12:31pm Aug 7 2010
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Alright, well the last one flopped but Feyth convinced me to Remake this so only join if you're interested in actually keeping this alive! Everything else is the same as the first time and Feyth is the co-owner and in charge when I'm not around. (Inspired slightly by the book The Alchemyst but nothing that took part in the book takes place in this RolePlay. It was only where the idea came from.) The Earth is a lot older then we imagined. The WereClans were the first to walk on it; it was their planet first. Then came the Elder Race that shared the planet with them until the day humans first walked the planet. Destructive creatures, humans. At first they had seemed harmless but they developed quickly and forced the WereClans and Elder Race into hiding. Now, in the 21st Century, they have become myths, creatures of legend. But they are very real. They live in the shadows, blending in with society. Most have accepted that humans have taken over but not all. Some want to take back their planet, drive the humans into hiding like they had done thousands of years before. _____________________________________________________ Rules: 1. This is a Literate RP so post at least 4-5 lines. Writer's Block is understandable, but in most cases one-liners are not. 2. You may be a Human, Part of the Elder Race (elves and other magical humanoids of that sort), or a member of one of the WereClans. 3. If you are part of the WereClans you can be any Were-animal (Werewolf, Werecat, Werehorse... Werefish o3o etc...) 4. May-sues, GM, PP and anything else of the sort are strictly prohibited and I will call you out on it. 5. Any of my friends who join have equal power to my own. They should probably know who they are. 6. Break any of these Rules and a flying Weremonkey named Bongo will fly down on you and crack your character over the head with a coconut. 7. I was not kidding about Bongo, break the rules and I will unleash him. 8. If necessary, any of my friends can unleash Bongo on rule-breakers. 9. Tell me the name of the Rule-enforcing, flying Weremonkey to join. 10. Romance and violence are allowed but any inappropriateness or killing shall result in the unleashing of Bongo. Cursing is allowed also but don't abuse it. 11. There is the possibility that there will be same-sex relationships. Don't like, don't join. 12. No love between your own characters. Like someone on this forum once said: "It's like incest... or something." 13. Lucky Rule Thirteen ^^: Have fun! _____________________________________________________ Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Species: Looks: Personality (optional): History (optional): S.O.: Other: If I forgot anything on any of this, please tell me so I can fix it. ^^
12:33pm Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 12:33pm Aug 7 2010)
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((Ohmigod. I love that series. And Bongo. Bongo sounds fun. :D Joinage?))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
12:33pm Aug 7 2010
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OoC; I might add other characters later and if you think of another character later on, you can add them as well. Bio: Name: Zelric Renzai Age: 209 (Appears 19) Gender: Male Species: Werefox Looks: [Human form]
 [Fox Form]
 Personality (optional): RP out. Keeps it interesting :P History (optional): He'll only tell you if he has to. S.O.: Bisexual Other: None --------------------- Bio: Name: Arc Kaizu Age: Unknown (Appears 16) Gender: Male Species: Elder Race Looks:
 Personality (optional): RP out. Keeps things interesting :P History (optional): Keeps it to himself. S.O.: Gay Other: None
12:34pm Aug 7 2010
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OoC; Geh, you ninja'ed me Lola! xD And yes, Bongo is fun. You can join ^^ But don't spoil the Alchemyst for me! I haven't even finished the first book o3o;
12:36pm Aug 7 2010
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((*sit on hands* I finished the third last week. They're worth reading. Are we allowed to join as Elders from the books?))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
12:37pm Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 12:37pm Aug 7 2010)
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12:37pm Aug 7 2010
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((Ok, let me get my profiles.)) Name: Dusk Age: 114/Immortal Gender: Female Species: Elder Race Looks: She stands 5'4" and weighs around 90 lbs, very skinny for her age (she looks 14), some might even go as far to say that she is underweight. Her hair is coal black and her eyes, though blind, are a bright purple color. Her skin is almost as pale as the albino cyid. On her right shoulder is a white thin trail that intertwines with the black one on her left shoulder. This resembles Yin and Yang. She is usually seen wearing a purple kimono-like top and blue jeans. A cloak wraps around Dusk's frail body and keeps her warm. Around her neck is a sapphire hanging on a necklace. Personality (optional): She is often quiet as if she knows something that nobody else does. Mysterious as she is, she makes a loyal companion if she grows to trust you. Many times, she closes herself up and becomes and emotionless ball of emptiness. She has anger management problems and will sometimes get mad for no clear reason, though she knows there is one. History (optional): (Nothing.)) S.O.: Straight Powers: She can control water?
Other: None. ------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rel Onorai Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Were-Cheetah Looks: He stands over 6 feet and his weight is close to 100 lbs. He is skinny because of all the excersise he does. He has black crescent spots all over his body and his skin is covered in a thin layering of dark golden fur. He has a tail that sticks out of his pants. Two ears protrude from his head and are almost always covered by the hat he wears. His clothes consist of a white baseball hat, not shirt, and a pair of blue jeans he stole from a store. He never wears shoes. A necklace hangs around his neck with the tooth of a were-shark he once fought. Cheetah-form: Personality (optional): Rp out. History (optional): He didn't tell me. S.O.: Straight Other: Nothing.
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12:40pm Aug 7 2010
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OoC; Accepted, Feyth. *doing that out of habit* :P And I guess you could... but really it's a totally different scenario and I just got the idea from the Werebores or whatever they were called and when they mentioned more WereClans o3o So it's actually supposed to be different ^^
12:42pm Aug 7 2010
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((I just want to be the Morrigan, a Celtic Crow Goddess. I could be a Were-Raven, though.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
12:43pm Aug 7 2010
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((Loki, you haven't even finished the Alchemyst. I*m tempted to beat you with Bongo. I have read all of them except for the Necromancer which I don't have enoguh money to buy yet.)
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12:44pm Aug 7 2010
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((Feyth: Same here! The last book was so surprising. D: ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
12:48pm Aug 7 2010
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OoC; Ah, then I suppose since it's you, Lola, you could be either :3 And no turning my flying Weremonkey against me, Feyth! D< And I've been very distracted thats why >_>
12:50pm Aug 7 2010
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((I'll just be a Were-crow. And another WereCreature, but i'm not sure which, yet...))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
5:46pm Aug 7 2010
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Name: Mireille Age: Almost 350 years old--looks to be about 17 Gender: Female Species: WereWolf Looks: Mireille has long, wavy brown hair that reaches to her mid back. Her fair skin and purple eyes add up to a strange, yet beautiful look. She is slightly smaller than average with a fragile-looking build that defies her speed./In her wolf form, Mireille is a small brown wolf with bright purple eyes. Her thick fur is silky to the touch but not wavy like in her human form.
Personality (optional): Mireille is adventurous and ever-curious. She loves to learn new things and go to new places. she is skilled in healing and hates to see suffering. Mireille is friendly and polite, but only truly opens up to a special few. History (optional): S.O.: Straight Other: None ((I've decided not to do the WereRaven. ;D I'll add another character shortly.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:15pm Aug 7 2010
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((cool, and i dont wanna be hit by bongo ;P)) Name: Ivory Sky Age: 210, appears 17 Gender: Female Species: WereFalcon Looks: 
Falcon form:  Personality: Ivory personality if forever changing . it can change from somthing calm like a breeze to something else as vicious as a typhoon. she doesn't like taking orders, and likes to be free. Ivory jokes in bad situations, and often finds that she cuts herself. History: Doesn't want to share. S.O.: Straight
Other: None ((bookmarked ;D))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:17am Aug 8 2010
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8:08pm Aug 8 2010
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OoC; Accepted you two :3 Does no one else wanna join this? o3o;
9:35pm Aug 8 2010
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Ooc: Join dammit!
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10:01pm Aug 14 2010
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OoC; Well, I guess no one else is going to join this >.> Hopefully everyone still wants to do this D: Would you like to start, Feyth?
10:10pm Aug 14 2010
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{{Join as a werewolf? Hey-low Loki. :D}}