7:48pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 7:49pm May 13 2010)
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Posts: 681
((See ya, NaT!)) Uko's eyes flickered. He wiped his face. He gave her a sarcastic smile. He looked at his bandana. It.Got.Dirty.Holy.Crap. Uko's eyes turned deep orange as he took it off. About to weep, he looked at her, then the bandana, then her. He glared at her. "Nice move luv." He said as he rubbed her hair. Static caused it to stand up in all directions. He gave her the same sweet smile that she gave him.
11:26pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 3:32pm May 14 2010)
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Posts: 896
Ooc: Longest freaking concert ever! Bic: Dani's eyes shot upward at her hair. Her hands were quickly trying to brush it down, which of course didn't help at all. Sighing, she let her hands drop as she glared at Uko. Glancing at the bandanna in his hand, an idea started to form and she stopped glaring. "You know," She said, moving one arm and watching as the earth moved, covering both his feet and one of his arms. "You seem to be quite attached to this bandanna." She continued, reaching forward and snatching if from him. Once she had it in her hand, she quickly encased his arm in the earth. "Wonder why that is?"
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
12:16am May 14 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((It wouldn't have happened to be a band concert in the auditorium at SRHS would it?)) Dusk watched as her hair lifted with the wind and she smiled, the way the ice and air swirled around her head made it look beautiful. "Thank you." she whispered to the boy next to her...
 <-- Click me
6:33am May 14 2010
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Posts: 632
"Woah, now this is getting interesting." she said shooting a sly smile toward Dani, laying a hand on Uko's dirt encrusted arm. "I didn't know you could do that." she whispered awe creeping into her voice. She was no where near as advanced, all she could do was summon some ghosts so far. Maybe float through some walls...
8:15am May 14 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk sighed, her powers weren't that interesting, all she could do was shoot ice and water at people and sometimes turn water to a g*censored*y form. "sigh..." she watched as they continued. "Hay..." she gathed water into her hands and shot it at Uko's arm, the dirt fell quickly off...
 <-- Click me
4:03pm May 14 2010 (last edited on 8:57pm May 14 2010)
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ziritzika and her sister frowned " what the.." said ziritzika annoyed " this is getting annoying cant they see were practicing here, gosh we cant do anything its like there debating with us." she screamed. huritatsu recreated her soke and shot it n the air. ziritzika started to march down to where someone destroyed her spear, her sister grabbed her shoulder"wait..." she exclaimed " wait.. until they shoot this smoke out the sky only then will we go to see who is behind this". ziritzika nodded at her sisters preposal.
5:42pm May 14 2010
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((Please use correct grammer and punctiation, I don't understand wwhat you are trying to say.))
 <-- Click me
5:42pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Please use correct grammer and punctiation, I don't understand wwhat you are trying to say.))
 <-- Click me
10:10am May 15 2010
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Posts: 7,620
(( srry feyth i edited it))
10:21am May 15 2010
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Posts: 681
Uko frowned at Dani. He sobbed, "Please... Please luv- Dani don't do anything to it! It...it's to fashionable to get more damaged than it alread is!" He struggled with the dirt columns. Obliviously it wasn't going to be that easy. Suddenly, a splash of water made all of the dirt fall off. He winked a thank you to Dusk then ran over to Dani and tried to take the bandana away from her.
10:23am May 15 2010
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Posts: 681
Zuko smiled as he saw the ice swirl around Dusk in his wind. Smoke billowed once again. Zuko gritted his teeth and his eyes turned hazy gray. He sent wind to make the smoke cloud hurl onto the two girls. Now you'll see if you like it! he yelled in his thoughts.
10:27am May 15 2010
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ziritzika quickly dodged as shuritatsu absorbed her smoke. then ziritzika ran to where the wind came from. shuritatsu was shy so she walked cautiously to where her sister was going.
10:33am May 15 2010
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Posts: 681
Zuko bit his lip. "Arggg!" He managed to yell outloud. He grabbed Dusk by waist and carried her with him. Wind carried Zuko and Dusk away. He turned to her with a friendly gray gaze. "Don't mind htem they are just earth polluters." He said and turned forward.
10:35am May 15 2010
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Posts: 7,620
ziritzika laughed " cowards." she turneed to where her sister finnaly arrived. " they are gone oh well." shuritatsu said as she shugged.
10:37am May 15 2010
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Posts: 896
Dani frowned at Dusk as the dirt came off. "Don't worry Uko, I'm not going to do anything to it. Relax!" Her attention was back on him as she moved away from him. "I'm just looking at it."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
10:41am May 15 2010
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Posts: 7,620
ziritzika kept walking dragging her sister along with her" i have to show you something." said ziritzika. she kept a hold of her sister as they walked
10:42am May 15 2010
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Posts: 681
Uko frowned. "How do I know you're not lieing?" He said. He bit his lip as his pale red eyes looked at his bandana. "Are... are you don looking at it, luv?" Uko said nervously.
10:44am May 15 2010
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Posts: 7,620
ziritzika jumped with her sister onto a tree and finnaly letr her go. shuritas was curious she had never seen her sister so serious.
10:46am May 15 2010
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Posts: 896
Dani glanced at the bandanna then to Uko. Whatever the reason, it was clear he was pretty attatched to it. "Yeah," She said, walking over to him and holding it out. "I'm done." There was no point in keeping it any longer if it was bothering Uko so much. Ooc: I have to go to dance. I'll be on later.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
10:49am May 15 2010
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Posts: 681
((Oh my- NaT, you are a multitasker O-O)) Uko snatched and looked at the dirt on it. He sighed. Uko put it on and fixed it. He looked at Dani. "Thanks for not messing it up." He said. He looked at her and smiled. Uko probably still had dirt on his face from that mud ball she threw at him.