6:41pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 6:42pm May 12 2010)
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Ooc: It's fine. =) I'll reply soon. Just need to get my charger.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:44pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Well, I'm Dusk." she said. She wasn't bubbly like her element, but she wasn't as Dark as her name. She was average, well as average as a human with magyc powers could be...
 <-- Click me
6:46pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 896
Ooc: Okay never mind. I'm not going to have time to post. I have to go right now but I should be back in 40 minutes or so. =/
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:50pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 681
((KK NaT ;D)) Uko scratched the back of the head. "Well then Dusk, let's go ahead and practise then." Uko replied- suddenly aware he was surrounded by girls. He looked down and smiled as his eyes flickered yellow.
8:09pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 896
Dani looked around the group. "Water, electricity, earth, and whatever your power is." She said, guestering towards Cal. "This'll definetely be interesting." She said with a light laugh.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:40am May 13 2010
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Posts: 632
"Well since you asked my power is Ghost. I'm still not to sure of what it does..." she said, looking over to the water girl. The two, Dani and...what was his name? Oh, Uko, seemed to have an unusual relationship. Their powers made them complete opposites but he seemed eerily protective of her...
8:23am May 13 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk gazed at the girl who was controlling fire and growled, shivering. She hated fire, ever since she was small, she never wanted fire, even when it was cold in the winter time...
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4:06pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 4:07pm May 13 2010)
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ziritzika and her sister were shocked who had done that wondered ziritzika" dont interfere just continue." her sister said knowing that her sister wanted to investigate they continued there practice but ziritzika still wondered who had done that. she kept shooting her spears as her sister came with her smoke balls. they were enjoying the practice they were having.
5:33pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 681
Uko smiled at Dani. "Oh yeah. This is going to be fun!" He said. "Hey luv- erm... Dani; why don't you make some mud balls for practise? We could use 'em for targets." He suggested. Suddenly, Uko grabbed the flower from Dani and went behind a tree. His eyes turned gold as he held out his hands; making a protective fence of electricity around the flower. "There." He said as he walked towards the girls again.
5:34pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 681
Zuko growled. Not ones to take hints, hm? Zuko's eyes blazed gray as he held he sent a gust of wind once more to take away the black smoke and fire balls away from there. Stupid people. Polluting MY wind! He said as his eyes turned blue to match his hair again.
5:48pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 896
"Don't trust me to keep it safe?" Dani teased Uko while laughing. "Anyways, you had a good idea. Using the mud balls anyways." She shook her head then. "Huh, I never thought I would say that to someone with a power like yours."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:00pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 681
((You know what? I just noticed there is no difference between Gray and Grey :O they both describe the same color O_O)) Uko chuckled. "Trust me, luv- I can be smart to you know." Uko laid his pale red eyes on her as he blew his gray hair out of his face.
6:07pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 896
Ooc: We were actually talking about that in English the other day. XD Bic: Dani stared back at him. "Well, one good idea doesn't make you smart." She replied. "So, I guess I'll just have to wait and see if you really can be smart."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:59pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 681
((Omg awkwards xD)) Uko smiled. "Oh I can be smart, luv. You just haven't seen that side of me since you met me about 40 minutes ago." He smirked- winking at her.
7:07pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk fired a water blast at the smoke, making it poof out of the air, "Stop!" she screamed, her hair flew into th air with little ice particles playing in it...
 <-- Click me
7:17pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 681
Zuko smiled. At least someone cares about my precious wind. Zuko's eyes turned a light gray as he made the wind caress the girl's hair. Zuko smirked.
7:24pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 896
Dani raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "So, are we going to train or are we going to stand here debating about whether Uko here is smart or not?"
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
7:29pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 681
Uko smiled. "Great way to start things off, luv." Uko's eyes blazed a brilliant yellow. "Go on Dani- make your little mud balls." He said winking.
7:32pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 896
Dani bit her tongue to keep from saying anything as she bent down and scooped up some dirt. Repeating the process on how she made the two early balls, Dani tossed another. This time though, instead of straight up, she tossed at it at Uko's face. "There, happy?" She said, giving him a sweet smile.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
7:39pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 896
Ooc: I have to go to a school concert now. -_- Be on later hopefully. Bye!
Call me Cho or Nat. =)