Rise of the Digidestined {Limited Spots}

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1:42am Jun 27 2010 (last edited on 2:09am Jun 27 2010)

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Posts: 3,662

Name: Lumasi Reoko

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Likes: Water, Singing, Digimon, Summer

Dislikes: Fire, Winter, Being away from her digimon

Looks: Lumasi has a slightly tan complexion with brown hair that falls slightly under her shoulder blades. She has Side cut bangs that fall over her left deep sapphire eye. She is 6'8 And 110 pounds, with normal muscle matter. She has strong legs with little fat on her entire body, Yet not to skinny. Her outfits diverge from Hoodie's to Tee's, Skinny leg jeans with flare bottoms, Running shoes to flip flops, With some dresses for special occasions. She wears Blue/Purple eye shadow with black eyeliner, And pale pink lip stick.  

Other: Nah


Nickname: Zal 

Species: Dracomon, Coredramon (blue), Wingdramon

Gender: Male

Likes: Lumasi, Summer, Food, Battles, Digivolving

Dislikes: Winter, People that Threaten Lumasi

Special Accessories: None

Other: Nope



(( My well that took forever. o.o' ))


1:56am Jun 27 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Well, you're going to have to explain at some point why you have three partners, but yeah, it's accepted. XD))


2:03am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,141
(( If we can have more than one partner Digimon then can I eventually work a Terriermon in as another partner for Len o3o It is Lopmon's twin after all. <3 ))

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2:05am Jun 27 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((I can understand Lopmon and Terriermon. XD The dude in the movie had them both, after all. Lopmon = <3))


2:09am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((i was wondering if i was accepted))

2:10am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( Edited. ^.^ ))


2:15am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,137

((Dream: Sorry, but all positions are filled. ^.^

Lol, Lauren. XD Better.))


2:17am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( xD, Dodo. You can thank my friend for telling me to add them. She's left now. >:o.

So; When do you plan on starting? .3. ))


2:26am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,137

((Hrm, I suppose now. If anyone can think of a way to start other than this though, then well. XD And tell her I said "HAII! :D" lol))

"Bored, bored, so bored." Seattle Fallows sighed and sat down on one of the park benches. Just another plain old Saturday with nothing to occupy herself with. She groaned and took out her cell phone, planning on texting one of her friends. "Out of minutes? Uhh!", she muttered, tossing the phone back into her bag.


2:43am Jun 27 2010 (last edited on 2:48am Jun 27 2010)

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Posts: 3,141

Len flopped down on the gras-s in the park, breathing heavily. Why did his coach have to call him out for track practice on a Saturday? It was evil, pure evil. He pulled his track bag behind his head to use as a pillow, not caring that his damp hair was making the material wet. At least he had been able to take a shower before leaving. He sighed, trying to calm his breathing. Even if he was a good runner, his coach pushed him to the brink of exhaustion. He heard someone complaining about minutes and snorted. Teenage girls and their phones. 

(( I changed Shun's Champion form... found a more suitable Digivolution o3o )) 

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3:01am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,137

((That's actually the first one I've had to look up. XD))

Seattle brushed her hair out of her eyes and got up. Following the path through the park, she eventually reached an old, twisted-up oak tree. Dropping her bag, she swiftly clambered to the top, being rewarded with a grand view of the park.


3:07am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,662
Lumasi sat down on the gr@ss of a park, Watching Zal closely as he tumbled through the terrain and flew just above the ground. She sighed as she flopped backwards, staring up at the blue sky. She could make out several clouds that looked like digimon in the first few seconds.  


3:09am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 5,998

Marco was in the park, sketching out a few trees on his notebook. Whenever he was bored, he would come to the park to relax and bring his drawing book and pencils along. He looked up at the sy. "Ah, I guess I should get moving." He mumbled, picking up his pencils. He stood up, and saw a boy around his age in the park. "Oh, hey Len!" Marco called, recognizing his friend.

[[Uh, can Len and Marco know each other? XD I had no other better beginning -.-]]


3:15am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( i got nothing ))


3:17am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( Lol, sure. :3  And Lol, Dodo, I've been on Digimon Wikia for hours looking at every Digimon XD ))

Len sat up, glaring in the direction of the person who had interrupted his nap. He had thought he had found a quiet place but he guessed he was wrong. His glare lessened when he recognized Marco, but it didn't go away. "Go away I'm tired," he said in a half-joking manner before falling back on his bag. Just in case the male didn't get the joke, he lifted his arm up to wave Marco over, inviting him to come over.

(( Do they even know about Digimon yet? )) 

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3:22am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,137
((Me too. XD But I'm just curious.. And it's confusing me. I dislike all this "Yggdrasil" or whatever it is stuff. XD))


3:28am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,141
(( Yggdrasil was like the creator right? It's been too long since I watched the X movie and I never did finish the 5th season :/ Both me and my mom got too ticked at the dubs to continue watching XD ))

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3:36am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,137
((I think Yggdrasil was a kind of server, seeing as he was overrun with Digimon and wiped a good lot of them out with the X-Antibody disease thingy. o3o))


4:44am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 5,998

[[Which Digimon manga are you talking about? o_o I read a few mangas and played most of the Digimon games on the DS]]

 Marco walked over to Len and sat down beside him on the gra.ss. "So, tired, huh?" Marco asked, bringing out his books again, since he felt that he was going to stay there for some time. He pulled the pencil out his pocket and continued his sketching of the tree.


5:18am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( We're talking about the movie Digital Monsters X-Evolution. :/

And if you've played the Digimon DS games, riddle me this: Is Digimon Championship totally lame or is it just me not being able to play properly? =3= ))

Len groaned. "Tired. Exhausted. Murdered. Take your pick." he said. "Coach made me run for hours! I'm surprised I made it to the park without collapsing!" He ran a hand through his only slightly damp hair. Being outside really helped dry it quickly. "Ugh, I'd give anything for a hammock!" He rolled over on his side and sat up, looking over Marco's shoulder at his drawing.  

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