8:08pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
((Woah ata, major long post. And welcome back xD)) Uko smiled at her. "What you did to be my prisoner? You are undeniably cute." He said. He smirked. "Is this you confessing that electricity was better than earth?" He said, his eyes flickered yellow for a moment. ((Uko-chan u sleezy one :O))
8:11pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
Zuko looked at Zira (for short :O). "Yes, I am a bender of wind." He said, making the wind ruffle her hair. He looked at her with unemotional blue eyes. "I've seen someone who looks like you. She contaminated my wind with smoke." He said.
8:15pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 896
Ooc: Am I the only one who didn't realize it was possible to post the same thing like, 15 times in a row? Bic: Dani threw him a disgusted look. "Yeah, being called cute by a jerk like you has always been a dream of mine. And no, that was my confession that I have been slacking off when it comes to training. Otherwise, more than just a foot would have been encased." She faked a sweet smile for him.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
8:40pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
((guess so xD you just click Post Reply! 15 times :O)) Uko smiled at her. "Aww... no don't be nasty, luv." His eyes turned gold as he made a flower out of electricity. He held it out to her through the bars of the electricity field. He gave her a fake smile like the one she did for him. "Don't worry, it won't hurt." Uko loved torturing his little prisoner. ((Uko is so fun to play as! Woot!))
8:49pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 896
"Yeah, I'm sure it won't." She said, staring at the flower doubtfully. "But I'm sure you will understand when I say that I don't trust you to give me something made of electricity that won't hurt me. After all, you trapped me in this, didn't you?"
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
8:54pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
Uko looked at her, quite taken back. "If I let you free, will you take my little electricity flower?" He asked. His pale red eyes looked at his electricity flower. He kept his hand inside the electricity field.
8:59pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 896
Dani bit her lip. "How do I know that I still won't get hurt if I take the flower?" She stared at it, then glanced up at him. "Besides, why do you want me to have it so badly?"
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
9:15pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
Uko looked at her. "Because it represents that Earth and Electricity can coexist- hence it being a flower." He said. Uko waited for her a second. "And it won't shock you because you're element is Earth, so the treaty is balanced. I'm not all evil you know." He said as he winked at her.
9:20pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Hey, can I be water?)
 <-- Click me
9:22pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
((Sure Fayth. Just post a bio))
9:24pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 896
Dani considered what he said then nodded. It actually made sense, but hopefully he wasn't lying to her. "Fine, I'll take it if you let me out. But before that, at least tell me your name so I can hunt you down more efficiently if you lied to me." She smiled, hoping she showed that she was just kidding about hunting him down.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
9:32pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
Uko smiled. "I knew you'd come around, luv. Hold on for a minute." Zuko stood up from crouched so it made it easier to use his powers. Zuko put the flower in his mouth and held out his hands. His eyes turned gold as the fence traveled into his palms. After he had absorbed the electric field, Uko took the electric flower out of his mouth. He bent down and offered her the flower. "Name's Uko, luv. Remember it, live it. May I ask what's yours?"
9:40pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 896
"Dani," She answered, ignoring the flower to stand up. She brushed off her jeans as she looked down on him. "Now that you know my name, you can stop calling me luv, right?" She bent down, reaching her hand out for the flower. "I feel like this is the moment of truth." She said, smiling slightly as she took the flower.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:39am May 10 2010
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Posts: 632
((do i wait for a rival to post?))
8:35am May 10 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Name: Dusk Gender: Female
Element: Water
Rival: Zinzika Rival’s Element: Fire
Looks (anime looking people encouraged!): I am drawing her.
Personality (rp outs ok): Rp out
Other?: Along with water, she can freeze the air, makibng the water turn to its solid form, she can do the same with hot water and turn it into steam, the gas form of water.
 <-- Click me
12:08pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 12:12pm May 10 2010)
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Posts: 632
((anyone want to make a second charactor for Physic.)) Cal walked out into the field, it sure was big enough. They had said this was the best place to practice, it seemed like it too, full of other kids all using powers. Wait, as she scanned the clearing she saw a burst of light. It seemed as if one of the boys was using his power to trap a girl. Her eyes narrowed as she walked over, it looked like it was going to rain. "Hey, what are you doing!" she calledo out to them, it came out harsher than she wanted. Halting a few feet away she looked on as the cage suddenly disapeared and the boy handed the girl a glowing flower. She smiled, her face softening. It was always nice to see someting like that...
12:09pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 632
((can someone please tell me what the heck ghost does >.< ))
4:00pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 7,620
((srry my computer was actin funny)) ziritzika ran home to her sister and she then told her about what happened with her
6:45pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 681
((Ghost basically can control spirits and SLIGHTLY the mind of other's. Ghost also can hear the spirits and can travel through the dead world and living world.)) Uko brushed off his bandana. "Sorry for trapping you in there, luv. I mean Dani. I think I can't stop calling you that." He said with a chuckle. "Anyways- make sure that nothing happens to that flower or the treaty is broken, understand luv?" He said- getting more and more used to the word 'luv'. Uko turned his gaze to see another girl slightly far off. "Do you see that girl, luv? She looks like a mirage." He said confusingly.
7:02pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 632
((what about Physic?))
Aye, I m right here.” she called out. Ah, now she could see, it was an electrical flower. The boy seemed to be a lightning kid and the girl...Earth maybe. But why would they be together, opposites don’t really attract do they? “What are you guys doing? Mind if I practice with you?” She was bad at new introductions, sighing she moved forward to shake. “My name is Callisto, who are you?”