Rise of the Digidestined {Limited Spots}

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7:04am Jun 27 2010

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[[Durr, I have to say half-half. It's easy training them, but I hate it when they degenerate to an egg randomly, such as, right before a tournament -.- But it's easy to get the Digimon you want]]

Marco shifted his notebook away. He was rather shy about his pictures, even though it was his friend. "Come on, Len." He grinned. "You're pretty strong, right? You can't let the coach tire you out that easily!" Marco punched himself in the chest, like what he saw the weird jocks in school did. 


7:16am Jun 27 2010 (last edited on 7:16am Jun 27 2010)

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Posts: 3,141

(( Really? Evolving them into what I want is a pain in the you know what. :/ I'm just saying flat out that Dusk/Dawn is epic and is my favorite Digimon game. Although Rumble Arena 2 is the best for killing stress. ))

"Weirdo," Len said, laughing at how silly Marco looked imitating a jock. "Yeah, well I bet you wouldn't even last an hour out there." he mocked, swinging at Marco with his fist but missing on purpose. He didn't want to actually hit him in case it was too hard of a blow. His hand flopped back down on the gras-s and he yawned. He usually slept in on Saturdays but the coach had made that impossible. "You just watch, my legs are going to fall off from all that running." 

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7:59am Jun 27 2010

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[[Rumble Arena? Never heard of that. Is it for DS? I'm interested 8D Since I just finished playing Dusk XD Now I'm just wandering around Transfield degenerating and digivolving the same 6 digimon -_-]]

Marco laughed at Len. He was sure that he had never seen Len so tired before. Marco started poking Len's legs with his drawing pencil. "I'm sure they'll stay attached, sir." He said in a solemn voice, then burst out laughing again. "It's not fair. You're much stronger than me, and you know that." Marco crossed his arms.

[[So, how are we going to meet our digimon and stuff like that? o_o]]


8:16am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( Lol, it's for the GameCube and possibly PS2

*cries* Japan-Expo starts on my birthday and I just found out ten minutes ago so I don't have enough time to get a pas-sport or book a flight ;A; )) 

"Ow, ow, ow, HEY!" Len yelped, moving his legs out of Marco's range. "Does the word 'sore' register in that brain of yours?" He growled, but when Marco started laughing, he couldn't help but smile. "You are insane." he said with a laugh. He sat up and crossed his arms as well, imitating his friend. "I know, that's why you don't mock my exhaustion!" he said before playfully pulling Marco into a choke-hold, being very careful to not actually choke him. 


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10:15am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 5,998

[[Uh. I has no GameCube -shakes head in shame- XD What's Japan-Expo? You mean the Expo in Shanghai? o-o]]

Marco instinctively put his hands up on the arm that was around his neck. "If you choke me..." He said, but couldn't help grinning. "Besides, have you ever heard of a m*censored*age? They help you're muscles... and... stuff."

[[Gotta go. It's past midnight x.x]]


10:50am Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( It's a J-pop con in Paris, France ))

Len stared laughing and released Marco from his fake choke-hold. "And stuff?" he asked mockingly. He chuckled again. "Well if you want to mas-sage my legs, be my guest." He said, falling back and using his bag as a pillow again. He rested his hands on his stomach, looking contently up at the sky.

(( Night! :3 )) 

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6:10pm Jun 27 2010

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((Ok, I am still on vacation, don't go too far without me.

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6:35pm Jun 27 2010

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Lumasi sat up and stared into the field. She pulled around her pack, and pulled out a DS, then started fiddling along on a Digimon game. She sighed and closed it, Standing up and walking in circles, Nothing much to do.

(( I have never played a digimon game on DS or DSi. :I Only pokemon games and mario stuff. xD ))


10:12pm Jun 27 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136

((Omg. ;c I lost my Dusk. -had a MagnaDramon-

So now I'm on vacation and won't be able to get on often. XD))

Seattle sighed and slid back down, then took off for a quick run across the park. When she neared the track, her mind was lost in thought, she nearly tripped over two guys lying in the gr*censored*. "Oh! God, I'm sorry," she apologized breathlessly.


11:21pm Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( Someone interact with my charrie owo )) 


11:27pm Jun 27 2010

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"Holy Snap!" Len exclaimed, over-exaggerating a bit, but he hadn't expected a girl to be running full speed at him and almost tripping over him. He had to pull his legs out of her way to keep them from being trampled on and doing that caused the muscles to burn. He winced and looked up at the girl. "Is someone chasing after you with a bulldozer?" he asked, being slightly rude but since she had apologized, there was barely any menace behind his words.

(( I dun know how. Len's just laying on the gras-s. You'd have to trip over him to get his attention XD )) 

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11:47pm Jun 27 2010

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Seattle grinned sheepishly. "No, sometimes you just have to run." She blinked then giggled. "That's a little too philosophical for me. My name's Seattle, by the way."


12:02am Jun 28 2010

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Len groaned. He didn't want to here any more about running. At all. Ever again. "Mine is Len." he introduced, falling back down on his track bag. He left his legs straight out and flat so he'd still be able to look up at her. "So..." he said, feeling awkward. He wasn't really one to strike up random conversations with strangers.

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12:11am Jun 28 2010

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"Yeah, well." Seattle shifted uncomfortably. "Guess I'll see you around." She smiled, waved, and dashed off.

A few minutes later, she saw someone she slightly recognized. "Hey!", she called to the girl with the DS.

((Writer's Roadblock. D:))


12:21am Jun 28 2010

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Lumasi looked up from her game. "Yes?" She asked the girl.
((Blockage of writing =.= )) 


12:31am Jun 28 2010

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Posts: 3,136
"Aren't you in Mr. Sorrel's fifth period science?", Seattle asked, tilting her head to one side. Oh, if she was wrong this was going to be so awkward. She chuckled nervously.


3:45am Jun 28 2010

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Posts: 5,998
Marco pretended to recoil in disgust. "Mas-sage those things? Those sweaty things that worked out for 24 hours?" He gave Len a dismissive wave with his hand. "No thanks," and continued grinning. He then looked at the weird girl that collided into them. "What a strange girl." He said, wondering what she was doing.


3:52am Jun 28 2010

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Len snorted at Marco's over exaggeration. "Hey, I took a shower and practice only lasted for five hours, thank you. Twenty-four hours really would have killed me." He said, grinning up at him. He tilted his head back up at the sky and yawned. "Yeah, you meet all kinds of weirdos in this city." He didn't even give the girl a second glance as she walked off.

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4:03am Jun 28 2010

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"Um.." Lumasi took a second to think. Soon the images of Seattle filled her head. "Yeah! I remember you!" She said to her.


8:37am Jun 28 2010

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Posts: 6,948
Dusk walked after Lumasi, feeling the vibrations the earth made as the girl placed one foot in front of the other. She held a blue DSi in her hands and growled, why did her parents think she could use it. She was blind, plus her faster parents were idiots and she hated their guts. She felt two boys on the gr*censored* near where she was walking and promptly ignored them. She placed a pale hand on the girl's shoulder and attempted to spin her around...

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