2:31am May 8 2011
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Posts: 194
((:D)) "Hello," Axis replied with uncertainty, she didn't seem hostile though her pose stated otherwise, but he was in her territory. However, the last thing Axis wanted was to be tricked by another wolf for falling for her beauty. Then again, he yearned to become friends with her. "Are you a loner?" Axis asked. It would be pretty cool if she was also a loner, but being in a pack would make him feel complacent. ((Yeahhh, crush! :D I'm going to update his crush status ;o))
2:45am May 8 2011
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"Y-yeah, I'm a loner." Leto replied stiffly. "Have I wandered into pack territory again?" She glanced around, searching for shadowy figures of other wolves, in case this one happened to come with company. [[Fail :C ]]
12:53pm May 8 2011
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"I think that truly depends on your intentions," Jem mused, taking a few tentative steps forwards. He wondered if he should oblige to her demands or not, working out the pros and cons of each situation. Landing on a final decision, he walked forwards until Kismet could see him. "There. I'm afraid I'm not much to look at at the moment, but if you'd push that fact aside I'm sure we could become good friends." He was trying to keep conversation friendly long enough to figure out if she was going to attack him or not. His eyes swept over her, calculating her posture, ex pression, and size. Jem's gaze lingered around her eyes, but it seemed there were no answers there. "I'm Jem," he added. "Who are you?" { /late I'll find something to do with Mocha in a moment. o3o }
wuss poppin jimbo
1:04pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 194
"Ah, okay, I am a loner as well so you're safe," Axis reassured, something about her made him soft, it worried him. At this time, he could thoroughly inspect the shewolf and he had to admit, she looked better up close. "I'm Axis," he introduced. ((Hmm, so how are they all going to meet, I assume they're all in the same forest?))
9:20pm May 8 2011
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"Oh... Well, um, nice to meet you, Axis." Leto replied, flustered at the fact that she was so paranoid. "My name is Leto." She nodded her head in the slightest of bows. "Are there any other wolves here, Axis?" Leto asked, looking around.
11:03pm May 8 2011 (last edited on 3:44pm May 9 2011)
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Posts: 194
"Not that I know of," Axis said, recollecting his composure. He still wasn't sure if he could trust her, he had to get to know her better. "If you're alone, would you like to travel with me?" Axis asked, looking away to hide his embarrassment. This wolf was definetely changing him, where had his fierce attitude gone off to?
6:16pm May 9 2011
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Taken aback by the wolf's jovial attitude it took Kismet a few moments to compose herself. Shuffling on her paws to get a better grip on the earth she tilted her head and flicked her ears, seeing only a calculating ex pression in his eyes. "Hello Jem," she said after a moment, as if she had briefly forgotten how to speak. "I suppose you can call me Kismet, though to be honest the name is a bit of a misnomer. Letting out a small bark of amusement she let her muscles relax, wondering if this wolf was hostile. Throwing that thought away, for it was she who be the belligerent one, Kismet blinked her gold eyes, now filled with curiosity. "Can I inquire on why you're in the forest?" she asked quietly, realizing that most of the forest sounds had faded away once the presence of two fit wolves had been noticed.
6:43pm May 9 2011
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Jem said her name aloud, as if to test how it sounded when paired with his deep, musical voice. "Kismet. How charming." He took her question into consideration, wondering if he actually had the knowledge to answer it. He had originally come to the forest to find what remained of his old pack, but was finding, as of late, he no longer wanted to find them at all. He sat down, flicking his ears lazily, and stared at her for a moment before answering. "Well, I suppose I'm here because I can be. I don't have any other good reasons, do I? No pack, no friends." Jem shrugged, and then returned her question. "May I ask of your reasons to be in this particular forest?" He thought, comically, of how odd it was for the only two wolves in the forest to meet up like this. The vastness of the woods could have made sure they never met for their entire lives. Jem supposed, distantly, that perhaps it was just fate or luck that had drawn them to the same area. { bleh. }
wuss poppin jimbo
6:46pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I'm going to drop out. I get left behind big time~))
6:49pm May 9 2011
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{ ... It's only like, a page and a half. o3o And there's a few characters who aren't doing anything. But if you insist. :/ }
wuss poppin jimbo
6:51pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I don't feel really 'in' to the roleply.))
6:52pm May 9 2011
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{ Well, whatever then. Your choice. ^^" }
wuss poppin jimbo
8:41am May 11 2011
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{ I scared you all away :c }
wuss poppin jimbo
10:41am May 11 2011
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Ooc; Neh. I posted then my internet froze or something. -.- It never went through and I couldn't retrieve the writing. ;o; I post tonight. <3
4:13pm May 11 2011 (last edited on 4:39pm May 11 2011)
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Kismet waited patiently for the large cream brute to finish, wondering why he would choose to repeat her name. Throughout her life Kismet had learned to use her words sparingly, allowing no excess. Ears flicking she allowed herself to relax slightly, the bristling along her spine flattening slowly. Muscles still tensed she waited and thought of his own questions, a bit bemused at the fact that she did not know why either. So she gave an answer that wouldn't make sense to others. "I heard the north wind call me," she said fondly, gold eyes glowing slightly as the shadows of the day fell over her, darkening Kismet's cream pelt. "And I saw the shining lights in the night sky. They glowed..." Words falling away Kismet shrugged.
4:31pm May 11 2011
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Posts: 9,944
{ lol. :u Jem isn't black. He's like...cream/russett -pokes picture on bio- } { It's done that to me too a few times. :u Like right now. } Even though Jem wasn't sure he understood her, he nodded his head to show that he'd heard. Once, when he was younger, he though he'd seen magnificent lights dance across the midnight sky like butterflies on the wind, but now it just felt like some sort of dream. He believed he'd just been hallucinating, as he'd never bothered to try and catch a glimpse of them again. The silence was wearing away at his nerves, as it usually managed to do. He let his tail drag back and forth against the forest floor in an attempt to calm himself. "Where is your pack and your family?" Jem asked timidly, as if afraid speaking again would cause her to become agitated with him. "It's quite alright if you don't want to answer; I understand. Just trying to keep the conversation alive is all."
wuss poppin jimbo
4:43pm May 11 2011
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Kismet stiffened and held back a growl, the hair along the nape of her neck rising again. Trying to quell the feelings of panic she sighed in an offhand manner and shook her head wryly. "Both outcasts from wolven society," she said, eyes sorrowful. "I was accepted back into that pack as a pup, but cast out again due to...an incident." Averting her eyes at this Kismet hoped desperately that the male wouldn't probe any deeper. Remembering was difficult enough. The she-wolf did not wish to be reminded yet again of her morbid past. "As for my littermates, most died, one stayed with my mother and my father is dead. He was the traitor to the pack." A snarl formed on her muzzle but Kismet fought to keep it under control, huffing with frustration. It had been years since she had left the pack, and yet her emotions were as wild as a hormonal yearlings. "What of yours?" she inquired after a moment, wishing to deflect the interest off herself.
5:25pm May 11 2011
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Jem smiled, but not unkindly. "Well, I'll save you the pity story, and cut to the chase. I never knew my mother, and my father was a traitor. He was given a choice; to either be thrown out of the pack, or have his son and daughter thrown out instead." He glanced upwards, trying to hide the bitterness in his gaze. "So Cala and I took our leave. I was disheartened that he favoured his life over his children's, but so be it. I've been wandering about ever since, trying to find whatever remains of that pack. Cala... well, she's no longer with me. I'll leave it at that." He swallowed, and moved his eyes back downwards. It seemed he and Kismet had one thing in common; a dark history that they couldn't seem to forget. Perhaps that would be enough to bring them closer. He worded his next sentence carefully. "I've been thinking that perhaps it is time to leave that behind... and find another pack to join." ___ Mocha watched Ketu carefully, the fur along her spine bristling. The small cream wolf was nervous of his size. She'd clambered up the hill with the intentions of laying down to make up for lost sleep, but it seemed another had already had the same idea. Now she was met with a dilemma; should she leave, risking making noise and waking him, or just wake him up and hope that he won't eat her? She was starving, and being unable to hunt very well was taking its toll on her. Perhaps he could help her take down a deer or two? Enough for both of them to share. Against her better judgement, Mocha stepped forwards soundlessly and sat down behind him. "Hello," she barked, heart pounding in her chest. "I hate to wake you, but I've got to ask you something."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:46pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 194
((Ah, since Tld doesnt seem to be posting, and I'm kind of with his/her wolf, should I meet up with you guys? Or should I wait? o.0))
7:11pm May 12 2011
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Ooc; Tld has a trip thing for school. ^^; She said she'll be back not too long or something. There's a thread.