woman, she would've died if it wasn't for me, and it didn't lok like you could've dealt with it in a better way, I mean they're dead, she's alive, I provided a service and got paid for it, it's how the world works." Ezio then jumped up on the spot and when he landed he walked onto the boat, followed closely by the twins, "You have to teach us to fight like that Ezio!"
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11:40am Apr 16 2010
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Sienna rolled her eyes and followed Ezio onto the boat. She clambered over Raze, who was slumped like he'd just won the marathon. Typical, no regard for anyone else. She managed to get a spot by Ezio, then raised an eyebrow. "You say that now... But telling that woman outright that money would do... You should have been polite enough to accept saving the womans life was more than enough payment..." Sienna then pouted and walked off, going to sit on the other side of Raze as she continued to degrade her leaders course of action in her mind. These guys, honestly. They just couldn't care less. Raze smiled slightly. There she goes again, off on one about being "truthful" and "fair". It was good of her, really, to think that way. Unfortunately, he had once been a thief, part of an organisation that practically lived to do what Ezio just had, so anything Sienna said now would simply fly straight over his head. He opened one violet eye and glanced at the disgruntled as.sas.sin.
"If it had been me, Id've let the woman keep her money... Well... Sort of, I may have taken a small payment without her noticing but.... Atleast she'd think she still had it." Sienna exhaled sharply and directed a well aimed kick at his leg, causing him to flinch slightly and grumble something under his breath about "women".
12:19pm Apr 16 2010
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Ezio sat down next to Sienna and put his arm around her, holding her close, not too close, jsut being friendly and spoke to her, "I know when we first became what we are now we didn't agree with being paid, but a.ssa.ssins kill and get paid for killing well, just treat what I just did as another contract, and you'll see that I needed to do what I did." Ezio then faced the sky and sighed, "Just please know, i would not do what I do if I could kill and survive at the same time, but without rewards we wouldn't be able to get the supplies we need, I'm sorry Sienna, you have been a good friend to me since we were toddlers, and we have made that friendship survive until this day, please don't let it end like this." Ezio then walked over and sat with Raze, who still had his eyes shut, he took out a coin and bounced itt of Raze's head, causing him to wake up, "Listen Raze, we're friends always have been, always will be, but Sienna is gettin a little edgy about this a.ssa.ssin for hire business, and I know most of our contracts help our over-all quest to wipe out the Templar threat, but can you calm down a little bit on her? I mean we all used to be like her didn't we? even you at one point, just open up for a little time to show Sienna that you're the Raze she used to know."
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12:40pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 12:41pm Apr 16 2010)
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Sienna blinked once Ezio had finished his little speech and walked over to Raze. She looked at the sky and tried to hold back on the laughter bubbling in her throat. Honestly. She knew they we're supposed to live off rewards, and she truly had no problem with it. She simply believed that taking rewards off little old ladies was probably not as needed as much as the rewards gained for being hired... She smiled slightly to herself... Now, hired rewards she loved with a p*censored*ion. Raze had been enjoying himself when he was rather rudely interrupted. His eyes focused on Ezio, listening despite the fact he looked bored as hell. When Ezio finished his rather elegant and deep speech, Raze sat himself up and ran a hand through his hair, moving it away from his face; His eyes closing for a moment before he looked back at Ezio. He smiled, a smile that was genuine.
"Ezio... We weren't arguing. Us three are far too strong for that. Besides... Sienna is just the way she's always been, and so am I." He chuckled slightly, leaning back looking for all the world like he might just sleep right there. Without the slightest warning, Sienna burst out laughing, having been thinking over how Ezio had taken the entire situation way too seriously to begin with. Sure, she didn't do well with some of his approaches, but she wasn't going to hold it aginst him for the rest of his life. Raze looked over, his eyebrow slightly raised thanks to the unexpected outburst. Really, the guy should loosen up. The Captain eventually calmed down, placing a hand over her face and closing her eyes. Well... This was why she loved being an as.sas.sin; These friends of hers, and of course... The right way to get a reward.
12:51pm Apr 16 2010
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Ezio stood and smirked at Sienna, before free-running up the mast and crouching on the top of it, looking out over the sea, he felt at peace when he was on the sea, nothing could affect him.
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7:54am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 305
Meanwhile, Kayee looked over the ocean, it's soothing indeed. Oh! but besides that, she wanted to talk to someone since this voyage is gonna be quite pretty long, So turning to the twins, she approached them and started a conversation, "Are you two always like these ? do you also fight with each other? Kayee has a lot to ask but paused to let the boys answer...
8:07am Apr 17 2010
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Sienna's attention had turned to Kayee. The fact the girl was asking questions about them all clearly showed she was interested in this particular proffession. Sienna smiled slightly and turned to look out over the ocean, Raze sat beside her, his head in a hand as he dozed. The black clad as.sas.sin may have looked like he was sleeping, but in reality, he was seeing everything the others were through his other senses. It was one of the things that made him deadly. Sienna looked back over her shoulder at Kayee again, this time, her mind processing what exactly they were going to do... She then looked up at Ezio's back. "Oi, Ezio... Don't you think you should teach Kayee the basics before we reach the land?"
8:52am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 305
Before waiting for answer from the twins- Kayee heard every word Sienna had said to Ezio. She smiled faintly to Sienna- Oh! another training again with Ezio. Kayee wasn't angry at this but maybe- she stared at the sea. I guess its an as.sas.sins job. "Ummm...Sienna, can you teach me some moves after Ezio will teach me the basics?" Kayee looked at Sienna, not meeting her eyes since Kayee hates eye contacts (terribly)
9:20am Apr 17 2010
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Ezio let himself drop backwards from the mast and he landed in a bale of hay that he had set up below, a leap of faith, all an a.ssa.ssin needs for a quick get-away. "Kayee, climb and drop, lesson two of your basic training."
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9:36am Apr 17 2010
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Raze was still "dozing" just behind Sienna, as the female as.sas.sin nodded encouragingly at Kayee. There was absoloutely no need for Kayee to worry... Ezio was a capable trainer, he wasn't too harsh, and he always made sure that those he trained we're okay. He never left them to their own devices. Atleast that was what Sienna saw in him. "I'd be happy to, but concentrate on Ezio. Trust me, you'll need his skills more than mine at the moment."
12:02am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 305
Kayee thankfully smiled at Sienna then concentrating on the lesson two which Ezio showed earlier. Kayee climbed towards the mast with a great deal of effort. Then she drop backwards towards the bale of hay. She landed in a standing position then turn her head to Ezio for a quick comment...
5:55am Apr 18 2010
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Ezio smirked slightly before cocking his head and talking, "The entire point of a leap of faith is to land, lying down in the hay bale, so no guards can see you... try again."
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6:04am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 305
Kayee found this really amusing. She straightened herself out and climbed again towards the mast. The she let herself drop backwards and landed on the bale of hay- lying down as Ezio told her so. Kayee wished lesson 3 won't have no repetition as she did with lesson 1 and 2...
6:14am Apr 18 2010
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Ezio smiled at the girl, "Lesson three, free-running, follow my movements to the letter." Ezio then began to sprint, he leapt upwards, landing on the first rail on the ship, he then hopped from rail to rail uuntil he was on the front of the ship, he then did a huge backflip and landed in the bale of hay.
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7:53am Apr 18 2010
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Sienna by this point had sat, her eyes watching the movements of Kayee and Ezio carefully. She was doing well for a new girl. The Captain smiled slightly and looked over at Raze, who, although still in his sleeping position, actually had an eye open and was watching Kayee with interest. Well... If Raze thought she was doing well then she had to be. Afterall, the black as.sas.sin had a thing with precision and grace. She looked back, watching Ezio has he completed yet another move for Kayee to follow, and Sienna layed back, crossing her arms and continuing to watch with slight amusement.
8:01am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 305
Kayee looked at Ezio's every move from the sprinting to bale of hay. She remembered what Ezio had shown her then doing the same: she started to sprint then leap towards the first rail Ezio had leapt on. She hopped from the first rail to the next rail though she sometimes wobbled a for just the barest second but after wards she gained her composure until she reached the front of the ship. She did a backflip as precise as Ezio had done it then landed in the bale of hay. The backflip part was quite easy, she mumbled to herself, she'd done tons of flips since she was young and she has quite mastered the backflip move- though, there were many broken bones but that didn't stop her. She turned to face Ezio...
7:14am Apr 20 2010
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~(Bump >3)~
10:11am Apr 20 2010
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Ezio looked up and a slight smirk dawned on his face, Now that deserves a well done, I'm surprised you could pull that off with such efficiency, you will obviously prove to be a great a.ssa.ssin, but remember, the a.ssa.ssin's greatest weakness isn't always in fighting, it could be a flaw in confidence, always beleive in yourself and you should be fine, oh, and never let your guard down." Dryac threw the bag of coins he had recieved from the old woman at the face of Kayee, perhaps another test?
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10:24am Apr 20 2010
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Sienna watched the entire unfolding of what Ezio was trying to teach Kayee. It was rather amusing, and quite surprising that Ezio believed the new girl had such potential... But then again, it wasn't surprising... So far, Kayee had proven herself worthy of being a very able as.sas.sin.
In the corner of her eye she could see Raze, who had finally given up on feigning sleep and was now actually sleeping, laid on his side, his head resting in a hand. Figures. Raze would be the only one to actually sleep on a job, not that it mattered. For some reason, Raze always seemed to know what was going on around him, even while sleeping.
Sienna chuckled, and quite delibrately brought an elbow down onto the sleeping as.sas.sins head, at which he jerked awake irritably and grumbled; Sitting up and rubbing the spot through his hair where the bone had made contact.
"The hell-?" Sienna put a finger to her lips and pointed at Ezio and Kayee. "Your missing all the action~" Raze closed his eyes and sighed, leaning back and opening them again to look at Sienna in annoyance. "Did you have to wake me up for that?" The female Captain shrugged and smiled, her eyes watching every move of the Leader and Trainee. This was turning out to be an interesting boat trip~
7:25am Apr 21 2010 (last edited on 7:28am Apr 21 2010)
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Posts: 305
Kayee tried to remember Ezio's words about believing in oneself. She found it really amusing that the leader also have a soft side.But other than that, he really build up her confidence. And turning to Dryac, she nodded as if to say ~maybe I take another 2 lessons~ Feeling that someone was looking aside from Ezio and the twins. She spun around and saw Sienna smiling and Kayee cocked her head to Raze who was quite annoyed but she just shrugged that off too. And looking back to Ezio again, Kayee genuinely smiled and said, "Thanks though I wouldn't be here without your help" Then glanced toward the sea, this is gonna be an interesting journey after all.