7:56pm Jun 29 2010
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I*m fine." dusk groaned, scooting over to the flat part of the hill. She placed a pale hand on the gr*censored* to steady herself and then stared unseeingly at the girl. "I fell through. solid. earth." Dusk said, her voice dangerously calm, "What the F**** is going on!"...
 <-- Click me
9:46pm Jun 29 2010
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"I honestly don't know.. I'm Seattle, by the way." She turned back to the Wanyamon and looked at her questioningly. "I don't know either. I just kinda felt like I knew you. Stupid, huh?" She smiled weakly. "Not at all.. Well do you know where we are?" "The Digiworld" At this, the Wanyamon flicked her tail at the trees. "Go try touching one.", she said, and as Seattle did so, she continued, "Everything here is made of pixles. It's a little weird, I know."
10:02pm Jun 29 2010
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Lumasi walked over to Seattle and noticed that she had a blob as well as her. "... Are these blobs the inhabitants of this world?" She asked, turning her head to look at her own 'Blob'.
"Hello Lumasi! I'm Petitmon. And that over there, Thats Wanymon!" He said, Sneezing out a puff of fire.
Lumasi bent down and picked up Petitmon. "Petitmon eh? Thats a cute name." She said.
11:16pm Jun 29 2010
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"I don't know, reminds me of those snack cakes", Seattle murmured. She chuckled lightly and turned to Wanyamon. "You said there were four others. So in total.. Five? Me, Lumasi, this other girl, and...?" Wanyamon blushed. " I don't know. Geez, that's a lot I don't know, huh?"
12:12am Jun 30 2010
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"Hey.. What about those boys?" Lumasi asked. She thought for a moment, "Maybe they'll somehow get here..?" She asked cautiously.
12:35am Jun 30 2010
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Seattle looked up. "Maybe... But how? We already used that DSi..." She thought for a moment. "Wanyamon, is there another way to get to the Digital world?" "I know cell phones work, as do printers..." ((Lol, printers.))
3:24am Jun 30 2010
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[[Pfft 'kay XD]] Marco was wondering where the girl disappeare to, when his cellphone rang. Thinking it was Len, he picked it up. "Hello?" He said. The reply was a strange muffled 'fzzz' sound. Marco looked at his phone, feeling slightly confused. Feeling rather strange, he pressed the 'disconnect' button on his phone, and was engulfed by a blinding white light. "Agh, ouch, what happened?" Marco was talking to himself, standing up and rubbing his back. When he opened his eyes, he wasn't in the park anymore. "Where the heck am I?" He asked, confused. He looked around, and saw no benches, no lamp posts, no signs. But there was a strange little dog-like thing wriggling in front of him. "Aw, how cute!" Marco always had a weak side for animals, picking up the dog and totally forgetting where he was. Hello, Marco! "Hel- AHH! You can talk!" Marco dropped the dog, and it fell with a bounce. Instinctively, Marco bent down. "I'm sorry!" He said, wondering what was going on with him. It's not like everyday he meets a talking dog. It's okay, Marco! "Uh, how do you know my name?" I'm your partner now, Shaomon! The dog was wriggling with joy. Now, where are your four friends? Marco shook his head. "Wait, what?" Shaomon turned around and faced his tamer. Well, you're in the Digital World now! And you're supposed to come with four friends! Shaomon pointed at Marco's pocket. Look, there's your Digivice! Marco shook his head, reaching into his pocket "No way, Shaomon, this is my cellph-" He stopped when his hand brought out not his cellphone, but a strange-looking device. There's your Digivice! Now, let's go find your friends!

6:17am Jun 30 2010
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Len sat up and frowned. He had heard the girl's scream but Marco had dashed off before he could react. He figured it'd be ok. Marco could take care of himself, but now he'd been gone for a long time and Len was starting to worry. He shook his head in annoyance and stood up, wincing a bit as he put his weight on his legs. Ignoring the soreness, he went in the direction the girl had screamed, stopping dead when his phone ringed. Not many people called him, so he could almost always tell the caller with out looking at their number. He fished the phone out of his pocket and flipped it open. "Marco? Where are--" he stopped when he realized it wasn't Marco on the line. It was static, sounding somewhat like a TV disconnect from cable. He frowned and closed it to hang up, thinking it was a prank, or some sort of mis dial, was immediately engulfed in a bright light. When he opened his eyes again, he was on his back and looking up at the sky, feeling a bit more sore than he had felt earlier. "Ugh... what?" he muttered, forcing himself to sit up. He came face to face with what looked like a brown ghost with three horns. They stared at each other for several moments, neither daring to move. Finally, the ghost spoke. Hello, Len! He said, giving Len what looked like a smile. I'm your partner, Kokomon. Len's eyes widened slightly. He was being talked to by a weird ghost that knew his name and talked. His eyes narrowed. "Am I dead or something?" he asked, annoyed. Kokomon laughed and shook his head. You're in the Digital World. Your four friends are here as-- He squeaked when Arc grabbed him and held their faces close together as he glared menacingly at the Digimon. "I only have one friend and are you telling me he's here, too?" Len demanded. He knew he was trapped it this world and he couldn't exactly figure out if Marco being trapped was a good or bad thing. Kokomon wriggled out of his grasp and floated out of reach. Probably, but let's go find out. Grab your Digivice and lets go! "Grab my what?" Kokomon nodded to what used to be his cellphone and Len picked it up. He stared at it. It was defiantly not his cellphone. "You owe me a new phone." Len said, standing up and following Kokomon, who seemed to have picked a random direction to go. Len sighed. This was turning into a nightmare. [[Long post x_x]]
6:39am Jun 30 2010
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"What the-" Dusk felt her head and on it were two bumps. She rubbed them and felt plastic connected to more plastic and then a band that went around her head. "Goggles? Great! I love Swimming!" He voice was not sarcastic, but happy for she h ad been on the swim team when she had been on earth. Her wavy black hair was cramped by the goggles and so she did what any sensible girl would do. She put them on in the deep pocket of her purple cloak. She smiled and stood up, attempting to start walking. She tripped and rolled another few feet, right into a red-eyed Elecmon...
 <-- Click me
8:21am Jun 30 2010
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[[S'okay, Loki, I think my post is long too o-o]] Marco looked around. "So, Shaomon, is that the only name you go by?" He asked, supporting his head by using his two hands. Yupyup, that's the name of all of us Shaomon! Marco stopped for a bit. "Wait, there are more of you?" Of course! We are all named Shaomon, because we are the same Digimon! Marco thought about this for a moment, but decided not to pursue the whole 'Digimon' subject. "Well, I'm going to confuse you with all the other Shaomon in the Digital World, Shaomon." He bent down and picked up his Digimon. "How about a new name?" He grinned. Alright, what's your idea of a great name? And put me down! Smirking and putting down his partner, Marco racked his brain. "How 'bout... Jason?" No. "Bob?" No. "Joe?" Weird. "Billybob?" No. "Jack?" No. After countless proposals of a new name, Marco had come up with a name that Shaomon had approved of. "How 'bout Eros? I think he was a Greek God." God? That sounds fun! Alright then! Shaomon, or Eros, was wiggling his short tail and bouncing up and down. Marco grinned at his partner, and walked on. "So, Eros, where are my friends?" Well, I think I see a human right there, with a Kokomon! "What?" Marco turned his head in the direction Eros was staring at. He instantly recognized the boy. "Len!" He called in excitement, relieved to see a familiar face in this weird world.

9:11am Jun 30 2010
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[[Lol, we just like to type I guess xP]] Len jolted violently at his name being called and spun around. He blinked in surprise. "Marco?" he gasped, a relieved grin spreading on his face. So the older boy was here at well. Whether that was good or bad, he at least had his friend back. Kokomon turned to look also, floating down to rest on Len's shoulder. That your friend? he asked curiously. Nodding, Len walked over to stand in front of Marco, glancing warily at the strange dog that seemed to be with him. "You picked up one of these things too?" Len asked, looking back up at Marco. Hey, we're not things, Kokomon interrupted, We're Digimon! Len glared at him out of the corner of his eye. "You're weird, that's what you are." Kokomon huffed and stuck out his tongue at him before floating down to Eros' level. Hey, Shaomon, what's up? he greeted.
9:18am Jun 30 2010
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[[Psh, we're the long-poster club x] ]] Eros lifted his chin up in the air in pride when he saw Kokomon. My name's no longer Shaomon, Kokomon! My new name is Eros! Marco suggested it. Marco rolled his eyes. "Oh sure, he disapproved almost all of my name suggestions." He grinned at Lens partner. Kneeling down, he looked intently at his partner. "Whoah, you mean, there are more than just one type of Digimon?" Of course! There are lots. We grow up, too. "Weird." Marco murmured, before lifting his head up to look at his friend. "This is Eros. He'e my digimon partner, and my friend. I wonder if the other humans are around here..." He looked around, hoping to find human figures.
9:44am Jun 30 2010
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[[Lol, yepp x3]] Whoa, he gave you another name? Kokomon asked. He looked up at Marco and then at Len, as if pondering something. "Eros? You mean after the Greek God?" Len asked, kneeling down so he was back at eye level with Marco. He grinned at his friend. "Why'd you give him a name like that?" he said, teasing Marco lightly. Kokomon blinked. He thought it was a good name. In fact, he wanted Len to give him an interesting name also. He shot up to Len's face and stared him right in the eyes. Give me a name, too! He exclaimed excitedly. "Gah!" Len fell back, surprised at how fast Kokomon was. He frowned, rubbing the back of his neck. "Umm... ok." He thought for a moment. If Marco was going with an ancient name, maybe something similar would be good. Not a Greek God... but maybe a Chinese Emperor? "How about Shun?" he asked the Digimon. Kokomon grinned and floated to rest on Len's head. Ok, from now on, I'm Shun! He said happily.
12:02pm Jun 30 2010
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Wanywamon looked over into a small group of trees. She could hear voices, though if they were friends there was no way of knowing. She turned back around and nibbled at Seattle's leg. "Hey! What's that for?" "Dude. Can't you hear them too?" "Hear...?" "More humans!"
7:06pm Jun 30 2010
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"Hey, it's a cool name, you gotta admit." Marco grinned and looked at his partner. "Come on, Eros, let's go find some food. I'm starved." He was about to set off, before turning back to Len. "You and Shun coming? And nice name, I wish that my partner liked some of the names I suggested at first. Bob and Joe are not cool names, Marco. Eros stopped taunting his friend and whipped around, sniffing the air. Marco, do you hear or smell more... humans? Because they smell like you. "What, you found the other humans?" Marco squinted, looking at his surroundings hoping to find more humans.
6:56am Jul 1 2010
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"A!" Dusk started to yell and then the Elecmon tackled her, making her fall to the ground. Let me help! Moonmon leapt at the Elecmon, but a burst of electricity threw the little blue blob off of him. Dusk threw a jab at the Elecmon and it held its nose for a moment before attacking again. Something happened to Moonmon and a burst of light came her digivice...
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10:05am Jul 1 2010
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Marco's eyes located a fresh burst of light. "Whoah, is that another human, Eros?" He asked. Without waiting for a reply from his Digimon partner, Marco took off to the source of the light. Wait, Marco! Ugh, why did I end up with the stupid one? Eros dashed off, following his partner. Marco skidded to a stop after running for some time. "It's a girl! I found I human!" He cried triumphantly, before face-planting on the ground. Eros was sitting on the back of Marco's head, glaring at his partner with contempt. You idiot, Marco. There's also wild Digimon that would want to hurt you. Eros pointed at the Elecmon with his chin. But of course, this is the girl's battle. We better stay out of it. Marco wanted to interject, but the look from his partner told him to keep quiet. Sighing quietly, Marco settled down on the ground, ready to spring into action if this girl needed help.
4:41pm Jul 1 2010
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Dusk cried as the elecmon shocked ehr and then felt for Moonmon, there was no moonmon, but a diferent digimon. I*m Lunamon, at your service! The light died down and a new digimon was standing in her place. "Ummm... Ok, well, you can help me if you want." Dusk said, jabbing the elecmon in the nose again. It doubled back in pain as Lunamon used Gatling punch. It burst into data and the red sparkles in the air zoomed into Dusk's digivice, making it vibrate in ehr hand...
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10:49pm Jul 1 2010
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Eros was sitting beside Marco. See? They're fine. And, her Moonmon digivolved into a Lunamon too! "Uh, Digivolved?" Marco looked at his partner questioningly. It's kind of like growing up, Marco. We never know when we're about to Digivolve, but when we do, it makes us much stronger. "Oh, so what are you going to Digivolve into?" I don't know. Eros shrugged. Time will tell. He grinned at Marco.
2:36am Jul 2 2010
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"Are you alright?" Seattle looked at Lunamon but was talking to Dusk. Wanyamon grinned up at her partner. "He's right. We all Digivolve at some point." "Great. Now explain what happened to that little red thing." "My best bet would be that the Elecmon's data was absorbed through the girl's Digivice. You DO have one, don't you?" "What? This?" Seattle held up what was once her cell phone. Wanyamon nodded. "I also noticed that the two boys over there nicknamed their partners." Her tail wrapped around her and she smiled. "Okay, okay... What about Taka? It was Scar's name in The Lion King before he became Scar." Wanyamon purred. "Sounds cool!"