10:15pm May 6 2011
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[[ Well in the case of this RP, Full, you are only RPing a female c: Unless you edited the bio and I'm too lazy to go back and look. Did everyone already post their bios? o.o ]]
10:17pm May 6 2011
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11:07pm May 6 2011 (last edited on 11:46pm May 6 2011)
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Name: Osk Rank: Member Age: Adult Gender: Male Species: Vancouver Island wolf (ROFL I live on Vancouver Island) Looks: A regular VI wolf, with a deep scratch down his nose. Has a muscular build and a white patch on his shoulder. Personality: Stern, Doesn't tolerate rule-breakers. He listens to instructions well, but can get impatient rather fast. Osk doesn't like she-wolves very much, because he believes they're weaker than males, and aren't mutch use in battle. Other: None.
11:20pm May 6 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Lol...was that because Tld pointed out you don't have any male wolves? o_o And I'd just like to say that's not a very informational bio.
11:44pm May 6 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Yes. XD I'll add more info then~))
10:37am May 7 2011
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{ ;3; Part of my nail got ripped off yesterday, and it hurts like a bad word to type. } { Who wants to start when we're all ready? o3o I don't. }
wuss poppin jimbo
10:39am May 7 2011
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[[ ... Ew, Moo ono I dislike any injuries related to fingers xD On Friday in Physics, I accidentally got my thumb attached to a fresh glob of hot glue ono ]]
11:03am May 7 2011
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Ooc; Lulz. :3 I love hot glue *dances* Anywho. o_o Uh, I can start then. :D I'll post now. <33
11:04am May 7 2011
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[[ I don't like it anymore ;-; Post on the warriors RP with Easty too, Detters? lD ]]
11:19am May 7 2011
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Kiite's long red-furred legs ate up the ground at an alarming rate, despite the sedate pace he was traveling. Lifting his head the brute spied an oncoming forest, the twitterings of birds and scratchings of various wild animals reaching his sensitive ears. Shaking out his shaggy mane the wolf sped up, brushing through the tall plains grasses like the north wind, eyes pinpointed on the woods. Driven by a sense of security that the thick woods lent him Kiite was there before the sun had set, the bluish sky tinted by a pink that made his crimson pelt glow. Sniffing around the outskirts of the woods Kiite scented no other sign of wolves, though his ears perked at the distinct aroma of a deer only a few paces away. Unfortunately, not being part of a pack, the brute knew that attempting to catch this was folly, and in the next few moments settled on a rabbit. Crunching through the delicious meal Kiite let out a sigh of content now that his belly was full. "Today looks like it will be interesting," he murmured outloud, eyes thoughtful. -- Unbeknownst to the maned wolf another of his kind, or at least similar to his kind, was roaming the woodlands, golden eyes intent as she stalked the woods. Cream and brown pelt blended in gently with the surrounding woods as she moved like a wraith, the only movement being the smooth gait of her legs and the constant roving of her eyes. Letting out a soft sigh that could have been a breath of wind Kismet felt a feral instinct build up in her as she wondered what to do next. Her body told her to stake these woods as her own, but her head told her that now was not the time. No single wolf, even one of her massive size, could hold a large territory successfully. And no matter how this irked her Kismet trotted onwards, leaving the clearing behind. [:<]

11:37am May 7 2011
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Ketu sat on a hill, watching as the trees rustled and enjoying the feeling of the breeze on his snout. A pile of bones was by the wolf. Content with his meal, Ketu settled down, breathing in the day's fresh air. He had stayed up the entire night, tracking the movements of the elk, trying to calculate the best days to hunt them and attempting to learn their behavior. Ketu felt his eyes slowly droop, obviously tired. The great black wolf started his mid-day snooze, something he thought he had deserved. --- Leto skipped happily through the woods, tongue lolling out and eyes bright and sparkling. She had enjoyed her sleep the other night, loving the life of a carefree wolf, not bound to a pack. She did miss the companionship of other wolves though. Leto had heard tales of loners being slightly crazy from the lack of some wolf to talk to. Trying to push the thoughts of of her mind, Leto tried climbing a tree, something she had always wanted to do since she was a pup. Obviously, the branches were too tall for her, causing the disappointed she-wolf to leave nothing but severe scratch marks on the poor tree.

12:15pm May 7 2011 (last edited on 12:16pm May 7 2011)
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Mocha stared blankly ahead as she sat down, exhaustion winning the fight. She felt as if someone had kicked her in the stomach and stole all of her energy. There were deer around; she could smell them. But she'd already learned the hard way that she was unable to catch them by herself. The forest was no home to her; when she looked at trees she saw large mazes that taunted her and questioned her intelligence. When she looked at caves and other places that could be shelter, all she saw were the possible monsters that lurked in the shadows, and the dangers that could easily take her over. She only moved her gaze when another scent took her by surprise; she thought she could smell another of her kind. But, seeing as she hadn't been around wolves for over two years, she wasn't sure and made no attempt to investigate. Mocha was a sitting duck; waiting for something, or someone, to find her. ~ Jem stayed low to the ground, a slight breeze ruffling his fur. His eyes were steadily focused on another wolf, one who was walking by, closer than he was comfortable with. He didn't move, however, not wanting to risk exposure. It had been weeks since he'd last seen wolves, and the wounds from that encounter had finally healed. He had no idea if this wolf was friendly or not. He stuck to the shadows, blood roaring in his ears. He was ready to run if he needed, but it didn't look like the she-wolf had noticed him. He didn't expect her to though as the wind was blowing towards him, and not vice versa. Standing, carefully, he began to back away slowly. Jem winced as he stepped on a twig and it snapped, loud enough to be heard by any wolf around him. His eyes darted towards the she-wolf instantly. { meh. }
wuss poppin jimbo
12:17pm May 7 2011
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[[ Who's scenting who and who's seeing what? xD -confused- ]]
12:18pm May 7 2011
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{ rawr. Mocha can be smelling whoever. P: /lazy Jem.. I would imagine is watching Kismet. }
wuss poppin jimbo
12:38pm May 7 2011
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Cheru hid behind a bush in the shade of a large oak tree. She had just been beaten, and she was in hiding so her wounds could heal before she got beaten again. With her head resting against a rock beside her, she took a deep breath, and began gently licking the deep wound down her thigh. It hurt like hell, but Cheru was used to it. She glared at her mangled foot, as if wanting it to just explode and be replaced by a normal, capable, regular wolf foot. But it didn't happen of course. "God dammit," she muttered to herself, licking her chest.
3:20pm May 7 2011
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Muttering to herself about packs and territories Kismet brushed through the undergrowth, her large size rustling the branches and bushes. A sudden sound caused her to pause and perk her ears, a growl building up in her throat. Sniffing the air brought no answers to whoever might be close by, but judging from the wind whoever it was a few wolflengths away, right ahead. Golden eyes guarded Kismet stepped forwards, nose in the air. "Friend or foe?" she queried, muscles quivering with anticipation. In a fight or flee situation she knew she would stay and fight, but hunger had taken its toll and she didn't want to end up dead, or crippled. "Come out where I can see you," she growled, this time her voice not quite as curious. It was equal parts speculation and anger, mixed in with a hint of fear. Backing up Kismet could tell the fur along the nape of her neck rise.
10:42pm May 7 2011 (last edited on 10:42pm May 7 2011)
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Posts: 194
Axis woke to the cacophony of birds chirping as he stifled a silent yawn. After his morning stretch he gently placed his front paw on a pile of leaves to avoid a loud crack. He roamed in the forest, sniffing around for any sign of another wolf. He had to be careful for he was a loner. He was alarmed that he had not noticed the scent of a female/male ((uhh, you guys decide? :<)) despite wanting to check out his foe, he knew he had to get out because the terrain was unknown. Quickly he padded out but a voice brought him to a halt. "Who's there?" ((I realize no one has said this yet, but I was hoping he would meet someone :]))
10:47pm May 7 2011
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[[ Well, someone go bother Ketu up there on the hill o3o ]] Leto pricked her ears when she heard a rough bark. She glanced over her shoulder. Nothing yet. But a wolf could easily hide in the trees or in their shadows. Leto looked at her own pelt self-consciously. She stuck out like a sore thumb in the woods. Leto would only blend in during the days between summer and winter. "Me?" She replied, looking around the forest.
12:58am May 8 2011 (last edited on 1:00am May 8 2011)
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Posts: 194
((I assume Ax has met Leto?)) He peered over the bush and took notice of a beautiful hazel wolf, who was anxiously swiveling her head around to try to detect the hiding wolf. He felt a tug in his heart, she was such a stunning female wolf, he actually smiled at the sight of her. Axis slowly creeped out of the shadows and revealed his dark figure. ((Hehe, Axis like Leto, Axis like Leto -sings in a childish voice- it's your choice if she doesn't like him back))
1:53am May 8 2011
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[[ Yup o^o ]] Leto backed away a little when she saw something come out of the shadows, her muscles tensing up instinctively. However, they immediately relaxed when Leto realized it was just another wolf. "Oh, hi!" Leto sighed, still maintaining her mildly hostile position. The last meeting she had with wolves was when she accidentally strayed into their territory. Did she wander into a pack's territory again? [[ Yay, Leto has a crushies x3 I didn't have much of a chance to develop her character, so let's see lD ]]