4:13am Jun 26 2010 (last edited on 2:20am Jun 27 2010)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Years before the original digidestined, there existed five teenagers and five Digimon. Years before Myotismon, there was Mephistomon (And a different one from the Tamer's at that) Five teens.
Five Digimon One adventure. RULES No God Moding, nor Powerplay Sorry dudes, real Digimons only. Keep it at least semi-literate Kissing, etc allowed. Keep it like, pg-12. I'm not making any more Digidestined. Four or five is the usual number anyway. o3o Keep your Digivolutions reasonable. For example, don't make your Agumon Digivolve to a Seasarmon. It's just not right. HOWEVER! If they belong to the same type, or even look slightly similar, I will accept. Such as my partner. They all have a similar dog/wolf look. I will post more, as I seem to forget a bunch of stuff until later.
BIO Human~ Name: Age: Gender: Likes: Dislikes: Looks: Other: PARTNER~ Nickname?: (Optional) Species: (Go from In-Training to Mega, if desired. Or you could just RP them out.) Gender: Likes: Dislikes: Special Accesorries: Other: Name: Seattle Fallows Age: 15 Gender: Female Likes: Anime - Drawing - Blood - Dark Colors - Music Dislikes: Vegetables - Little Kids - Sports Looks: Seattle is about 5'6" with eyes the color of a swamp at dusk. Her shoulder-length brown hair has lime green tips with darker green half-way up the lighter. She wears a black dog collar, a white tank top, a black zip hoodie, jeans, and silver Nikes. Other: Nope Nickname: Taka Species: Wanyamon -> Gazimon -> Dobermon -> Raidramon -> MagnaDramon Gender: Female Likes: Milkshakes - Gum - Turtles Dislikes: Water - Bugs Special Accessories: A golden collar similar to Gatomon's tail ring. Appears throughout the Digimon's line. Other: None DigiDestined: Seattle Fallows & Taka - Dodomon Marco Valone & Eros - Tld Dusk & Luna - Feyth Len Arc & Shun - Zombieloki Lumasi Reoko & Zal - Lauren10
4:16am Jun 26 2010 (last edited on 4:25am Jun 26 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
[[Reserve one Digidestined spot for me? : D]] Human~ Name: Marco Valone Age: 16 Gender: Male Likes: Dragons, Nature, Food Dislikes: A majority of Aquan and Insect Digimon, and pink'n'frilly things Special Accessories?: Chain necklace that hangs around his neck. He wears a black T-shirt with a white raven on it. He has dark blue jeans, and wears sneakers. Marco has brown hair that flops all over, and the front part is parted, the majority of the fringe hanging over his left side, partially covering his left eye. Other: None PARTNER~ Nickname?: Eros Species: Shaomon -- Labramon --Dobermon -- Cerberumon -- Anubismon Gender: Male Likes: Food -- Socializing -- Mornings Dislikes: Dark Digimon Looks: Um...? Other: None.
4:24am Jun 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,662
(( Join? I'm new to digimon though. >.< ))
4:26am Jun 26 2010
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Sure, Tld. <3 And Lauren, I'm keeping it pretty basic. XD I'm not into the "ZOMGZ HYBRIDZ EVOLUTIONZ" thing. ^.^ So it's like, the first and second seasons.))
4:26am Jun 26 2010 (last edited on 4:27am Jun 26 2010)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((DOUBLE >:O.))
4:31am Jun 26 2010
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Now, I must get off for it is 5 AM. ;c I suppose two spots are open, so it's first come first serve.))
4:33am Jun 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,141
(( I claim a spot, please! :3 ))
4:37am Jun 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 12,384
((Joinage? :) ))
4:42am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((could i join?))
8:01am Jun 26 2010
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Name: Dusk Age: 14 Gender: Female Likes: All Digimon Dislikes: Everybody else. Looks: (Coming, I am on vacaction) Other: Nope (Can she be like the leader?) PARTNER~ Nickname?: Luna Species: Moonmon, Lunamon, Lekismon, Crescimon, Dianamon Gender: Female (Digimon with genders~lol) Likes: Allgood digimon Dislikes: Bad digimon Special Accesorries: Instead of her bands on her arms being being just blue, they glow when she uses her powers. She has a necklace that Dusk gave her. Other: No
 <-- Click me
1:17pm Jun 26 2010
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Ashdog, Dream, Zombie; The first of you three to post a bio gets the spot. I will accept Bios from no one else. Thank you.))
1:29pm Jun 26 2010 (last edited on 2:47am Jun 27 2010)
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Posts: 3,141
BIO Human~ Name: Len Arc Age: 15 Gender: Male Likes: Rain, quiet settings, music, and fantasy settings Dislikes: A majority of insects, annoying or rude people, and hot-desert like areas Looks: Len has soft looking brown hair with purple streaks that isn't too short but isn't long either. His bangs fall into his eyes so he'll often have to push them away. He hasn't started his growth spurt so only stands at about 5'5". He usually wears a black t-shirt under a gray zipped up jacket and solid black jeans with tears in the knees. He also wears purple tennis shoes and black fingerless gloves. Other: None PARTNER~ Nickname?: Shun Species: Kokomon, Lopmon, Turuiemon, Antylamon, Cherubimon Gender: Male Likes: Sweet foods, Sleeping, Singing (somewhat) Dislikes: Water, bitter foods, large Digimon (such as ones who might eat him) Special Accesorries: His ears are pierced near the tip three times on each ear. Other: None
4:13pm Jun 26 2010 (last edited on 1:02am Jun 27 2010)
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Posts: 3,029
Human~ Name: Brook Age: 17 Gender: female Likes: fireworks, fruit, maga Dislikes: cold things, heights, people making fun of her height Other: she's only 5"1 PARTNER~ Nickname: Tokko Species: Pokomon-Renamon-Kyuubimon-Taomon Gender: male Likes: popsicles and rain Dislikes: people messing with Brook and carrots Special Accesorries: a black banddanna around his mouth
7:19pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((I'm too late to join, aren't I...? XD; ))
11:44pm Jun 26 2010
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((If Lauren doesn't come back. ;3; Oh sweet Jesus this is confusing. Dream, if you would kindly resize your image so that it does not stretch the page, that would be great. Thanks~ :) ))
12:27am Jun 27 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
((kay let me fix it))
12:29am Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( I am here. o3o Let me just see what Digimon I might want. ;3 ))
12:38am Jun 27 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,662
(( Is Dracomon Okay? I just love him. QwQ ))
12:47am Jun 27 2010
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((-nods- Yar, Dracomon are wicked awesome. XD))
1:19am Jun 27 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
((i guess i dont get a spot...))